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The supreme people's court on the processing it surrendered and issues opinion
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Issued by the supreme people's court concerning the treatment to surrender and observing the opinions on some specific issues the notice
Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the higher people's court, the PLA military court, the supreme people's court of xinjiang uygur autonomous region production and construction corps sorting:
For the purpose of further regulating the observing surrendered, determination standards, verification procedures and from the punishment extent, the supreme people's court in the thorough investigation and study, solicit opinions, and on the basis of the parties were formulated it surrendered on dealing with the opinion of a certain specific problems. Hereby printed and distributed to you, please carefully organizational learning, and earnestly implement the execution. In the execution of all the problems of, please promptly report to the hospital.
The 2010 December 22, 2000
In order to regulate the judicial practice merit system to surrender and apply, better implementation of the criminal policy of tempering justice with mercy, according to criminal law, criminal procedure law and the supreme people's court on the concrete application of observing surrendered and treatment law "the explanation of some issues (hereinafter referred to as the" explanation ") and other provisions, to surrender and suggests some issues observing disposal:
One, about the "automatic surrender" concrete determination
The "explanation" article 1 paragraph (1) of the seven should be regarded as the automatic case, embodies the surrender of the criminal suspect initiative and voluntary surrender. According to the "explanation" article 1 (1) of article regulation, the criminal suspect has the following circumstances shall be regarded as the, also be automatic surrendered: 1. Crime report after the initiative, although did not show himself is ZuoAnRen, but no fled the scene, in the judicial authority asked metasomatism their crimes; 2. In the report and that others wait, capturing without resisting arrest behavior, confessed the facts of the crime; 3. Not sure in judicial organs and criminal suspects in general is regularly asked active metasomatism their crimes; 4. Because of specific illegal behavior is to take Labour reeducation, administrative detention, judicial custody, forced isolation administrative, judicial addicts, compulsory measures the executing authority during the initiative to account has not been master criminal behaviour; 5. Other meet legislative intentions, shall be regarded as the case of automatic surrenders.
Crime is not relevant departments and judicial organs found, only for suspicious after being questioned, education, active instructions shall be regarded as the facts of the crime, but the department be automatic surrenders, judicial organ in the body, carry articles, ride the place such as the traffic tools related items and found that crime, should not be considered for automatic surrendered.
After a hit-and-run protect the spot, rescue the wounded, and report to the public security organ, shall be deemed to be automatic, constitutes the U.S.A surrendered, because the behavior and department of criminal suspects to its legal obligations, whether by appropriate punishment, but strict control. Traffic escapes, and truthfully surrenders automatically after the statement of his crime, shall be deemed to be surrenders, but should be accordance with the heavier legal sentence as a benchmark, depending on whether the feeling decided to put the range from the penalty and punishment.
The criminal suspect is bound to friends means by judicial organs, or in the relatives and friends came when led investigators to catch without resisting arrest behavior, and truthfully avowed criminal facts, though can be identified as automatic surrender, but can consult the relevant provisions of the law on discretion surrendered light punishment.
Second, about "truthfully allege their crimes" concrete determination
The "explanation" article 1 first prescribed in item (2) truthfully allege their crimes, in addition to the main facts of a crime statement himself outside, still should include your name, age, occupation, address, record, etc. The identity of the criminal suspect statement with real situations such as though there are differences, but not influence conviction, shall be deemed to be truthfully allege their crimes. The criminal suspect automatically after the surrender their true identities concealed, affect its conviction, should not be considered as truthfully allege their crimes.
Suspects the same crimes carried out comprehensive consideration shall be made with the facts of a crime has not made the facts of the crime harm degree, decide whether identified as truthfully allege the main facts of a crime. Although no surrender all criminal facts account, but truthfully explaination of the circumstances of the crime on account of the circumstances of the crime, not the crime or truthfully metasomatism than not made the amount shall be deemed a criminal amount, usually for truthfully the main facts of a crime statement himself. Can't distinguish with not already made the circumstances of the crime metasomatic severity, or the crime already explaination made with not the amount, usually less crime amount quite recognized as truthfully allege the main facts of a crime himself.

英语翻译《最高人民法院关于审理自首和立功若干具体问题的意见》和《刑法修正案八》翻译成英语? “知道或者应当知道”怎么理解,如何举证关于《最高人民法院关于审理城镇房屋租赁合同纠纷案件司法解释的理解与适用》第16条的理解适用 最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》若干问题的解释第122条最高人民法院关于执行《中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法》若干问题的解释,不公开审理的案件中,不得旁听的人是否 英语翻译请参照,最高人民法院首页. 如何用英语翻译‘庄重诉讼里,被告由陪审团和法官审理.在即决诉讼中,法官独自审理,不用陪审’ 下列关于行政诉讼特征表述不正确的是A、行政诉讼案件由人民法院受理和审查 B审理方式原则上为开庭审理 C、法院仅限于审理行政机关作出的具体行政行为的合法性 D、行政诉讼前必须经过 英语翻译我国《最高人民法院关于(中华人民共和国婚姻法)若干问题的解释(一)》对家庭暴力做出了具体的定义和分类.近年来,家庭暴力受到越来越多的关注,逐渐成为一个法律问题.通过 英语翻译浅析医疗侵权纠纷的举证责任倒置 摘要:根据《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据若干规定》第4条,医疗侵权诉讼实行“举证责任倒置”,为正确认识和对待这一规定,本文对医疗侵权 英语翻译摘要:对于网络诽谤信息和谣言,一直都没有一个确切的法律来规范、惩戒.2013年9月,在拘捕了秦火火之类的几个网络大谣之后,我国最高人民法院、最高人民检察院发布了一项《关于 实质意义上的民法是什么?今天看到一题,理解不了.实质意义上的民法是( )A.民政部颁布的拥军优属条例B.民间团体依照宪法制定的成员行为规范C.最高人民法院关于审理民间借贷纠纷案件程 最高人民法院关于适用《民事诉讼法》若干问题的解释第五条 最高人民法院关于如何确定合同履行地问题的批复 最高人民法院关于如何确定合同履行地问题的批复 关于最高人民检察院,最高人民法院,公安部,司法部的行政级别?求教~我们经常看到最高人民检察院,最高人民法院,公安部,司法部联合发文的情况,但在我印象中最高人民检察院,最高人民法院行 为什么全国人大有权审议国务院,最高人民法院和最高人民检察院的报告 法庭的组成部分和审理案件的过程谢谢 英语翻译中 文 摘 要2003年7月,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部、司法部在《关于开展社区矫正试点工作的通知》中确定了京、津、沪、苏、浙、鲁六省市作为全国社区矫正的首批试 受贿50万会判多少年现在还在检察院,可能马上就要起诉了,受贿50万左右,受贿款已全部主动上交了,并多交的有.有自首情节,有立功表现(不确定是否为重大立功),对社会没有造成恶劣影响,有