
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/03 22:16:41



在补充一下 具体什么意思

Black -- Evil, falsehood, error, grief, despair, death.
Gray -- Formal, conservative
Blue -- Chastity, loyalty, fidelity, faith, modesty, eternity, immortality.
Green -- Love,...


Black -- Evil, falsehood, error, grief, despair, death.
Gray -- Formal, conservative
Blue -- Chastity, loyalty, fidelity, faith, modesty, eternity, immortality.
Green -- Love, joy, abundance, hope, youth, mirth, gladness, resurrection, spring.
Purple -- Temperance, royalty
Lavender -- Grace
Red -- Magnanimity, fortitude
White -- Purity, truth, innocence, hope.
Ivory -- Elegance
Brown -- Wholesomeness, earthiness
Beige -- Conservative, relaxing
Orange -- Energy, spontaneity
Yellow -- Faith, constancy, wisdom, glory, jealousy, inconsistency.
Ancient Chinese regarded black as the king of colors and honored black longer than any other color.
In modern China, black is used in daily clothing. Possibly adopted from Western practices, black may also be used during a funeral to symbolize mourning. A black ribbon is usually hung over the deceased's picture.
red remains a very popular color and is affiliated with and used by the Communist government.
Generally green is associated with health, prosperity, and harmony. However, green hats are associated with infidelity and used as an idiom for a cuckold.
White, corresponding with metal, represents gold and symbolizes brightness, purity, and fulfillment.
Yellow, corresponding with earth, is considered the most beautiful color. The Chinese saying, Yellow generates Yin and Yang, implies that yellow is the center of everything. Associated with but ranked above brown, yellow signifies neutrality and good luck. Yellow is sometimes paired with red in place of gold.
Yellow was the color of Imperial China and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. Yellow often decorates royal palaces, altars and temples, and the color was used in the robes and attire of the emperors.
Yellow also represents freedom from worldly cares and is thus esteemed in Buddhism. Monks’ garments are yellow, as are elements of Buddhist temples. Yellow is also used as a mourning color for Chinese Buddhists.
White is the absence of color, and is the only color widows are allowed to wear. white, as a color, repels all light and colors and therefore, when a widow wears white, she disconnects herself from the pleasures and luxuries of active and normal participation in society and life around her.
Red is dynamic and constantly breathing fire in the eyes of the beholder. It incites fear and is the color associated with one of the most revered goddesses in Hindu mythology - Durga. Her fiery image is enhanced by her red tongue and almost red eyes.
Red also stands for purity and is the preferred color for a bride's garment. Red has a deep meaning in the Indian psyche.
Yellow symbolizes sanctity and is an essential herbal ingredient applied on the body and face by women in the sub continent.


Red Green Blue
レッド グリーン ブルー
الأحمر الأخضر الزرقاء
Rød Grøn Blue
Rood Groene Blauwe
빨강 녹색 푸른

要用英文说6个国家的颜色含义,每个国家要3个颜色简单的说就是每个国家写这个国家的颜色的含义(比如说:美国的黑色代表着什么啊)用英文表示,所以总共18个句子。举例:america:yellow 国家特别的庆祝新年习俗英文说下每个国家新年时特别庆祝新年的习俗.要英文的.英文简单点没关系的.要5个国家.要有英文! 用英文说10个国家的首都如题 国家国籍和该国家的语言...要用英文的...英文...Country Nationality Language20个要. 英国,法国,美国,日本,德国,阿拉伯国家,伊斯兰国家等等 这些国家的body language 都是什么?每个国家有什么异同,例如:同一个动作不同国家都是什么含义,问好怎么表示.之类的.一定要用英文, 简单常见的英文缩写,越多越好.可以进行分类,如:国家、食物、品牌、单位…………同时也要加上每个缩写的含义 各国英语名字每个国家的名字用英文表达 全世界共有多少个国家?全世界的国旗+每个国家名字图片+每个国家的名字 国家 国家的 用英文表示!急! 谁知道个国家名称的含义 每个国家都说什么语言?用英文打如英国人说 English 说英语的国家有哪些?要那种小国家,黑人国家除外. 每个国家的英文名字 每个国家的国宝 世界上有多少个国家?每个洲有多少个国家?每个国家和首都的名称? 哪些国家是统一说英文的 澳大利亚国家地理位置要英文的 国家国旗的含义