
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 17:54:29


From she was 12 up until she passed away at the age of 87,she had always lived for those who were suffering.Since the dawn of time,there have been many generous and wealthy souls who donated funds to help the poor,but she is not one of them.Not only did she not leave a penny for herselve,she never made any money nor attempted to raise funds; she's not a regular philanthropist,because her goal wasn't just to help provide the poor with food and clothes,nor the sick and victims of disaster with medical aid.Her goal was to bring love to these people in pain,and let them hold on to their diginty and experience the feeling of being loved.For this,she was willing to kneel down in front of these people; she was determined to serve the poor,and so she first became the poor,giving up a quiet and comfortable life as a nun and teacher.She donned the clothes of the poverished,and walked head on into the slums,refugee camps,and places where many sick and ill patients with contagious diseases lay.Her fifty years passed like a day.
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也许是因为成熟了的关系,这么多年过去之后,却发现自己始终还是怀揣着对于音乐不需要完全照文章翻译,意思对即可。 我英语专业的 hi guys, I would

' ' her from the age of 12, until his death at the age of 87, never for themselves, and for the suffering of people alive ... The smallest have many rich generous donations for the poor, however, she ...


' ' her from the age of 12, until his death at the age of 87, never for themselves, and for the suffering of people alive ... The smallest have many rich generous donations for the poor, however, she is not rich, because she didn't leave a penny, even she is not to make money, not to raise; she is not a philanthropist, because her purpose is not just for the poor and helpless to provide food and clothing to live, not just to provide health services the patient and the disaster victim, but in the midst of it all, all, for these people to love, let them feel dignified, feel being loved! Therefore, to these people kneel down; she is determined to serve the poor, so to become poor; she gave up the comfortable life of nuns and teachers, in poor clothes, head into the slums, refugee camps and various infectious patients, fifty years are like a day."


英语翻译‘‘她从12岁起,直到87岁去世,从来不为自己、而只为受苦受难的人活着…古今往来有不少富豪慷慨的捐款资助穷人,然而,她不是富豪,因为她没有留给自己一分钱,甚至她不去挣钱,不 关于父亲和女儿之间的性问题我是一个女儿的父亲,孩子的妈妈在孩子5岁时就去世了,可以说女儿是我一手拉扯大的,直到女儿12岁,我还帮她洗澡,当时女儿也没有表示什么反对的意思,好像很自 我国明朝有一个奇人,奇在哪里?奇在终生热爱旅行,从22岁开始,直到56岁去世,不停地外出旅行.他到过江苏、浙江、山东、河北、山西、陕西、河南、安徽、江西、湖南、湖北、广东、福建、贵 一位老寿星2000年去世时已经100多岁,已知她x岁那一年正好是公元x的二次方,求她去世年龄,, 达尔文多少岁去世 外婆离我而去已有十三个年头了.她内向、沉静、干净、整齐,一头乌黑的齐耳短发格外精神.直到她去世,我还不相信外婆竟有七十八岁的高龄. 我是伴随着外婆关爱长大的.记得那时侯,爸妈 英语翻译“传说中有一种荆棘鸟,一生只唱一次,那歌声比世界上所有一切生灵的歌声都更加优美动听.从离开巢窝的那一刻起,她就在寻找荆棘树,直到如愿以偿.然后,她把自己的身体扎进最长、 英语翻译Juri是一个14岁的女孩,她的妈妈在她8岁的时候再婚,她也脱离贫穷变成了有钱人家的大小姐.但在她14岁的那年,母亲突然去世,她的继父选择了再婚,和继母相处的并不融洽的她选择离开 为什么宋美龄不回大陆后来一直到二姐宋庆龄病危,去世,她都没回来.这到底是为什么? 英语翻译她很文静,她是一个很好的女孩,她比我小2岁,我很喜欢和她再一起玩. 英语翻译译成英文:我外婆70多岁了.她虽然不是一位伟大的人,但是她绝对是位好外婆.外公很早就去世了,她和舅舅一起住,她的右手食指和中指因为年轻工作时不小心被机器碾断了.但她并没有 她父亲一去世继母就让她做所有的家务,英语翻译 我想知道我对象说这句话的含义我和我对象处了半年多了,直到现在都很好,她以前有过一段感情,那个人去世了,给她留下了一些阴影,我们俩个处这么长时间从不了解,到逐渐的了解.从她的封闭 英语翻译从“刘崇龟镇海南之岁”一直到“彭城公之察狱,可谓明矣”的翻译!非常急阿. 诞辰怎么用 举例 一个80岁的老太太2009年12月31日去世 她生日是2月份的 怎么说诞辰 在古诗词和古文中有哪句诗包含俊和贤两个字的,请说明意思如题我爷爷给我起了个“俊贤”的名字,我爷爷在我9岁的时候去世了,后来我问我妈妈,为什么我爷爷要给我起“俊贤”这个名字,她 75岁去世是什么寿 雷锋多少岁去世