
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 13:03:10


我的理实施“学教案”主要就是想转变在原来被动、单一的学习方式下所造成的学生们逐渐失去学习兴趣,丧失自己学习能力的状况,力图培养学生主动学习的精神,真正成为学习的主人,充分展示每一位学生的才华. 所以从这方面看,所有环节中预习案的设计显得尤为重要.它肩负着培养学生自己学习的能力,完成“授人以渔”的重任! 预习案的设计,首先要考虑到面向全体学生,要做到难易层次分明.为了让每一位学生都知道如何着手进行预习,预习案应给出预习的具体实施步骤,从而降低预习的难度.设计时,要用学生的眼光看教材,用学生的认识经验去感知教材,用学生的思维去研究教材,充分考虑学生在学习过程中可能遇到的思维问题. 通过预习案的设计,不仅呈现出本堂课所必须掌握的基础知识,更要能一步一步地引导学生理解所学知识,最终可以运用所学知识解决实际问题.同时,教师还可以提供与所学内容相关的背景知识或资料予以拓展、开阔学生的眼界. 同时,在有效的预习案的帮助下,教师可以准确掌握学生的自学探究的信息反馈,把握教学目标和学情,从而切实达到“以学定教”,真正实现“高效课堂”. 另外,我认为对预习案的使用与教师对预习情况的检查应仅限于是上课前的.最近听了一堂课,课堂上,老师一开始就检查预习的效果,按照学教案上罗列的教学任务开始一条一条的进行讲解,不同的只是换由学生进行讲解,这让人感觉不用教师进行教学,学生其实已经掌握了教学内容,疏忽了教师精讲点拨的重要作用.其实,既然我们用了“学教案”,就应该大胆放手让学生去预习,合作探究.而不应该课堂上再把教学重点放在预习案上了. 我还发现,有的学教案的设计,仅仅是“教案”+“练习”,把教师上课的每一个环节甚至于要说的话,将用于检测学生知识掌握的问题都打印在学教案上,课前印发给学生.这种情况上次北宋一中的李校长也有提到.他说他们学校是把预习案和其他分开来发放的. 所以,我想要能体现“学教案”精髓的、最理想的课堂还有待做细节上的推敲.以上仅是我的一些浅见,呵呵.希望我们共同努力,把我们的“学教案”做的更好! 附上我学教案中的预习案设计一则:9A Unit 2Period 1 Comic strip + Welcome to the unitAnalysis of Teaching materials1. Teaching Goals 教学目标To recognize the names of different colorsTo recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors2. Important language points:教学重点I’d rather wear blue than pink.There’s nothing wrong with pink.Blue looks good on you !3. Difficult language points:教学难点To recognize the colors of the rainbow and the order of the colors4. Instructions for preparation:预习指导(1)Listen to the tape twice and answer the following questions while looking at the picture:Why would Eddie rather wear blue than pink?Does Eddie look nice on blue? Why not? (2)Finish the following exercises:① I’d rather wear blue than pink. 试译: 她宁可要小的而不要大的. 我宁愿踢足球而不愿打篮球.② There’s nothing wrong with pink. 试译: 我在寻找一个特殊的人. 办公室里正发生一件重要的事情.③ Blue looks good on you.Eg: You look nice _____ blue.Cf: in the tree& on the tree; in the newspaper & on the newspaper; in the wall & on the wall; in the book & on the book④ 写出以上三句话的同义句.⑤ Color:The boy doesn’t like _____(color) shoes.She likes _____(color) better than black and white.The child _____(color) these pictures.⑥ orange: 橙子/橙色: An orange is orange. 橙汁: a glass of orange (3)Listen and repeat after the tape, imitate the pronunciation and intonation and try to act out the dialogue. (4)Think over or try to find the information about the following question:① When can we see the rainbow?or How is a rainbow created?② How many colors are there in the rainbow? What are they?③ Write down the colors of the rainbow in order:④ Draw a rainbow in pigment:⑤ Extensive Reading (1)Everybody likes to see a rainbow. It usually means that the rain will be finished soon and the sun will shine. To create a rainbow, you need both sun and rain at the same time. The sunlight shines through the raindrops which breaks up the light rays and makes the rainbow colours.A rainbow has only “true” colours. There is no black or white. Black is really the absence of colour, meaning no colour at all. White is all the colours together. It’s hard to believe! It is the splitting up or breaking up of white light that makes the rainbow colors we see. The raindrops act as a prism to the white light of the sun.With three colors, red, yellow, and blue, we can make all the other colours. These are the pure colors. You can’t mix anything together to make red or yellow or blue. These are the primary colors. However blue mixed with yellow makes green. Red and yellow create orange. Purple is a combination of red and blue. These are the secondary colors.What makes brown?