
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 17:17:44
求英语作文,在此谢过求英语作文,在此谢过 求英语作文,在此谢过在考试?thepersonladmiremosttherearemanypeopleintheworld.suchaspopmu


the person l admire most
there are many people in the world.such as pop music stars,politicians,celebrities.l appreciate them very much.but the person l admire most is my mother.you may say she is too normal.but for my part,she is great.she can not only cook delicious food,but also take good care of our famliy members.sometimes,she can be a nurse when l was ill.sometimes,she can be a teacher to answer my strange questions.sometimes,she can be a friend to play with me.l admire her very much.l wonder how she can do all those things well at the same time.l love her very much.she is a normal but magnificent person.
不知道字数够不够 自己写的

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