〔雅思〕谁能帮忙给这篇作文打下分并指出不足〔雅思〕Question:Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers.In so saying,subjects such as music or sports are not importa

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 10:46:25

〔雅思〕谁能帮忙给这篇作文打下分并指出不足〔雅思〕Question:Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers.In so saying,subjects such as music or sports are not importa
Question:Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers.In so saying,subjects such as music or sports are not important.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In recent years,public attention to education issues is rising rapidly as more people are willing to receive better education.One of the opinions is that since it is the academic subjects that contribute to their future career,the non-academic subjects don’t seem so important and beneficial compared to the former ones.In this essay,I’ll give reasons as to why I disagree with this opinion and why the two kinds of subjects are both of vital importance.
Nowadays,students tend to be under much greater pressure and stress than before and in turn,suffer from a lack of relaxation.The non-academic subjects could provide the students with a change in the pace of study and at the same time reduce the tedium and monotony of school life.Take music course as an example,students are able to get relaxed completely during a music course after a boring day.
Another reason why non-academic subjects are essential is that these subjects aim at cultivating personal interests and practical skills which are necessary for the students to become well-rounded individuals.For instance,courses in terms of sports can successfully provide students with social skills such as teamworking ability,leadership skill,interpersonal skill as well as communication skill.
However,those opposed to the view given above state that overemphasis on the non-academic subject can adversely affect study efficiency because of the limited time and energy students nowadays have.Despite of the truth of this point of view,a better solution can be utilized.Schools could provide non-academic subjects as an optional aspect of the curriculum.By doing so,students have the opportunity to pursue a broader range of interest provided they have sufficient time and energy.
In summary,while the academic subjects are the main factors that help students with their future career,non-academic subjects also contribute to the development of their personal and social skills.Thus,schools could teach academic subjects as a main part of curriculum and at the same time teach non-academic subjects in order to provide a well-rounded education to the students.

〔雅思〕谁能帮忙给这篇作文打下分并指出不足〔雅思〕Question:Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers.In so saying,subjects such as music or sports are not importa
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1.结构 从结构来看 你是习惯写五段式的 不过我认为你应该在中间三段中加重前两段的分量 让步段通常是要少于前两个论证段的 当然了具体怎么写还是看你的想法 不过既然选择五段式 而且不是native speaker的情况下 还是要中规中矩地遵从习惯吧
2.句式 我想句型应该更加多变一些 这个并不难 你只要再写的时候记住 这一句写了主谓结构 下一句就一定用别的就行了 常用的海不容易错的 比如 正常句型 倒装 被动语态 强调句 there be 句型等等 句型多变是写作成功的重要因素
3.词汇 多运用四六级词汇而不是高中英语词汇 以你的第一段为例 rising rapidly 这里的rapidly就是一个应该被换掉的词 换成dramatically considerably significantly等等 另如I disagree这些词汇像agree disagree在老外眼中是见得最多的 也就最不容易拿分 你可以说 You hold the view 或者vote for
不过看你这篇文章 考试的时候如果能够控制住字数
并且能够按时间完成的话 6分是没有问题的

〔雅思〕谁能帮忙给这篇作文打下分并指出不足〔雅思〕Question:Schools should teach children academic subjects which will be beneficial to them in their future careers.In so saying,subjects such as music or sports are not importa 这篇雅思作文能得多少分? 帮忙看下这篇雅思作文多少分请直接说我现在的水平是多少分,因为后天就考试了,不要说改了后能得多少分,并且指出主要的错误,题目“Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type 雅思大作文语法评分我想问下如果一篇雅思大作文,语法没有错误,但是语法结构不复杂,并列句,和少许从句构成.那么语法这一项能给多少分呢 帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.今年4月12号就要考雅思了,第二次考,自己要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Some people thi 谁能帮忙推荐几本雅思的辅导书?要求雅思7分以上 麻烦帮我看看这篇 雅思作文 .顺便我改改,打个分.本人今年4月12号就要烤鸭了,第二次烤鸭,要求6分以上,这是我练的一篇雅思作文.希望各位大大牛牛们帮我看看,指出不足之处,顺便给个分数.Som 我想写一篇英语作文,favourite photo但我不知道该怎么写,虽然这篇作文并不难,谁能给我写这篇作文的思路? 打下分吧一百分能打多少 请帮我检查一下我的这篇英语作文.如果发现错误,请指出并帮忙改正.假如你的英国笔友Peter来信说寒假要来中国旅游,希望你能回信给一些吃喝玩乐以及游览名胜古迹的攻略.DearPeter:I’m very gla 各位大神帮忙看看这篇雅思小作文能给多少分,The line chart below indicates the amount of four kinds of meat eaten by people in a European country between 1979 and 2004.As can be seen from the chart,in the year of 1979,the largest con 雅思task1作文求评价,剑9Test2求给个分数,分析下有没有语法和结构问题.指出一个问题追加2分 请帮忙改下这篇雅思作文 相信好人有好报~时态和语法错误有哪些 并给个雅思分 1罪犯应该应该长期监禁还是应该再教育,并在他们重新进入社会时,做一些社区服务使他们改过自新Meatures tanken 青岛朗阁雅思好吗?打算明年去美国,谁能帮忙给点建议啊, 雅思作文大作文跑题能得多少分 雅思task2作文求评价求指出有什么问题,给个评分 帮忙修改雅思作文怎么样能达到6-6.5分?这篇作文能达多少分?The goverment should control the amount if violence in the media.To what extent do you agree?Thanks for the development of modern technolohy.As a kind of modern techno 求二态自旋系统各宏观态的简并函数.非常重要,做对了我再给你50分!老师说这个题,书上的做法有一点不严密.若果谁指出并做出正确答案,期末给他加五分.