乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift

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乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift
乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift

乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift
in a lift


in a lift

乘电梯是on a lift还是in a lift 乘电梯的英文.乘电梯的英文是take the lift,by lift,go in the lift,in a lift.请问他们 可以通用吗?如果不可以通用,请说明一下什么情况下用什么. 乘电梯 in by on with the lift用哪一个 in the lift OR on the lift 如题.by lift = * the lift 我忘记介词用什么了..- -.不是 left ..是在电梯里的 lift. lift的用法乘电梯的英语的说法We go up and down_____in our highrise.a.in lift b.by a liftc.in the liftd.by the lift请问选哪个 on the lift 还是 in the lift? 是By a lift 还是take a lift do a lift还是make a lift 苏珊每天乘着电梯上上下下怎么说.用in the lift 还是by lift in a lift还是by a My cousin lives on the twelfth flow.She often goes up and down______.A.take a liftB.by a liftC.by the liftD.in a lift In the lift her thoughts were on lunch and a good rest;On在这是虾米意思 一个英语语法问题,懂的请进.When you have finished looking at the things on show,take a lift up to the fourth floor.译文 看完展览后,乘电梯去四楼.为什么这是个过去进行时? on lift还是by lift是固定用法? We got stuck in a lift.lift是举起,提起的意思,在这句中怎么理解? get on get in get into加上交通工具他们都有上车的意思 有什么区别啊 注意、我说的是交通工具还有 上电梯 是get into lift还是 get in lift?没有根据甚至胡编乱造的请不要凑热闹 麻烦善良一点、不 You era safer on the street then you are in your home or in a lift. 翻译:你是乘电梯上来的吗?(by elevator/lift;come up) John is a Canadian.He lives in a tall building in the city(城市) of Toronto.There are eighteenfloors in the building,and he lives on the fifteenth floor.He uses a lift(电梯) to go up and down.John works very hard.He goes to work early.Every day h