50字,英文读后感.美丽的微笑与爱心的英语小短文(Beautiful Smile and Love) 作者介绍:特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/12 03:41:04
50字,英文读后感.美丽的微笑与爱心的英语小短文(Beautiful Smile and Love) 作者介绍:特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大
美丽的微笑与爱心的英语小短文(Beautiful Smile and Love)
作者介绍:特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大的慈善机构网,赢得了国际社会的广泛尊敬.1979年被授予诺贝尔和平奖.本文所选即好在领取该奖项时的演讲辞,这篇英语演讲小短文语言简洁质朴而感人至深.诺贝尔奖领奖台上响起的声音往往都是文采飞扬、热烈、激昂.而特雷莎修女的演说朴实无华,其所举事例听来似平凡之至,然而其中所蕴含的伟大而神圣的爱感人至深.平凡中孕育伟大,真情才能动人.我们作文时,要善于从自己所熟知的平凡中发掘伟大,以真情来打动读者.
50字,英文读后感.美丽的微笑与爱心的英语小短文(Beautiful Smile and Love) 作者介绍:特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大
Author:Sister Teresa (Mother Teresa ,1910-1997),India's well-known philanthropist,India,founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity,the world has established a huge network of charitable organizations,has won wide respect from the international community .In 1979 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.Fortunately,this article is selected to receive the award at the time of his speech,this little short speech in English language simple and plain moving.Nobel prize on the podium sounded the voice of the literary style are often filled,warm,passionate.Sister Teresa and the plain speech,it sounds like to cite examples of ordinary matter to them,however behind the great and divine love moving.In ordinary birth to the great,the truth can be moving.We are writing,should be good at their well-known in ordinary tap the great and sincerely touched to the reader.
The poor are very great.One night,we go out on the street from the back of four individuals,one of the precarious life.So I told the nuns said:"You care for the other three,the endangered people on me to take care of." In this way,I made her my love can do everything.I put her on the bed,her face showed Zhan beautiful smile.She shook my hand and said something only "Thank you," he died.I can not help but look at her in front of their own conscience to come.I ask myself,if I were her,what would it?The answer is simple,I will try to be caused by other people of concern to me,I will say that I am severe hunger,cold shivering,on the verge of death,suffering,and so on.But she gave me more is more - she gave me her gratitude.She was dead when his face with a smile.Road drainage from the back of the man.At that time,his body almost to be almost eaten by insects,and we brought him home."In the street,I have been living like animals,like,but I would like to die like an angel,it was love,it was concerned about." Really wonderful,I see his greatness,he could say In that case.He did die,do not blame anyone,do not curse anyone,Wuyuwuqiu.Like an angel - this is our people's great lies.Therefore,we believe the words of Jesus - hungry,I - I do not Biti clothing - homeless,I - I do not want people not being loved,people do not care about - however,you have to I do everything.
I think we have not really social workers.In the eyes of the people,we may be doing social work,but in reality,we really only center in the world who practice.This is because 24 hours a day,we touch Christ in the Eucharist.I think that in our extended family,we do not need guns and artillery shells to destroy peace,or to bring peace - we only need to unite and love one another,peace,joy,as well as each family member with all the vitality of the soul Back in the world.In this way we can overcome all existing in the world of evil.
I am ready I am to receive the Nobel Peace Prize money for those homeless people to build their own homes.Because I believe that the love from family,if we can set up their homes for the poor,I would like to get more love will spread.In addition,we will adopt such a broad tolerance and love to bring peace to become a blessing for the poor.First of all,for our own homes for the poor,followed by our country,the world's poor.In order to do this,and sisters,our lives must be closely linked with the prayer,with Christ in order to end one end with mutual understanding and common share because the combination of one with Christ means that mutual understanding and common share.This is because in today's world,there is still so much suffering there is ......When I brought back from the street,a hungry person,give him a meal,a piece of bread,I will be able to make him happy,and I will be able to body In addition to his hunger.However,if a person on the street and feel people do not want to,not being loved,fear,abandoned by society - the poor people of this heart,this is intolerable.As a result,we always see a smile,smile because love is the beginning,once we begin to love each other naturally,we will do the thinking for each other.
