英语翻译2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 08:24:34

英语翻译2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押
(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)
(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.
(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押金不退,作违约处理.
3水,电,煤气,电话,有线,宽带,治安,保洁费用均由 乙方负担.
4乙方不得擅自改变房屋结构和设施,房内设施自然损坏甲方负责维修,人为损坏及遗失则由乙方支付100%赔偿款,乙方,押金 元.于合同终止日经甲方验收水,电,煤,有线,和保洁等费用结清后,押金由甲方退还乙方.乙方承诺该房常住人口不得超过 人.如违约,另算租金.
一:甲方同意中介向乙方出租本时 路 弄 号 室,房型 建筑面积 m,房卡编号:用途居住 ,租期从 年 月 日至 年 月 日止,月租金经商定为 元,三个月一付,共计 元,提前 天 支付下次房租.
第一次 年 月 日,第二次 年 月 日,第三次 年 月 日.
二:租赁期间,水,电,煤,电话,保安,保洁费,有线电视费用由 方承担,房屋修缮费由甲方承担,装潢费由 方承担.
四:乙方向中介方(或甲方)支付屋内设施保证金 元,与协定期满时由中介方和甲方检查无损,水电煤,电话等费用结清后由乙方收回.屋内设施如属自然损坏,由甲方负责维修;如属乙方人为原因破坏,则由乙方负责修理或赔偿.
九:合同期,甲乙双方需认真遵守本协议,除市政动迁,绿化改造而不可抗拒的,合同即自动终止,余额退还乙方,不作赔偿.否则,不得无故违约,如违约,违约的一方向未违约的一方支付违约金 元整.遵纪守法,安全使用水电,煤,如有违法后果自负.
1甲方同意向乙方出租 房,期限自 年 月 日至 年 月 日,月租金 元(人名币大写)

英语翻译2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押
2 to pay rent method:
(1) a lump sum: total element names Pataca (uppercase)
(2) every third installment, pay and recognized element (upper case).Where is the deposit element by party a custody.
(3) $ security deposits, the next time the rent must be paid in full, or ahead of Japan, the deposit for breach of contract.
3 water, electricity, gas, phone, cable, broadband, law and order, cleaning costs are charged by the lessee.
4 the lessee shall not altering the housing structure and facilities, breakfast in the room facilities responsible for the maintenance of natural damaged party a, damages and loss paid by the lessee shall be 100% compensation, deposit party b.To contract termination of Nikkei party a acceptance of water, electricity, coal, cable, and settle the cleaning expenses, a deposit refund the buyer the seller.The second party promises of permanent residents of the House shall not exceed one.In the case of breach of contract, and the other was imputed rents.
5 contract expire, the two sides to renew their contracts or to terminate the contract you want to notify each other in a month ahead of time, such as half-way houses for breach of contract, a party to pay liquidated damages for breach of the other party to rent accounts for the contract expire, the second party rental right has priority.
Housing facilities
6 b without the consent of the party a party may not renting a third party, fire and let others live in case of breach of contract must be paid one month's rent for breach of contract damages.
7 intermediary is responsible for mediation in rent an apartment, but does not assume any responsibility for the legal economy, any matters cannot be negotiated by the parties to a of the report, the complaints by the relevant departments in accordance with the law and regulations resolved.
8 for the period of the tenancy, the lessee shall not engage in any room in violation of laws, regulations, and of public order Ordinance, or for water, electricity, improper use of coal, and so on, causing injuries among life.By themselves bear full legal responsibility.
9 supplementary regulations: If the seller is being thrown away without a Word, the party a billing three days later, the door has the right to enter, items deemed surrender, party a tenancy.
10 a of the equality of parties on a voluntary, negotiated an agreement, either the cost of breach or failure in performance of this agreement, will assume the responsibility of economic compensation and bear the legal consequences, but irresistible of objective factors, both parties you can negotiate changes to resolve or termination of this agreement.
Housing rental agreement
A: the consent of the intermediary party a to hire this way get) from the gross floor area of m, Chamber, the card number: use of tenancy for the living, from the day of the year, month to month rental agreed Wei-yuan, three $ 月一付, to more than three days ahead of time to pay the next time you rent.
For the first time (date), the second day of the third time (date).
2: leasing period, water, electricity, coal, phone, security, cleaning fee costs, cable TV, the housing by responsible party repair charges, decoration fee from them.
3: the room facilities:
4: b direction party a intermediary (or) housing estates facilities agreement $ deposit (s) at the expiry time by the intermediary and party a check for lossless, utility, the telephone expenses paid by the lessee.Housing facilities in the case of natural damaged party responsible for maintenance; in the case of b party destruction, by the seller is responsible for the repair or compensation.
5: responsibility: 1 party a unduly recover housing; 2 shall not interfere with normal life tenant; 3 to help provide related lifestyle; 4 is responsible for housing facilities normal warranty.
6: responsibility: 1 party b shall not, without authorization, change the housing structure: 2 shall not housing facilities; and 3 may make use of housing for crime; 4 damage public interest; 5 shall use a third-party loans for housing; 6 shall not pay rent arrears.
7: the second party as a result of special circumstances, the need for early termination of this agreement, shall notify the party a one month ahead and intermediary, with consent of party a bank account as soon as the formalities, losses of atrioventricular free party b.
8: party a to noncallable housing, you must notify one month ahead or intermediary party b, client agrees, the intermediary is responsible for arranging the second party and then rent during which a party losses.
9: the contract period, both parties need to make a serious compliance with this agreement, in addition to the renovation of urban services of removal, greening and irresistible, contract automatically terminates, balances refunded the second party and will not pay for it.Otherwise, unduly breach of contract, such as breach of contract, breach of a non-defaulting party upon a default element.Follow the safe use of hydropower, coal, such as illegal at your own risk.
10: intermediary in the process of adjusting to rent a House responsible for problems that may occur are serious lawyers by the intermediary to the Court responsible for the Agency and the application execution, but does not assume any legal and economic responsibilities.
11: supplementary Ordinance:
Twelve: this agreement will be drawn up in accordance with the relevant laws of the Republic of China, matters separate written agreement or interpretation according to law, in triplicate, a, b, a copy of the intermediary, notarized signature not takes effect being equally authentic.
Supplementary: 1 the consent of the party a rental period since the day until (date), monthly rent element names Pataca (uppercase)
the consent of the party a rental period since the day until (date), monthly rent element names Pataca (uppercase)

