
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 08:24:39


Party B shall be entitled to sell the house property 5 years after paying off all the purchase amount,and the value-added amount will be shared by Party A(20%) and Party B(80%).When Party B sells the house property,Party A or the real estates authorities will have the priority to purchase,under same conditions.If there's any dispute about the price,the price will be assessed and determined by Guangzhou Real Estates Exchange.If Party B wants to sell the the house property with five years after purchasement,it has to sell it to Party A or real estates authorities at the original buying price.

Party B shall pay the full payment after 5 years, have the right to buy housing to sell at market prices, the value20% to Party A to B,80%. Party B shall sell housing, under the same conditions, Party...


Party B shall pay the full payment after 5 years, have the right to buy housing to sell at market prices, the value20% to Party A to B,80%. Party B shall sell housing, under the same conditions, Party A or the Housing Department has preferential buy right, such as the price is disputed, by the Guangzhou municipal housing exchange valuation determination. If Party B purchase housing five years domestic sale, only by Party B to pay the original prices sold to Party A or the housing department.


Party B is entitled to sell the house at the market price 5 years later,after paying off all the payment for the house. 20% of the value added shall belong to Party A ,80% belongs to Party B.When Part...


Party B is entitled to sell the house at the market price 5 years later,after paying off all the payment for the house. 20% of the value added shall belong to Party A ,80% belongs to Party B.When Party B attempts to sell the house,Party A or the housing office shall have the right of preemption on the even ground.If any disputes concerning the selling price arise,the price shall be determined by the Guangzhou Real Estates Exchange.Party B shall sell the house to Party A or the housing office at the original buying price,provided that Party B needs to sell the house within 5 years.


英语翻译乙方付清全部房款5年后,有权将所买的住房按市场价格出售,所得增值额的20%归甲方,80%归乙方.乙方出售住房时,在同等条件下,甲方或房管部门有优先购买权,如对售价有争议,由广州市 英语翻译甲乙双方商定的上述房产成交价格为人民币XX元,乙方由2001年11月5日前一次付清给甲方,定金将在最后一次付款时冲抵 英语翻译付款方式:乙方完成模具后需安排送样,样品经甲方确认合格后由甲方付清该模具款. 英语翻译你有权保持沉默,但你所说的每一句话,都将成为庭堂证供. 有权追究乙方责任 英语怎么说 英语翻译甲方和乙方违反上述条款,双方均有权按照违约条款及其他相似或近似条款执行. 英语翻译买方保证,买方在十日内将购买款项一次性付清.强调“一次性付清”! 付款方式的英文翻译签订本合同时, 乙方向甲方一次性付清全部货款,甲方在乙方付清货款的前提下发货.签订本合同时,乙方向甲方支付全额货款的 1%,余额开具30天期的银行承兑汇票. 英语翻译乙方为甲方在中亚地区的独家代理商,在未经乙方同意的情况下,因甲方擅自将产品销售到中亚地区或通过其他销售商将产品销售到中亚地区,对乙方所造成的一切不良后果及损失由甲 购买一台售价为120225元的家用电器,分两期付款,且每期付款金额相等.第一期款在购买时就付清,经一年后付第二期款,付清全部售价和第一期付款后欠款部分的利息.如果年利率是4.5%,那么每期 英语翻译1.合同签订后,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的30%作为定金,结算时定金抵作合同款;2.产品全部抵达甲方指定交货地点,甲方向乙方支付合同总价的40%后,乙方派工程队到现场安装.3.安装完 英语翻译租赁合同1甲方同意向乙方出租X 房,期限自X年X月X日至X年X月X日,月租金X元(人名币大写)2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计X元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计X元 李老板购买价值102000元的小汽车,购买时首期付了10000,以后每年付一次款,经3年后付清所有的欠款和利息,一直年利率为5%,问每次付款多少元?(精确到整数) 英语翻译甲方在签定合同后,修改或增加工程内容,造成乙方材料或人工的浪费,在乙方认可的范围以外,由甲方承担,乙方有权要求补偿.补偿金额为增加项目的材料费和人工费之和,不加利润.乙 请问谁能帮我理解一下这句话:乙方有权委托第三方经营,自主经营,独立核算,自负盈亏.其中的主语是谁?乙方还是第三方?是说乙方有权委托第三方经营,乙方自主经营并独立核算,自负盈亏,还 英语翻译否则,甲方将按收到乙方书面通知之日计算收费截止日期. 英语翻译在保修期内如出现故障,乙方将八个工作小时内赶到现场处理. 英语翻译乙方活动当天,任何超出协议所列费用之外的费用,乙方一律以现金形式支付给甲方.