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刘亦菲父亲安少康是武汉大学法文系教授,母亲刘晓莉是国家一级舞蹈演员.年仅8岁的刘亦菲在中南商都第二届“童花杯”童装模特大奖赛中获得冠军.在十岁时刘亦菲的父母离异,刘亦菲从武汉市江岸区鄱阳街小学退学,赴美国读书.现今刘亦菲仍是美国国籍,因念书关系及呆在美国时间较长,所以国籍介改为美国,但她自己强调,自己是个中国人.现在走在武汉的主要街道,仍然可以看见一些影楼里悬挂着她的艺术照片.在成为演员之前,刘亦菲也是武汉地区小有名气的摄影模特. “她特别优秀,我拍了七八年照片,极少碰到这么有个性的拍摄对象.她非常漂亮,一点也不怵镜头,镜头在她面前似乎不存在了.她表达自我的欲望非常强,很 多姿势,根本不需要摄影师说,她便摆得很到位.当时我就想,这女孩以后肯定有发展.”这是武汉的一名摄影师对刘亦菲的评价.刘亦菲于2002年年初回到了祖国,因为在美国呆了一段时间,她显得比内地同龄女孩更加的成熟.刘亦菲天生一个美人胚,她身材高挑修长,鹅蛋脸,有着如婴儿般吹弹即破的肌肤.最与众不同的是她的眼睛,这是一双能“摄人心魂”的凤眼;此外她的体态优雅袅娜,配上那一头长及腰际的秀发,简直就是“飘若惊鸿”,被誉为“天上有,地上无”的超完美版的青春美少女.而在同年的7月,刘亦菲被北京电影学院表演系破格录取.刘亦菲回国后,制片人游建鸣在喝茶时无意中就看见了其任形象代言的房地产广告,立即被这有着“一脸星相而光芒四射”的女孩所吸引,当即决定由其出演《金粉世家》女二号白秀珠,在剧中与男主角金燕西演绎出一段剪不断的情感纠缠.公正地说,天生一幅明星样的刘亦菲涉足影视界是迟早的事情,但她的出道还得归功于《金粉世家》制片人游建鸣的慧眼识星.从事影视业近20年的游建鸣坚信自己绝对不会看走眼,他对剧组的人员说,刘亦菲绝对是一个星光逼人即将冉冉升起的明星,前途无量.
L father AnShaoKang is professor of wuhan university, the mother French LiuXiaoLi is national level dancer. In only eight years old l in zhongnan shangdu second "TongHua cup" children's clothing models grand prix win the championship. At the age of 10 l parents divorced from wuhan, l Po Yang street silk district elementary school dropout, went to study in the United States. Today l is still American citizenship, for studying relations and stay longer, so nationality interface, but she changed to American stressing their is a Chinese. Go now in wuhan main streets of can still see some studio in her art hanging photos. Before becoming an actor in wuhan area, l is also a little famous photography model. "She's very good, I took a photo 78 years, rarely having so individualizing subjects. She's very beautiful, not exciting scenes, lens in front of her seems not exist. She desire to express my self is very strong, very much posture, don't need cameraman said, she would put very in place. I was like, this girl after affirmation have development." This is a photographer, wuhan to l evaluation. L in early 2002 to return the motherland, because in America for a period of time, she seemed more than mainland counterparts girl maturity. L born a beauty embryo, she tall slender, EDanLian, have like an infant, blow play namely broken skin. Most of extraordinary is her eyes, this is a pair of can "perturbation fetch FengYan;" Besides her build elegant here, deserve to go up the head length and waist hair, it is "wave if surprised hong", known as the "heaven, earth nothing" super perfect version of the beauty of youth maiden. And in the same year July, l was admitted to Beijing film academy post abnormality. L after returning home, producer YouJianMing in drink tea accidentally saw its any image speak of real estate advertisement, was immediately it has "a face of astrological and glamorous" girl, immediately attracted by its decision in "jinfenshijia will deliver" female no.2 BaiXiuZhu, with male leading role in the play JinYanXi deduce a period of shear's a constant emotional entanglements. To be fair, born a picture star kind of l sortie film is sooner or later things, but her debut had to be "jinfenshijia will deliver the eye of the general YouJianMing" producer star. Engaged in the film nearly 20 years of YouJianMing believes he would never see eye to the set of personnel, he said, l is absolutely a starlight threatening is rising star, promising.

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