Author: Sister Teresa (Mother Teresa ,1910-1997), India's well-known philanthropist, India, founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity, the world has established a huge network of charitable orga...
Author: Sister Teresa (Mother Teresa ,1910-1997), India's well-known philanthropist, India, founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity, the world has established a huge network of charitable organizations, has won wide respect from the international community . In 1979 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Fortunately, this article is selected to receive the award at the time of his speech, this little short speech in English language simple and plain moving. Nobel prize on the podium sounded the voice of the literary style are often filled, warm, passionate. Sister Teresa and the plain speech, it sounds like to cite examples of ordinary matter to them, however behind the great and divine love moving. In ordinary birth to the great, the truth can be moving. We are writing, should be good at their well-known in ordinary tap the great and sincerely touched to the reader.
Today, I read a famous American writer Spencer. Johnson wrote "Who Moved My Cheese", which is really benefited!
"Who Moved My Cheese" the stress of the two dwarves and the story of two small mice...
Today, I read a famous American writer Spencer. Johnson wrote "Who Moved My Cheese", which is really benefited!
"Who Moved My Cheese" the stress of the two dwarves and the story of two small mice. The article centers around the "cheese" acquisition, possession, lost, different people have different state of mind, resulting in very different strategy. Xiu Xiu is like a hurry and quickly start up? Or as Hengheng as afraid of change, and refused to deny that change? Or chirp like to see changes in the way things will get better and be able to adjust in time to adjust to the changes in their own? In fact, for any one person, living and learning in too many changes when no changes occur everywhere, whether we fear the arrival of the change. If we are able to adapt to the changes as soon as possible to adjust their own, we can do better. When we are faced with change, we fear, will feel at a loss, which is normal. As long as we can seriously deal with the fear of science, it can even help us to avoid the real danger. We do not have to refuse to change, we can change the attitude changes, changes in the enjoyment of change, to embrace change to meet the change.
On the other hand, the "cheese" is a hard won through the superior state. "Cheese" is an opportunity, but also have a core competence. How are we going to have to grasp and it? Transposition as a thinking, we often long for the Meng Jiao's "Horseshoe Chunfengdeyi radical, Chang spent every day to see" extremely frivolous and joy, but difficult to understand "small building last night, the east wind," Li Yu's sad feelings. As part of this comparison, we need to grasp today, seize the opportunity to learn to care for the protection and well-protected, such as not in the hands of "cheese" change acid, worse, do nothing in the way other people have also Jingxian.
