
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/18 21:57:15

前台需具备的基本素养-礼仪.礼仪不是后天的强制学习,是教养的外在表现,是发自内心的善待人的天性.教养的本质是对人的关怀:有爱心,尊重关心理解人,分寸感,文雅,重细节,正派光明,心胸宽阔并发自内心 等.使人符合公德要求;处处营造文明氛围.本人生长在素有"首善之区"之称的文化古城-北京崇文.曾有五朝定都于此.各种 礼仪在此积淀交融,北京人在长期的礼仪文明影响下,懂得种种的礼仪规矩,传有"北京人礼多"之说.生前死后,都受礼的制约.因此,与生俱来的文明礼仪,维系人际往来的行为规范.深化为道德准则,渗透到社会底层.老北京人,是具有文化教养的市民.继承发扬了中华文明的社交礼仪传统,待人接物上,十分重礼仪

Reception of basic literacy - etiquette.After learning is not compulsory etiquette is cultivated external performance,is from the heart to the person's disposition.Breeding is the essence of care for others,good-hearted,respect,care and understanding FenCunGan,elegant and decent details,broad-minded and inner etc.Make people conform to social demands,Create civilized atmosphere.I everywhere in known as "present" cultural city - Beijing chongwen.Had five toward its capital in the accumulation of etiquette.In Beijing in long-term,the etiquette,understand all under the influence of civilization etiquette rules,is "the ritual" said more than Beijing.After death,all stop.Therefore,inherent and sustain human civilization etiquette of norms for moral standards.Deepen,permeate the bottom.The old Beijing,is a cultural upbringing citizens.Carry on the tradition of Chinese civilization etiquette,with very heavy on etiquette.