英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 22:46:23

英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付
1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:
2 合同签定时预付总金额的30%,装运时凭跟单汇票付合同金额的40%,余款在货物验收后凭验收证书支付.信用证应于2006.6.3前开出.
3 卖方应将下列单据提交议付行,议付货款:1)全套清洁已装船提单;2)注明投保一切险的保险单
4 本合同签定之日起6个月内,卖方应将合同货物分2批交给买方:1)第一批货物自合同签定之日起50天内交货;2)卖方在交每批货前30天内,以传真通知买方货物的数量.
5 如卖方违约,买方有权按合同采取补救措施.
6 如卖方延期交货,所交货不符合合同规定,买方有权终止本合同.
7 买方有权要求损失赔偿.
8 买方有权宣布合同无效.
9 本合同生效日期为签定日期,附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同具有同等效力.
10 保险 按发票金额的110%投得一切险.海运保险由卖方按发票金额的110%投保平安险(此项保险保至买方到在伦敦的仓库)买方如需加其他险别,费用由买方承担.

英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付
1.1)Payment:the amount of this contract is paid in several times,the details as following:
30% of the amount of the contract should be paid in advance within 60 days after the contract signed,that is USD15,000(United Stats Dollars Fifteen Thousand Only) shoud be paid in advance.
2)The first payment comes within 90 days after the contract signed,the amount is USD25,000(United Stats Dollars Twenty Five Thousand Only),50% of the amount of the contract.
2.30% of the total value of the contract shall be pay in advance at the moment the contract signed,and 40% of the total value shall be paid with the documentary draft at shipping.,and the left shall be paid according to the issue certificate of quality check after the quality cheched.L/C shall be opened before 3,Jun,2006.
3.The documents required under the L/C are as following:1)Full set clean B/L 2)Insurance policy of all risks in
4.The seller should deliver the cargo to the buyer by partial shipment(in two times).1).In the first time of the delivery it should be deliverd within 50% days after the signed of the contract.2)The seller should notice the quantity of the shipped cargo by fax within 30days of the shipment each time.
5.If the seller breaks the contract,the buyer is entitled to take actions to compensate the lost.
6.The buyer is entitled to terminate the contract if the seller put off the delivery or the delivered commodity is not in accordance with the required condition.
7.The buyer holds the right to claim compensation
8.The buyer is entitled to cancel the contract.
9.The contract becomes effective since the signatured day,the appendix is a necessary part of the contract by effecting the same force as the contract.
10.Insurance:All ricks in should be adopted based on 110% of the contract amount.The seller should buy all risks in marine insurance based on 110% of the contract amount(insuring to the buyer’s warehouse in London).If the buyer require other insurance items,the cost will be on the buyer’s.

1.Amount of money of paying the bill under the contract pays by instalments . Each time to pay and amount of money are as follows:
1)30% of the advance payments which pay a contract value in 60 d...


1.Amount of money of paying the bill under the contract pays by instalments . Each time to pay and amount of money are as follows:
1)30% of the advance payments which pay a contract value in 60 days from day when this contract is signed, it is 15, 00 dollars altogether;
2)The first issue pays the bill in 50% which pay a contract value in 90 days from the day when the contract is signed, amounts to 25, 00 dollars.
2. 30% that the contract prepaid the total amount of money while signing, 40% paying the contract value according to the documentary bill while shipping, the left fund is paid according to the certificate of confirming after the goods are confirmed. The letter of credit should be opened before the 2006.6.3.
3. The seller should refer the following documents to the negotiating bank , negotiate the payment for goods:
1)Clean the shipped bill of lading in all skills;
2)Indicate the Insurance Policy insuring for all
4. In 6 months from day when this contract is signed, the seller should divide into contract goods 2 groups are given to the buyer:
1)The first batch of goods are delivered in 50 days from the date on which the contract is signed;
2)The seller informs the buyer of the quantity of goods by telefax in 30 days before making each batch of goods.
5. If the seller breaks a contract, the buyer has the right to take the remedy according to the contract.
6. If the seller postpones delivering goods, it doesn't accord with the regulation of the contract to deliver goods, the buyer has the right to stop a contract.
7. The buyer has the right to require the compensation for damages.
8. The buyer has the right to announce that the contract is invalid.
9. In order to sign date this contract effective date, the component that the contract is inalienable that based on enclosure , equally authentic with the contract.
10. The insurance throws all risks at 110% of the amount of the invoice. The maritime transportation insurance is insured the free from particular average at 110% of the amount of the invoice by the seller (this insurance is protected in the warehouse of London to the buyer) if the buyer needs to add other risks, the expenses are undertaken by the buyer.


