
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 22:06:18

或者是给我这句 没有消遣就绝不会有欢乐,有了消遣就绝不会有悲哀.在英文原文书里 怎麼翻的?请帮我找找看 英文的这句

Blaise Pascal is French and his citations are in French.
If you want to get the English translation of his works "Pensees",here is the link
I think you can find these quotes from the above website.Good luck!

No entertainment there will never be joy, with entertainment, there will never be sadness.

However full of sadness a man may be, he is happy for the time, if you can prevail upon him to enter into some amusement; and however happy a man may be, he will soon be discontented a...


However full of sadness a man may be, he is happy for the time, if you can prevail upon him to enter into some amusement; and however happy a man may be, he will soon be discontented and wretched, if he be not diverted and occupied by some passion or pursuit which prevents weariness from overcoming him. Without amusement there is no joy; with amusement there is no sadness. nd this also constitutes the happiness of persons in high position, that they have a number of people to amuse them and have the power to keep themselves in this state.


Without diversion there is no joy, with diversion there is no sadness.

见 http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=DdlNuvGMPisC&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&dq=Pascal++Pens%C3%A9es+Without+diversion+there+i...


Without diversion there is no joy, with diversion there is no sadness.

见 http://books.google.com.hk/books?id=DdlNuvGMPisC&pg=PA41&lpg=PA41&dq=Pascal++Pens%C3%A9es+Without+diversion+there+is+no+joy,++with+diversion+there+is+no+sadness.&source=bl&ots=BXiscBYcT4&sig=Jj1vMAFRRebtmO4Gigxt9fcrfpA&hl=en&sa=X&ei=o9YEUa7gMsyiiAfUt4G4DQ&ved=0CEUQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=Pascal%20%20Pens%C3%A9es%20Without%20diversion%20there%20is%20no%20joy%2C%20%20with%20diversion%20there%20is%20no%20sadness.&f=false


英语翻译一个人无论是怎样充满忧伤,但只要我们能掌握他,使他钻进某种消遣里面去,那末他此时此刻就会是幸福的;而一个人无论是怎样幸福,但假如他并没有通过某种足以防止无聊散步开来 英语翻译一个人无论是怎样充满忧伤,但只要我们能掌握他,使他钻进某种消遣里面去,那末他此时此刻就会是幸福的;而一个人无论是怎样幸福,但假如他并没有通过某种足以防止无聊散步开来 青春:为什么那么充满忧伤 用英语怎么写悲伤逆流成河的摘要 (我对生活充满了忧伤但从不绝望………一半明媚,一半忧伤) 用英语怎么写悲伤逆流成河的故事内容摘要 (我对生活充满了忧伤但从不绝望………一半明媚,一半忧伤) 英语翻译昨日的我充满笑容.今日的我显得悲伤.今后的我会是怎样?现实的生活使我感觉很累.没有人懂我.我害怕一个人,但我又并不喜欢多人.我不懂自己.我很想有一个人永远在我身边.我发脾 一个充满忧伤的一天 作文 为什么,世界总是充满忧伤… 为什么,世界总是充满忧伤… 作者无论是在童年还是成年,生活都充满着童真童趣.你认为怎样做就可以拥有童趣呢 作者无论是在童年还是成年,生活都充满着童真童趣.你认为怎样做就可以拥有童趣呢 英语翻译无论是快乐还是忧愁 英语翻译比如说“忧伤”、“悲伤”、“夏伤”、、、、、, 离别的忧伤用英语翻译 忧伤的雪花 用英语翻译 英语翻译忧伤点的个性 你的朋友是怎样一个人 英语翻译 英语翻译并说出顾况是怎样一个人