Change is constant. Although Xiu Xiu as the general fear of change and denied that changes in the blame, but if the same chirp in time to adjust themselves to adapt to the changes are more and more, this is the times and social development due. The original "cheese" will one day consume, how do we address it? In Carnegie, "the weakness of human nature" that do not break the glass and sad, we have not remembered for the "cheese" and longing, it will be "white-lady-in-waiting Xuanzong words" helpless and wishful Fascinated. What we need is found suitable for their own roads, out of an easy life, beyond fear, which relies on local animals and look for a new "cheese." Life does not comply with the wishes of an individual to change at any time will come, but actively to change the face of it you will find a better cheese, no matter whether we are aware of the new "cheese" is always present in a place.谁动了我的奶酪》读后感
从另一方面来说,“奶酪”是一种通过艰辛努力而获得的优越状态。“奶酪”是一种机遇,也是一种拥有的核心能力。我们该如何把握和拥有呢?作为一种换位思考,我们对于常常向往着孟郊的“春风得意马蹄急,一日看尽长安花” 的轻狂和喜悦,却难以体会“小楼昨夜又东风”的李煜伤感情怀。作为这种对比,我们就需要把握今天,把握机会,学会细心保护和精心呵护,不要等手中的“奶酪”变酸、变坏,在无可奈何之中又惊羡别人的拥有。
变化是永恒的。尽管还有如同嗅嗅一般因害怕变化而否认变化,怨天尤人的人在,但如唧唧一样及时调整自己去适应变化的人是越来越多了,这是时代和社会的发展所致。原有的“奶酪”总有一天会消耗,我们该如何面对?卡奈基在“人性的弱点”中说,不要为打碎的玻璃杯而伤心,我们也不要为记忆中的“奶酪”而向往,那只会是“白头宫女话玄宗” 的无奈和一厢情愿的神往。我们需要的是发现适合自己的道路,摆脱安逸,超越恐惧,恃机而动,寻找新的“奶酪”。生活并不会遵从某个人的愿望,改变随时会降临,但积极地面对改变却会让你发现更好的奶酪,不管我们是否意识到,新的“奶酪”总是存在于某个地方。
一、 古朴国宝:大熊猫 英文: Giant Panda 学名:Ailurpoda melanolenca 大熊猫时一种以食竹为主的食肉目动物,不仅集珍稀、濒危、特产于一身,而且非常古老,有“活化石”之称。与其同时代的古动物剑齿虎、猛犸象、巨貘等均已因冰川的侵袭而灭绝,惟有大熊猫因隐退山谷而遗存下来。现仅分布于中国四川、陕西、甘肃约40个县境内的群山叠翠的竹林中,过着与世无争的隐居生活。传说中,过去...
一、 古朴国宝:大熊猫 英文: Giant Panda 学名:Ailurpoda melanolenca 大熊猫时一种以食竹为主的食肉目动物,不仅集珍稀、濒危、特产于一身,而且非常古老,有“活化石”之称。与其同时代的古动物剑齿虎、猛犸象、巨貘等均已因冰川的侵袭而灭绝,惟有大熊猫因隐退山谷而遗存下来。现仅分布于中国四川、陕西、甘肃约40个县境内的群山叠翠的竹林中,过着与世无争的隐居生活。传说中,过去大熊猫是白色的,在一次动物葬礼上,为表达哀思,它们把煤灰涂在胳膊上,相互拥抱后,形成了延至后背的黑色,擦眼泪又染黑了眼眶…….这当然是杜撰,但大熊猫与许多动物一样,生存状况十分可悲,处在灭绝的边缘。 原因无非是人类活动范围扩大,使其退缩于山顶,呈孤岛化分布,食物与配偶资源贫乏,近亲繁殖严重、体质下降、抗病力弱。目前总数仅仅1000只,被列为. 一级保护动物,国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红皮书“濒危物种”。作为中国的“国宝”和“友谊使者”被中国野生动物保护协会和世界野生动物基金会(WWF)选为自己的会徽标志。
二、仰鼻蓝面:金丝猴 英名: Snnb-nosed Golden Monkey 学名:Rhinpitheius roxellanae 中国金丝猴包括川、滇、黔三种,因滇金丝猴远居滇藏的雪山杉树林,数量仅千余只,黔金丝猴仅见于贵州梵净山,数量才700多只,大家比较熟悉的当属川金丝猴,川金丝猴,布于四川、陕西、湖北及甘肃,深居山林,结群生活。背覆金丝“披风”,攀树跳跃、腾挪如飞。金丝猴刚被命名时,因其仰鼻金发,使动物学家爱德华先生联想起欧洲十字军司令的翘鼻金发的夫人洛克安娜,于是,他便把这个美人之名放到了金丝猴身上(请看金丝猴的学名)。 金丝猴为灵长目、猴科、仰鼻猴属。在这个仰鼻猴属中,还有一支中国以外的金丝猴家族,即越南仰鼻猴,这是一种小型、黑色腹及四肢内侧浅黄的长尾素食猴子,1910年才被发现,曾失踪半个世纪,到1989年才又发现,仅有200只,栖息于越南北部。 三种金丝猴都是一级保护动物,滇金丝猴和黔金丝猴是国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红皮书的“濒危”级,川金丝猴为“易危”级(越南金丝猴为极危机)。 它们都面临盗猎、伐木、毁林开荒、生境退缩的威胁,可谓“树倒猢狲散”!
