
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/07 00:37:03


I 'm sorry for my poor English and listening comprehension which makes communication difficult .I am eager to get this job,so I will practice my oral English at any expense .But it may be the next year that I can grasp that precious oppotunity which I have pitifully missed.Thank you all the same,and I think speaking Chinese can make things a little bit easier now.

Sorry, my English is very poor, especially listening. i can't inderstand what you said very well, However, i want to get this job, and i will try my best to improve my oral. thanks for this opportunity from you. let's talk in Chinese.

I'm sorry, my English is very poor, especially listening, so I can't really understand what are you talking about. I really hope I could have this job, I will try my hardest to practice English, but i...


I'm sorry, my English is very poor, especially listening, so I can't really understand what are you talking about. I really hope I could have this job, I will try my hardest to practice English, but it might take a long time. Thank you for giving me this opportunity, but I think it will be better if we talk in Chinese.



I am so sorry. My English is poor, and it's difficult for me to understand what you say. I sincerely hope to get this job, and i'll practice my oral english try my best. I'll apply for this position next year. Thanks for giving me this chance. I think we'd better communicate with Chinese.

英语翻译对不起,因为我的英语学的很烂,听力也不好,所以我听你说话很困难,我很希望得到这份工作,也会努力练习口语,可惜等来年我在来吧!谢谢您给我了这次机会,我们还是用汉语交流吧. 我想学英语 很笨我很想学英语 而且我很笨很笨 从来没学过 现在想学些最初级的东西 最好是听的 因为我不喜欢看书 :( 我不认识怎么读呀?郁闷. 英语翻译我想学英语,这样比较有意思,就是别人读,我听的,语音的.因为诗歌读的比较慢听得清,还能长长艺术细胞,不要文字的,也懒得念. 我现在想学英语``因为没基础所以在看很简单的短文`也在听新概念,请问这样有用嘛`` 英语学通需要多久?我用新概念自学了二十天左右的因为,感觉进步很多,不知道想自如的说英语,听英语需要多久? 为什么我学英语的时候,听中国人说英语听得懂,听老外说同样的英语却听起来很吃力? 英语翻译我喜欢英语因为英语非常有趣我认为英语很重要因为它是国际语言我认为英语有点难因为我记不住单词我想学英语因为英语是我的最爱 英语翻译我是银行的话务中心的,现要开通英语服务帮忙翻译下以下的话语,要口语的“对不起,先生我听的不是很清楚,您能提高些音量吗?”“对不起,先生,您的手机信号不是很好,您能换个地 听还是不听英语课?立志要考一本,我数学和英语很差,可我觉得听不听英语课似乎影响不大,因为我曾经很认真的听过很久可英语成绩依然很差,所以,我希望有经验的学姐学长们能帮帮我!告诉我 美国英语英国英语我在学校学的是英式英语,在新东方学的是美式英语,因为都学的不精,所以现在很混乱,它们有什么区别呀,听歌看电影怎么听不出来呀?考试有语音题,选出发音不同的,可是依 英语翻译我想学的是物理因为我喜欢爱因斯坦 亲爱的,对不起原谅我.用英语翻译 英语翻译我的分没了,对不起 英语翻译流星 谁帮我翻译成英语啊 .知道的回答...对不起 是流星 #17 对不起啦 学优英语每班上课多少人?我听朋友说外教教的不错的,但是就是不知道人多不多?因为很多知名度高的少儿英 英语翻译“对不起,我的英语不怎么好”用英语怎么说啊? 英语翻译因为我不懂英语二楼的回答很诚恳, 英语翻译翻译:对不起 我的英语不好,要不我可以帮你们