
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/26 16:14:14

关键词:宋代 士大夫 妇女观

Content abstract:In Chinese tradition society,female's social position bends comparatively.Song Dynasty is the important stage that Chinese feudalist society the ancient times develops ,this expects people for a short while having had a few new characteristics to woman's view.Literati and officialdom are incorporating the bureaucrat and intellectual's dignity into an integral whole ,they are affecting woman of entire society concept to woman's view.The woman who educates about three aspect to inspect Song Dynasty literati and officialdom's mainly from ethics morality ,chastity or virginity concept ,culture observes the main body of a book.The Song Daishi people thinks that the woman should bear moral obligation to look after self's parent parents ,woman's parents-in-law in the family ,assists a husband,responsibility bringing up a son or daughter.Concept mounts ,they speak highly of with not remarrying propagating a woman behavior in the chastity or virginity,but out of the reason think about,do not oppose a woman remarrying.Song Dynasty literati and officialdom advocate the education carrying out culture on the woman.Keywords:The woman observes Song Dynasty literati and officialdom

In traditional Chinese society, the social status of women is low. Song dynasty is the ancient Chinese feudal society, this is an important stage of the development of women's a period with some new i...


In traditional Chinese society, the social status of women is low. Song dynasty is the ancient Chinese feudal society, this is an important stage of the development of women's a period with some new ideas. Integrating with intellectuals scholars bureaucracy in the status of women and their impact on the whole society's view of women. This article mainly from the ethics education, culture, and virtuous ideas from three aspects of Confucian outlook to inspect. The philistines in song dynasty that women in the family should honour thy father and thy mother, and her husband, breeding, auxiliary chastity saw their responsibility. The virtuous concept, they praised and publicity of women, but for a feast of reasonable consideration, not against women's remarriage. Many also claims for women's cultural education.
Keywords: Confucian outlook


英语翻译内容摘要:在中国传统社会中,女性的社会地位比较低下.宋代是中国古代封建社会发展的重要阶段,这一时期人们对妇女的看法具有了一些新的特点.士大夫集官僚与知识分子的身份于 英语翻译内容摘要:在中国传统社会中,女性的社会地位比较低下.宋代是中国古代封建社会发展的重要阶段,这一时期人们对妇女的看法具有了一些新的特点.士大夫集官僚与知识分子的身份于 美国南北战争时期女性在社会和家庭中地位. 儒家伦理道德在中国传统社会中的作用 中国传统女性性格有哪些 英语翻译鲁迅小说对中国女性形象进行深刻分析,把她们放在反封建的主题中,从这些女性生存的历史文化、社会现实、生存行为、个性特征中,来分析这些女性的生存悲剧.由此揭示女性生存背 英语翻译摘要:林语堂在《京华烟云》里塑造了不同类型的女性形象,表现出亦新亦旧、亦中亦西的女性观.他既对女性在家庭和社会中应该占有一定的权力和地位表示赞同,但又不希望女性独 中国传统社会结构特征 英语翻译《陈染、Eun Hee-Kyung女性小说比较研究》20世纪90年代以后,随着女性文学的兴起,中韩两国的许多女性作家都开始从女性意识的角度对社会进行重新描述. 英语翻译以下在电影中 导演探讨了男性对女性的价值观给个例子 我们看电影中可以看到女主角是个独立的女性 她的成功建筑在她的职业上但是不论成功与否 她仍然受制於社会对女性的价值 英语翻译内容摘要:随着社会的发展和传统家庭模式的分解,越来越多的老年人步入了“空巢老人”的行列,他们中相当一部分在生活和精神方面需要得到关心、帮助和慰籍.研究“空巢老人” 英语翻译不要对话!只要内容摘要! 英语翻译在用人单位转变用人观念、社会公平价值观提升,全社会营造女性就业良好氛围的同时,更重要的是,女性自身要先努力提高自己的个人素质,增强自己在社会中的竞争力.不必完全一致 中国传统的思想文化对中国在近代世界的落伍与半殖民半封建社会的形成中起了那些消极作用 中国传统道德中对道德的社会作用是如何认识的?写一篇论文 英语翻译跪求论文题目和摘要的英文翻译:浅析北朝诗歌中的两类女性形象内容摘要:北朝诗歌可以按作者类型分为两类,一类是乐府收集的北朝民歌,另一类是文人创作的诗歌.这两类诗歌中 在宗法制度影响下中国传统社会结构有哪些特征? 在宗法制影响下的中国传统社会结构的特征是什么?