
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/01 09:14:22


From the practicability's perspective, the subject analyzes the design drawbacks of the current instantaneous electric water heater special for the kichen in terms of the shape, color,use-pattern and human-machineinterface. By using the design imitation method, finally concludes a set of new product design program.
Besides settling the product problem, the program also focuses on the factors of product safety,energy-saving and high efficiency. Additionally it skillfuly brings the fully comprehensive power adjustment and the machine baody together by use of integrated design,which changes the previous dispersed layout,adds harmonious factor into it and as a result,realizes its multifunction in one machine to facilite the usage for the customer.
Applying the principle of design symmetry, the program conducts integration and innovation to the keypress,reflecting the humanization.
Relying on its characters of rapid heating,delicate and refinement,convinience and energy-saving, stability and security,etc, the instantaneous electric water heater indeed represents the development direction of the water-heater industry. And the improvement design for the kitchen-specified instantaneous electric water heater combines the form with function, and finally reaches a kind of harmonious beauty of the design.

The subject stood practical point of view, from the morphology, color, use the form on the man-machine interface that is dedicated to the existing kitchen, hot water heaters design defects were analyz...


The subject stood practical point of view, from the morphology, color, use the form on the man-machine interface that is dedicated to the existing kitchen, hot water heaters design defects were analyzed using the imitation of the design method, summed up a set of new product design. In resolving product issues, while also taking into account the safety, energy conservation, efficiency and other elements, and the use of smart power integrated design will all be subtle adjustments and body brings together changes the dispersion pattern of increased harmony factors, thus achieving a multifunctional role to facilitate the users. In the operation of the interface, use the symmetry of the design rules to carry out a key integration and innovation, embodied humanity. And the electric water heater with its heat more quickly, small and nice, easy energy saving, safe and reliable, truly representing the water heater industry development direction. Kitchen is dedicated hot water heaters designed to improve the organic combination of form and function, designed to be harmonious beauty


Given the practical situation,this article made a analysis of design defect for instant electrothermal water heater existing used in the kitchen from its several species of configuration,color,usage ...


Given the practical situation,this article made a analysis of design defect for instant electrothermal water heater existing used in the kitchen from its several species of configuration,color,usage mode and man-machine interface.and had a conclusion about integrated design scheme for new prodcut by simulated design ideology,this solution not only fixed the defect but also consider and heighten the main performances of security,enegy saving,hypsi-efficiency for product,with integration design ideology to consolidate function pan-intellective adjustment into one machine with close-coupled processing that will change old design of discrete construction and improve the operability with mutilfunction,make the machine to be simplied manipulated.
The operation interface show you a design with personalization,after make a integration and innovation on key-press by design symmetry principle,along with the characteristics of fast heat,small shape with good look,conveniencely,energy saving,security and stability..etc the instant electrothermal water heater possessed which really stand for the future of water heater field,the perfect design was came up after the new design combine and integrate all the functions to be one pan-intellective close-coupled processing for the instant electrothermal water heater used in the kitchen.




This topic in practical point of view, standing on the morphology, from color, use, man-machine interface on existing kitchen special tankless heater electrical design are analyzed, using malpractice imitation design method, summarized a set of new product design. To solve the problems in the product, the product safety, consider saving, efficient and other elements, and using integrated design will be full of intelligent power adjustment and fuselage clever confluence together in the past, the scattered pattern, increase the harmonious factors so as to realize the function of machine can use, convenient for users. In the operation of the interface, the use of the design of the key symmetry principle, integration and innovation. While water heater is more with its heating speed, small beautiful, convenient energy-saving, safety and reliability, truly represents the development direction of the water heater industry. The water heater that the improvement of the form and the function design organically, and design of the harmonious beauty.


英语翻译本课题站在实用性的角度,从形态上,色彩上,使用方式上,人机界面上对现有厨房专用即热式电热水器的设计弊端进行了分析、运用模仿设计法,总结了一套新的产品设计方案.在解决产 英语翻译本课题在C8051F020的最小系统板上,进行对ADXRS300和ADIS16255两款iMEMS陀螺仪的使用开发,完成角度测量的功能.本方案以C8051F020单片机作为主控核心,以ADXRS300和ADIS16255两款陀螺仪为测量芯片 请问结构主义建筑和解构主义建筑在设计上的区别?请举一些具体的例子.感觉上 是不是结构主义就是先从力学角度考虑 非常讲究实用性 比如具体这个建筑是要用来做什么的 有一套模式;解 灯具功能的分类,从装饰性上和实用性上分类!急用! 英语翻译本课题从对庭院的发展入手,了解中式庭院的背景与文化底蕴,通过对中式庭院的深入分析,在庭院的构成要素和造园手法上进行大胆应用,进行了中式传统风格的庭院设计的尝试.作者 生物化学实验技能大赛课题二到三个人在八小时以内能够完成,最好有一定的实用性、创造性。最好能提供实验方案以供参考。 大环刀上面的环是什么意思?从实用性上讲完全没有用啊 英语翻译在《初中文言文》本上的 专利创造性中的显著进步和实用性中积极效果在判断标准上是不是重复的,缺乏进步性的专利肯定没有实用性? 最近因为工作上的需要我想在短期内学些实用性的英语,请问哪有呢 学英语 ipod touch 4和ipad哪个好?从功能,实用性等角度说明,本人是女生,已参加工作,想在业余时间学习 请推荐一本实用性强的英语语法的书籍? 从生活方式的不同来解释扁形动物3个纲在形态结构上的差异. 从生活方式的不同来解释扁形动物3个纲在形态结构上的差异. 老师什么在黑板上书写课题,什么给我们讲解课题的意思填关联词 英语翻译摘要:名牌战略,可以说是当前中国企业界的一个重大课题.创立一个名牌,往往要经过几十年甚至上百年的妥善经营和维护.海尔在短短时间内从一个濒临倒闭的小厂一越成为闻名世界 英语翻译龚滩古镇坐具研究摘要:中国古代家具工艺历史悠久,当今留下的大都保留着明清家具的特点,我们在这些实用性极强的家具身上看到了精湛的制作工艺与理念,它们的功能与形态对当 从解剖学的角度分析小白鼠有哪些形态和结构表现出哺乳动物的进步性