求8月11日央视《环球视线》水均益对库恩的英文采访稿这位玩家别白日梦了 我不是慈善家
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/31 17:21:30
求8月11日央视《环球视线》水均益对库恩的英文采访稿这位玩家别白日梦了 我不是慈善家
这位玩家别白日梦了 我不是慈善家
求8月11日央视《环球视线》水均益对库恩的英文采访稿这位玩家别白日梦了 我不是慈善家
1 这一期时代周刊的封面很有意思,“中国能否拯救世界”Can China Save the world?
"While the West remains bogged down in the worst recession in decades,
China's economy has sprung back to life with remarkable speed.
But is Asia's giant strong enough to lead a global recovery?"
(看《时代》杂志封面) Is China strong enough to save the world?
2 首轮中美战略与经济对话刚刚在华盛顿落下帷幕,中外媒体普遍认为中美关系已经从“掰手腕到平等握手”.您对目前中美关系的走向怎么看?
First round of China-U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue just ended two weeks ago,and experts say Sino-US relation changes from "arm wrestling"to "hand-shaking",so how is your evaluation to present Sino-US relation?
3 贸易保护是这次中美战略与经济对话的重点.而就在最近,美国国际贸易委员会提议对中国输美乘用车与轻型卡车轮胎连续三年加征从价特别关税.您怎么看这一事件以及对中美贸易关系的影响?
Trade protection is the main topic of Sino -U.S.Strategic and Economic Dialogue this time.However,recently,the United States International Trade Commission suggests imposing a special tax on the vehicle and light truck imported from China in the following 3 years.How do you think about this affair,and its influence on the relationship of Sino-U.S.
4 您对中国经济刺激政策到目前为止的效果怎么评价?您认为中国在提振内需方面还应该做什么?
How would you evaluate the economic stimulus package China has carried so far?What measures would you recommend for China to inspire domestic demand?
5 克林顿的朝鲜之行最近引发了众多的关注,人们纷纷猜测美朝关系的走向,甚至是重启六方会谈的可能性,您怎么看?
Mr.Clinton's trip to Norea Korea causes much attention,and the relation between America and NK is concerned greatly,so how would you predict this and the possibility of restarting six-round talks?
6 当然我们也非常关心美国的经济状况,奥巴马总统最近公开表示,美国经济可能已经度过了最糟糕的时期,您的判断呢?
American economic situation is much concerned worldwide,and president Obama recently said that American economic situation has past the worst time,how is your comment?
7 说到奥巴马总统,有一些媒体说奥巴马的支持率陡然下降,甚至说他面临信任的"临界点",您怎么看待这种变化?
Some American media say that Barack Obama's support falls sharply,to no more than 50%,so why is this happening in your mind?