高人帮我写份英文作业吧请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an interview question

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 18:58:05

高人帮我写份英文作业吧请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an interview question
请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢
This assignment requires you to;
*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.
*prepare an interview questioner to discuss Satisfaction at the Work Place.
*Conduct the interview with one of the staff of your chosen busiess.
*Write a report on the experience.
Successful candidates will;
⒈ Record the answers on the interview sheet and submit the completed interview questioner with this assignment.
⒉ Write a report{500 words minimum}outlining.
a.The main elements of satisfaction and dissatisfaction that your interviewee faced at their work place
b.The non-verbal cues that your interviewee used while answering your questions.provide examples to support your comments.
c.How you phrased or re-phrased your questions to deal with cultural differences-if any-in order to clarify your and interviewee's point of view.
*The total number of questions in the questionnaire should range12-15
*You must include at least three open ended,three close ended,and three probing questions in your interview questioner.
*You may keep the name of the interviewee anonymous.please refer to the AGSI ethics policy for conducting the interviews for academic purpose,such as anonymity,ues of information,confidentiality,and security and follow the guidelines.
Attach your completed interview questioner as appendix A with this assignment.
Explain also how you initially made contact with the business and/or your interviewee and describe how you prepared for the interview.{your answer here is not included in the word count for your report}
Overall Presentation
问题补充:大家能帮我做一下吗 不要翻译哦 就是要用英语写答案 谢谢

高人帮我写份英文作业吧请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an interview question

高人帮我写份英文作业吧请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an interview question 作业:读书使人进步,请帮我写写吧! 繁体字我心狂野怎么写?帮我写写吧? 怎么写“爱能……”排比句如题,请大家帮我写写 请发保证书内容我在音乐课上说话,老师下课让我写份150字的保证书,是因为讲话才会被罚的,快帮我写写吧,快! 请大家帮我写写检查 我上体育课一直不穿运动裤,所以被写检查了,帮我想想怎么写,要200字以上 请教英文高人Business Communication assignment请大家帮我写写吧 准确率高点啦 拜托了 追加300分哦 谢谢PART{a}This assignment requires you to;*choose a business from any industry in New Zealand which employs staff.*prepare an 请帮我写写心里委员工作总结 怎么写啊!帮我写写.谢谢你 请各位大虾帮我写写《我和大自然讲悄悄话》为题的作文吧! 我不会写寒假作业,你帮我写吧 请大家帮我写份“i hope”演讲稿,请大家帮我写份“i hope”演讲稿,(可以用英文,也可以是中文,如果是中文我可以自己翻译),390-600字左右(中文),好的加100,(还可以给别的),请大家不要上 请求高人帮我写首英文诗 几句就行 请帮我写几句简单的英文诗 内容不限制 我现在大一 一道关于求偏导数的小题目,请高手帮我分析!帮我写写分析其中具体步骤吧! 论语中名言请大家帮我找5个论语中的名言 然后帮我写写它的来历 具体出自哪 以及帮我造句一下 帮我写作业!快 观察蚂蚁的日记帮我写写吧 《狼牙山五壮士》观后感帮我写写感受吧!