英语翻译2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计 元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计 元(大写).其中押金 元由甲方保管.(3) 房租押金 元,下一次租金必须提前 日付清,否则押 英语翻译租赁合同1甲方同意向乙方出租X 房,期限自X年X月X日至X年X月X日,月租金X元(人名币大写)2付租方式:(1) 一次付清:总计X元(人名币大写)(2) 分期付款,每三个月付一次,计X元 财务管理计算题,某人欲购小汽车,有两种付款方式.方式一:现款一次付清,价款为20万元.方式二:从购车的第一年末起,每年末付5万元,5年付清,折现率为10%.(1)用现值比较哪种方式对购车者 明明家准备用分期付款方式购买一台价值10000元的电脑,首付1000元,余款有以下两种还款方式,比较一下哪种方式更合算.(1)每月付750元,一年付清,月利率6%;(2)每月付1500元,半年付清,月利率 明明家准备用分期付款的的方式购买一台价值10000元的电脑,首付1000元,余款有以下两种还款方式,比较一下哪种方式更合算.(1)每月付750元,一年后全部付清,月利率6%(2)每月付1500元,半年后 英语翻译请把以下中文翻译成英语,请问您的付款方式是月结(指每月结算一次钱)?还是您直接付现金?还是到付(指由收件人付款)? 英语翻译具体是——付款方式:签订合同后先付30%的定金(如为买方原因不能履约,定金不退回),到期拿货时再付清余款. 购买价格为5270元的一台家用电器,购买时首付1000元,以后每年付一次款,且每次付款数相等,经2年付清全部售价和欠款的利息,已知贷款年利率为4.5%(不计复利),每次需要付款多少元? 1.购买价格为5270的一台电脑,首付1000元,逐年付一次款,每次款额相等.2年付清售价利息,若年利率9.5%(不计复利),每次付款多少元?2.从零时开始,时钟与分针第二次重叠在几时几分?(不是十二 一道数学题(高中)某家用电器一件2000元,实行分期付款,每期为一个月,购买后一个月付款一次,在过一个月又付款一次,共付12次 即购买后一年后付清,按月利率10%,每月复利一次计算,则每期付 小明家打算买一套住房,分期付款加价4%,如果一次付清可按原价的98%结算,小明算了算,分期付款要比一次付清多付14400元?你知道这套住房原价多少万元吗? 1、丽丽家2011年5月买了一套住房,总价50万元,首付60%,余下的分两年付清,一年后付总价的20%,年息5%,两年后付总价的20%,年息6%.请你算一算,到付清房款时,丽丽家共支付了多少万元?2、小李 英语翻译(一次性付清 这句话怎么说.一次性) 某设备价格价格为55万元,合同签订时付了10万元,然后采用分期付款方式.第一年末付款14万元,从第二年初起每半年付款4万元,设年利率为12%,每半年复利一次,问多少年能付清设备价款? 英语翻译预付款50%,尾款50%贵方于验收后15天内一次付清. 李老板购买价值102000元的小汽车,购买时首期付了10000,以后每年付一次款,经3年后付清所有的欠款和利息,一直年利率为5%,问每次付款多少元?(精确到整数) 买一本9元钱的图书,若只用5元和1元面值的人民币刚好付清,有( )种付款方式. 数列的实际应用采用分期付款的办法购买一件售价为10000元的商品,每期付款款数相同,购买后2个月付款一次,过2个月再付款一次,如此下去,到12个月后再付款一次,欠款全部付清.如果月利率为百