
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 02:52:50


1.Chinese people often greet each other when they meet,and there is no kiss and hugs.
2.Bring some gifts such as food,fruit or flowers,but its unpolite bring the clocks or watches.
3.All the gifts will be opened after guests gone.
4.Chinese always sit around a table when having a meal,and using the chopsticks.

1 Chinese met general greet each other, do not kiss and embrace
2 take bit of gifts, such as food, fruit, flowers, but to send people clocks is impolite
3 gift usually when guests leave will be opened
4 Chinese when you eat with chopsticks, handed down for dinner

1. Chinese met general greet each other, do not kiss and embrace
2. Take bit of gifts, such as food, fruit, flowers, but to send people clocks is impolit
3 .Gift usually when guests leave will be opened
4. Chinese when you eat with chopsticks, handed down for dinner

1.Chinese people send a greeting when meeting others rather than kissing or hugging
2.Bring some gifts such as food, fruit, and flowers, but it is impolite to send clocks or watches
3.Gifts are usually opened after the guests left
4.Chinese people are seated around a table when having meals, using chopsticks to eat.

帮忙用英语翻译这些句子 The help is translated these sentences in English

帮忙用英语翻译这些句子1中国人见面时一般互相问候,不亲吻、拥抱2带点礼物,如食品、水果、鲜花,但是送人钟表是不礼貌的3礼物通常在客人离开后才会被打开4中国人在吃饭的时候围桌 “这么有空”这么中国人见面时用的口头禅英语怎么说?还有其它什么英语中见面时候类似这些常说的口头禅? 中国人见面一般是握手而不是拥抱.翻译成英语. 急!情帮我把这些句子翻译成英文中国是有着五千年历史的文明古国.握手是见面时的问候方式之一.此外.中国人见面时喜欢亲热的问你“吃了吗?”中国人很含蓄.赞美却很热情.“你阵棒!”“ 中国人、美国人、英国人见面时的习惯 我们中国人见面时经常握手 中译英 中国人见面问候语 帮忙用英语翻译个句子:看到这些,不知道现在是什么心情,我发现我一直是喜欢你的 在中国,人们总是握手、微笑.他们见面有时会点头,但从来不亲吻.请帮忙用英语翻译? 下次见面将会是怎样的情形呢.请帮忙用英语翻译这句话 怎样说更贴切点 英语翻译把“这些椅子在那些桌子的旁边”用英语翻译,并将这个句子变成一般疑问句(做肯定,否定回答) 用英语:一般和每天都会见面的同学每早见面该说什么 国家领导人之们的交谈用什么词来形容国家领导人见面时有会晤、会见、交谈.一般是在什么场合上用这些词呢? 英语翻译我要对一些老外进行一次调查活动,但是本人英语口语水平实在有限,越口语化越好!1--------------------------------------------------要翻译的句子如下:1.刚见面的时候.打招呼该用哪些句子?2. 中国人第一次见面时彼此常常握手用英语怎么说?Chinese people usually ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ when they meet for the first time. 中国人见面的礼节的英文翻译 椅子一般在桌子下面(帮忙用英语翻译过来)急需 中国人英语一般用美式还是英式?