三、 长江奇兽:白鳍豚 英名:Yangtze river dolphin 学名:Lipotes vexlifer 白鳍豚为中国长江中下游的特有水兽,全球豚类有70多种,淡水仅5种,中国仅此一种淡水鲸。分布狭窄,比大熊猫更古老、更稀少。白鳍豚体态娇美、皮肤滑腻、长吻似剑、身呈纺锤。眼小如豆、耳小像针,上下颌密布小牙130多颗,头顶左上方有一圆形鼻孔,每隔20秒出水换一次气,虽然视听能力欠佳,但声纳系统发达,对超声波的回声定位能力是任何现代潜艇所望尘莫及的,当群体被冲散后,它们利用高频率的声纳可与在十几公里外的同伴取得联系。 白鳍豚是法国动物学家米勒于1918年在洞庭湖采到首只标本命名的,实际上中国人早就记叙过它,如汉代的《尔雅》、明代的《本草纲目》。清代蒲松龄更在《聊斋》中有白秋练与暮生的爱情故事,白秋练就是白鳍豚的化身。 白鳍豚已是一种注定要灭绝于我们手中的美丽传奇的动物,它被国际保护人士称为“活着的死物种”。目前人工饲养仅有一只,名为“淇淇”。长江的围湖造田、有害渔具、修闸建坝、繁忙的航运、渔业及严重的污染都在威胁其生存。已经被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)红皮书列为“极危”物种,也是中国一级保护动物。
四、中华之魂:华南虎 英名:Chinese Tiger 学名:Panthera tigris amoyensis 华南虎的英文为“中国虎”,是我国特有的亚种,原为中国分布最广、数量最多、体型较小,但资格最老的一个虎种。全球的虎仅有一种,均产于亚洲,上个世纪尚有8个亚种:孟加拉虎、东北虎、爪哇虎、华南虎、里海虎、巴厘虎、苏门达腊虎,但后三个亚种相继灭绝,中国的新疆虎(尚未搞清属于哪个亚种)是在20世纪初灭绝的。 华南虎雄性约重149—225千克,雌性约重90—120千克,个头虽然不是最大,但对华夏民族文化的影响可谓渊远流长,人们谈虎色变、畏虎、敬虎,认为“老虎吃人”的心理根深蒂固。但结果是,老虎几乎被人类吃光了。华南虎正处于垂危状态,野外数量约20只,呈孤岛分布,且捕食对象稀缺。人工饲养下的50只呈严重近亲,退化现象十分明显。 我们连作为具有民族精神“虎虎有生气”“龙腾虎跃”象征的这种大猫都保护不了,还能保护好我们自己吗?虎的消失,将预示人类灵魂的失落。 虎有几种奇异色形,如产于印度中央邦雷瓦的白虎、产于中国河北省东陵的黑虎(已于19世纪末灭绝)及产于中国福建的蓝虎(灭绝)。华南虎被国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书列为“濒危”级别,中国一级保护动物。
五、东方之珠:朱鹮 英名:Crested Ibis 学名:Nipponia nippon 要问中国最珍稀的鸟是什么,那朱鹮应当名列前茅。这种被动物学家誉为“东方明珠”的美丽涉禽是一种人们一度认为已经灭绝的鸟类,它们原是东亚地区的特产鸟类,仅在中国、朝鲜、 .及俄罗斯有分布,但二十世纪六十年代后都失去了踪影。难道朱鹮真的消失了吗?七十年代后期,中国鸟类学家开始寻找朱鹮,1981年终于在陕西洋县姚家沟发现2窝共7只朱鹮,轰动了世界。 朱鹮得以幸存,是由于洋县深山里有适应其存在的自然条件,一是湿地觅食条件,二食高树营巢条件;这里的百姓因敬重祖宗的坟山而没有滥砍山林,为这种奇异之鸟的一息尚存提供了机会。而朱鹮的高度濒危,则与过度猎杀、森林锐减及广泛施用农药化肥有关。 据一个迷信的传说,朱鹮的“ 鹮”字从字面一看就知是一种要绝种的鸟,因为它由“四”字和“哀”字组成,“死哀之鸟”怎能不绝?但洋县人民不信邪,为保护朱鹮,他们付出了巨大代价,在朱鹮觅食地,不施用农药化肥、不捕捉泥鳅、蛙类,任由朱鹮来去。新世纪初,朱鹮在中国的数量已达248只,可以说已经摆脱了灭绝、甚至高度濒危的厄运。IUCN红皮书“濒危”级。
