实况足球2012the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.因为自己手贱下载了别的补丁想试试,现在连玩都玩不了,求大家帮下忙
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 03:38:48
实况足球2012the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.因为自己手贱下载了别的补丁想试试,现在连玩都玩不了,求大家帮下忙
实况足球2012the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.
实况足球2012the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.因为自己手贱下载了别的补丁想试试,现在连玩都玩不了,求大家帮下忙
应该是说你的这个补丁已经遭到破坏 或者是没有安装到正确的位置 跟注册表无关 建议你去游民的实况2012下载专区 下载WECN出的汉化补丁v0.9 这个会比EPT的
为什么我打开实况足球2012时出现the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly. please.
实况足球2012the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.因为自己手贱下载了别的补丁想试试,现在连玩都玩不了,求大家帮下忙
为什么我的实况足球2010不能玩啊 点击开始就出现Either the file is damaged or was not correctly installed. Please uninstall before installing it again.
我下的实况足球不能玩 提示EITHER the file is damaged or was not correct installed ,Please uninsbefore installing it again
实况足球 2011下完了后不能玩 总是呈现:the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.the file is either damaged or was not installed correctly.Please uninstall then installing it again.就是这句 感激不尽
实况足球2011安装后出现the file is either damaged or was not installed please unitall then installinit again 该怎么解决能正常运行,我下了两天呐,
您好~我的实况足球2011没法玩 用了好多办法都i不行,进入程序就出“the file is either damaged or wasnot installed correctly.Please uninstall then installing it again'' 希望您能尽快帮我解决下我这个问题 谢谢您·
the file is possibly corrupt怎么办
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实况足球2012 英文解说 john champion 说 It is a KG game.
请问?The attached file is the class note from
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The file name is invalid(does not end with .cfg)!