ride for you的副歌是哪首歌来着ride for you-Danity Kane唱的就是这首歌的前三十秒那段歌.后面也有出现过,帮我听听吧,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 13:31:28

ride for you的副歌是哪首歌来着ride for you-Danity Kane唱的就是这首歌的前三十秒那段歌.后面也有出现过,帮我听听吧,
ride for you的副歌是哪首歌来着
ride for you-Danity Kane唱的

ride for you的副歌是哪首歌来着ride for you-Danity Kane唱的就是这首歌的前三十秒那段歌.后面也有出现过,帮我听听吧,
Ride For You :
[Verse 1 - Aundrea]
Lately,I've been tryna fight whatever's pulling us under
it's got a hold and really making me wonder
what it takes to get through
I gotta stick with you,my baby
Baby tell me:
Maybe I'm foolishly overreacting
But being without you I can't imagine
It's just to close to the heart and
And I won't stand it if were broken apart
[Chorus - Group]
Do you hear me?
Baby ya gotta believe in the things that make you & me win together
Don't you throw in the towel
I'm keeping my promise to you I got ya back now
When the chips are down
It seems like it's so hard for you to move ahead
Just know that I am by your side
There aint no ifs,buts,or maybes,
I'm gonna stay down and ride for you baby
[Verse 2 - Dawn]
We've been cutting it close with the backwards & forwards
It's rocking the boat; we gotta get control of this
Let's take it back to three years ago
When you said that we could make it through whatever,ever
And to me it sounded like you meant forever,ever
Leaving was not an option,baby,never,never
Now don't you believe in a love that's worth a fight
In you is everything that I'm missing
So give us a chance
[Verse 3 - D.Woods]
Don't you dare tell me we gotta let it go...
We been on top for too long just to let it go under
I don't wanna hear that
I just can't hear that
and know
Wherever you wanna take me
I'll go
I been with you for too long to start over with another
I know that you hear me
Just tell me you hear me

ride for you的副歌是哪首歌来着ride for you-Danity Kane唱的就是这首歌的前三十秒那段歌.后面也有出现过,帮我听听吧, You looks for the horse you ride .求一首歌 副歌是so baby i .for you是男生唱的一开始是琴声,抒情歌 You can take a ride on the boat for several day的中文意思 女歌手副歌重复you are the one i could...for the rest of my life歌曲蛮轻快的.过门有du..dududududu...那样的 求一首歌名,在Kiss FM 听到的,很新.副歌是 i swear to you,i'll be there for you...求一首歌名,在Kiss FM 听到的,很新.副歌是 i swear to you,i'll be there for you,ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh. go for a ride的意思 You can ride your bike的问句 求一首歌名,女的唱的,副歌部分I don't want make you,make you sad make you cry...-0- 勉强只能听清副歌部分了.. 歌词中有句i trust you believe you but something was wrong,副歌是哦哦哦哦哦eeee的英文歌 一首英文歌 副歌部分do you know when you go...any day every way,.i ll cry for you die for you女歌手 节奏明快 一首英文,副歌第一句i'll be waiting for you英文歌,女生唱的,调特别高,和celine有一拼!感觉风格比较像hero、when you believe,求歌名 求一首DJ,歌词开头Hey girls,are you ready for the weekends,副歌有put your hands up 什么什么 go for a ride I RIDE FOR 副歌是sometimes I run ,sometimes i hide sometimes i 'm scared of you .的英文歌? 一首英文歌,男生唱的《you are the only one for me》有点R&B节奏,副歌部分:第一句:one the dream come true.后来一直是two……three……. take sb for a ride 为什么是欺骗的意思