六、 堪称国鸟:褐马鸡 英名:Brown Eared Pheasand 学名:Crossoptilon mantchuricum 褐马鸡是一种产于中国山西庞泉沟、河北小五台山及北京门头沟的珍禽,因耳部由两个雪白的耳羽,好似长角,或有人称之为角鸡或耳鸡。尾羽上翘后,披散垂下,如同马尾,故名马鸡,马鸡属共有4种,均产于中国,既藏马鸡、白马鸡、蓝马鸡和褐马鸡。 褐马鸡虽名为鸡,可羽色黑褐,油光瓦亮,生性更为惊人,勇猛善斗,宁死不屈。在山西庞泉沟褐马鸡自然保护区,农民们就曾见过褐马鸡与老鹰搏斗的情景,二鸟扭成一团,满地翻滚,鹰爪扼住鸡脖,鸡爪抓住鹰眼,两败俱伤,十分惨烈。正因为褐马鸡有勇猛好斗精神,中国早在汉代就有将其尾羽装饰武将帽盔以示英武的记载,东汉的虎贲中郎将,要以“鹖羽”做冠饰,曹*曾曰:“鹖鸡猛气、其斗于必死,令人以和褐鸡为冠,像此也”。 明李时珍在《本草纲目》中说褐马鸡“**齐觅食,有被侵者直往奋斗,虽死忧不置”。(褐马鸡古语称“鹖”)将其羽毛赐予武将的形式称“鹖冠之制”。这种制度世代相袭,直至清朝,能被赐这种羽翎顶戴,乃是一种殊荣。褐马鸡在国际上与大熊猫齐名,被世界雉类协会放在其会徽上,许多动物学家建议,应把褐马鸡定为中国国鸟。目前,褐马鸡为国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书“濒危”级,一级保护动物。
七、 孑遗物种:扬子鳄 英名:Chinese Alligator 学名:Alligator sinensis 扬子鳄是中国唯一的鳄种。全球鳄鱼共有25种,中国只有湾鳄和扬子鳄。但是作为体型最大的鳄(10米长),湾鳄早已在几百年前灭绝了,而扬子鳄现为我国特有,也是从远古北方仅存的唯一分布在温带的孑遗种类。作为爬行动物,扬子鳄体长2米,善于游泳而栖息于水中,营巢在河湖浅滩、植被密生的草丛中,寒冬,扬子鳄却钻到地下洞之中蛰伏,穴深2—3米,带有1—3个出口,穴顶有通气小孔,洞窟是长达几米到20米不等的隧道,内铺枯木、杂草等,冬眠至4、5月份,扬子鳄出蛰 5、6月份进入繁殖期,7、8月份产卵,卵白如鸡蛋,二个月后孵化出壳,出生小鳄十分虚弱,常受到其他动物威胁。 扬子鳄,主食螺、蛙、虾、蟹、鱼、及鼠、鸟等,遇上较大猎物,会以粗硬的尾巴击打,饱食一顿可长时间不食。目前,由于长江下游湿地遭到严重破坏,河湖被围成农田,野生数量极为罕见,人工繁殖相当成功。国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书“极危级” 。一级保护动物。
八、 高原神鸟:黑颈鹤 英名:Black-necked Crane 学名:Grus nigricollis 黑颈鹤是世界上唯一一种高原鹤类,是藏族人民心目中神圣的大鸟,也是世界十五鹤中被最晚记录到的一种鹤,它是俄国探险家普热尔瓦尔斯基于1876年在中国青海湖发现的。黑颈鹤夏季在西藏繁殖,冬季迁至云贵越冬,少数还飞越喜马拉雅山至不丹越冬。黑颈鹤的颈、尾、翅羽均为黑色,体灰白,头上亦有红顶,但不如丹顶鹤的明显。 作为高原草甸沼泽栖息的鸟类,本来在“高处不胜寒”的云贵藏生活、迁飞,与世无争。可近年人类对湿地的开发,抽干沼泽使这些高原涉禽正面临丧失家园的威胁。 据国际鹤类基金会调查,西藏拥有中国亦既世界最大的黑颈鹤种群,估计达4000只,目前已经被列为国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书的易危级,一级保护动物。
九、 雪域喋血:藏羚羊 英名:Tibetan Antelope 学名:Pantholops hodgsonii 藏羚羊,近年极受世人瞩目,主要原因是由于1980年以来西方时装界对“藏羚绒披肩”即“沙图什”的消费需求而刺激了偷猎者的谋财害命,另外,一些采金者也在对其肆意杀戮,致使生活在生命极限的高寒地区的藏羚羊正以一年近万只的速度减少。为打击盗猎,这几年青海、新疆、西藏的反盗猎力量林业公安一直在为保卫藏羚羊等野生动物而战斗,其中的佼佼者即“野牦牛队”,他们已经有两位英雄为此献身。 藏羚羊是青藏高原特有物种,为偶蹄目、牛科,与已在中国本土刚刚灭绝半个世纪的高鼻羚羊亲缘关系最近。藏羚羊又名“一角兽”,一个世纪前多达数百万只。被藏民称为大雁的朋友,它们在高原上奔跑如飞,狼也很难追上,但以汽车和枪支装备起来的盗猎者却可以成片的杀戮之。目前中国的藏羚羊不足7万只,但年复一年、禁而不止的非法交易与屠杀使其数量直线下降,目前被列为。一级保护动物,国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书的“濒危级”。
