
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/14 04:37:45

关键词:三河古镇 小南河 滨水空间 滨水要素 整合原则 整合方法

Many cities in China during the construction of the waterfront will be developed by the city planning department controlling detailed planning as a basis to carry out the professional design and scope of the land division.Urban planning, land division of multi-heavy "sub" and "2D" effect, so if its converted to urban form, will inevitably lead to the emergence of waterfront space form a single situation, the more serious is the people'shydrophilicity will be affected, the hydrophilic behavior will be limited. So, how to make the "integration" and "three-dimensional design method to solve the separation of the status quo of urban waterfront elements, the purpose of this study.
The article by the status quo of the Sanhe Ancient Town Nanhe waterfront space research, analyze and summarize the elements of the waterfront space, raised the issue of separation between the various elements of the waterfront space. Article will define the scope of the study of this relatively small area of the waterfront space in the small the Procyon two Longqiao to Natural Bridge river range, and then extracted from the waterfront space design elements in the water, the embankment (squares and green areas), roads , bridges and buildings, to discuss the status and characteristics of the elements of their own, to analyze each other's association, and to lay the research foundation for the proposed integration strategy.
The face of the status contradictions of the Sanhe Ancient Town Waterfront spatial elements of small Nanhe organization, the paper uses actual case studies to conclude that a variety of integration strategies. These strategies focus on the convergence of the various design elements and the intrinsic correlation to take full advantage of the joint between the different functions to make it work in coordination to achieve the whole is greater than between individuals and the effect.
Waterfront space elements of three rivers and a small ancient town Nanhe its integrated approach, you want to put forward feasible suggestions for its future development and the development of reference, and also hope that some of the city in full swing, waterfront construction projects with a certain reference.

英语翻译目前我国很多城市在进行滨水区的建设时,都将城市规划部门制定的控制性详规做为基础,然后通过用地范围的划分开展各专业的设计.以前的城市规划的地块划分方式多是重“分”和 目前我国城市儿童的数量有多少? 目前我国城市在水资源的利用方面存在诸多问题,主要表现为哪些 目前我国城市的大气污染比较严重,全球污染最严重的有20个,其中有____个在中国? 目前我国许多城市开始进行PM2.5的环境监测, PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5___(填长度单位)的颗粒 哪里有卖.我在广东省佛山市三水区的, 英语翻译长治是一个中国城市,它在山西省的东南部,它是一个干净、漂亮的城市.这里的空气非常新鲜,这里的天气非常好,不冷不热,这被评为魅力城市、文明城市和卫生城市.这里还有很多风景 广东省佛山市三水区的历史旅游景点三水区! 论述题:随着城市化进程的加快,城市垃圾处理问题也日益严峻,城市垃圾处理的方法也很多阐述城市垃圾应如何处理、处置和利用,选择的依据是什么?若建设垃圾焚烧发电厂,在进行环境影响 人类需要洁净 的空气,目前我国城市空气质量日报中的污染物不包括可吸入颗粒物二氧化碳二氧化氮二氧化硫 英语翻译在现代社会,随着经济的高速发展,在频繁的企业经济往来中合同所起的作用毋庸置疑,一个企业的经营成败和合同及合同管理有密切关系.但目前我国很多企业只注重合同的签订,却不 目前我国的基尼系数是多少?在哪可以查到 目前我国最大的一台天文望眼镜在( )天文台 英语翻译是在Michigan的城市... 目前我国的基本国情是什么? 目前我国人口增长的状况 2013年2月9日除夕中国海监船编队在钓鱼岛海域进行常态化巡航.从淡水区到海水区过程中海监船底部受到水的压强变大还是不变? 英语翻译摘要:审计定价的影响因素很多,文章在总结前人研究的基础上,将其归纳为以下方面,即中国的独特背景与监管特征、客户特征、审计师特征以及公司治理.目前我国的定价正处于一个