英语翻译1 付款 合同项下的金额分期付款.每期支付的时间和金额如下:1)本合同签定之日起60天内支付本合同金额的30%的预付款,共计15,000美元;2)第一期付款在合同签定之日起90天内支付 英语翻译英语怎么翻译?错了。应该翻译 已付款的金额为,未付款的金额为,总金额为 英语翻译1,买方须在本合同签字后30天内委托上海银行开立经北京中国银行通知的,以ABC公司为受益人的不可撤销的保证函,金额为US$10000(大写壹万美元)即本合同规定的第一期付款.2,上海银 英语翻译1)90%的发票金额凭以下几条付款2> 等于合同总金额10%的质量保证金即USD 9,000.00元整(大写:美金玖仟元整)在设备调试验收后凭下列条件在15天内支付:A买卖双方签署的调试验收合 设某商品一次性付款的金额为a元,以其分期付款的形式等额的分成n次付清,若每期利率r保持不变,按复利计算,则每期期末所付款是. 英语翻译请批准下个季度的房屋租赁费用,总共XXX元.这是本年度第三次付款申请,附件租赁续租合同供参考. 英语翻译该品目的合同单价为该品目下1-1和1-2合同单价合计四舍五入后取整,合同总价=数量*合同单价. 英语翻译合同金额为人民币XXXX,其分项价格详见附件一合同设备的支付条件交货时间和地点以及合同的生效等事宜详见合同有关文件.合同正本2份,合同双方各一份,副本25份,买房15份,卖方10份. 英语翻译为了方便客人小金额的美金付款,我们开了一个PAYPAL账户,如果你们下次付款,可以通过这个账户付款,请知悉, 已付款的英文怎么说合同中的 英语翻译甲方违约责任补充约定:甲方连续3期或累计6期未按约定的金额偿还贷款本息,甲方被视为违反本借款合同,本贷款合同项下全部借款立即到期,如甲方以定期存单出质,该质押的定期存 英语翻译发票号更改是为了方便你们清关,具体付款还是按照1012这张发票上的金额付款,具体金额USD1200,这也是和你们具体收到的货物相符,只要金额相符就可以 就补充问题里的某工程合同总价500万,合同工期5个月,合同有下列规定: 1.预付备料款为工程合同总价的10%;2.工程进度款按月结算;3.从预付备料支付金额达到合同总价的60%开始付款,扣回 刘叔叔最近打算购买一辆家用轿车,你知道它的原价是多少吗?(1)如果分期付款需多加价7%,如果一次性付款可优惠5%(2)那么分期付款比一次性付款购买就需多付7200元. 英语翻译关于盐酸,1号早已发货,根据合同,10日是付款的最后日期,但是我们这里还没有收到货款,请告诉我这是为什么,什么时候可以付款? 张叔叔购买一套单元住房,采用分期付款方式A、开始第一年先付4万元,以后每年付款1万元;B、前一半时间每年付款1.4万元,后一半时间每年付款1.1万元.A、B两种付款方式的付款的总数和付款的 英语翻译九,付款日期及结算方式:乙方收到货后30天内凭增值税发票付款.十、违约责任:(1)在履行合同过程中如乙方在收到甲方货物后,违反本合同第九条规定,则按所欠货款总额的5%-10%支 数列的分期付款问题假设我现在需要买10000元的家具,实行分期付款,期限1年,每期1个月,每期付款数相同,购买一个月以后每一次付款,一年后第12次付款全部付清.如果月利率为1%,每月复利一次计