十、 失而复得:“四不象”麋鹿 英名:Pere David’deer 学名:Elaphurus davidianus “四不象”为麋鹿的俗名,它是做为中国特有的湿地鹿类,曾于1900年在中国本土灭绝的,幸有少量存于欧洲,最后仅剩18头,被养在英国乌邦寺,经过一个世纪的养护,种群才得以恢复。1985年回归到北京南海子,这是麋鹿这一物种的模式标本产地(1865年被法国传教士大卫发现),这里也是原元、明、清皇家猎苑故地。麋鹿是湿地动物,由于对湿地生境的适应,而形成特殊的形态,即所谓的“四不象”,角似鹿非鹿、脸似马非马、蹄似牛非牛、尾似驴非驴。 中国麋鹿从1985年首批回归38头,被放养于北京南海子的千亩鹿苑后,逐渐繁衍壮大,迁往长江之畔的湖北石首,从而成功完成回归野外的“重引入”工程。另外,在江苏大丰黄海之滨的麋鹿也蓬勃发展,加上全国20几处动物园等饲养的麋鹿,至2001年初,已经达到1300只,麋鹿失而复得、重引入的成功是向国际社会展示的中国保护野生动物的成就,它既是爱国主义教育的活的教材,也是向公众表达人与自然协调发展之可能性与必要性的重要范例。 麋鹿,为一级保护动物,国际自然保护联盟IUCN红皮书极危级。
Author: Sister Teresa (Mother Teresa ,1910-1997), India's well-known philanthropist, India, founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity, the world has established a huge network of charitable orga...
Author: Sister Teresa (Mother Teresa ,1910-1997), India's well-known philanthropist, India, founder of the Catholic Missionaries of Charity, the world has established a huge network of charitable organizations, has won wide respect from the international community . In 1979 was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Fortunately, this article is selected to receive the award at the time of his speech, this little short speech in English language simple and plain moving. Nobel prize on the podium sounded the voice of the literary style are often filled, warm, passionate. Sister Teresa and the plain speech, it sounds like to cite examples of ordinary matter to them, however behind the great and divine love moving. In ordinary birth to the great, the truth can be moving. We are writing, should be good at their well-known in ordinary tap the great and sincerely touched to the reader.