
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/04 03:08:48


There are always people like this.Even when they're dead,they can still make others live in hell.Like Sir Isaac Newton,Michael Faraday or Georg Simon Ohm

Somebody have died, do not want other people living. For example Newton, Faraday …

Some one died without hoping other people live alive .For example,Newton , Faraday,Ohm and so on.

Some people are dead, also does not want to let others live. For example, Newton, Faraday ohm.

Some people died and took someone else with them,for example Newton and Faraday and Ohm

There are always people like this. Even when they're dead, they can still make others live in hell. Like Sir Isaac Newton, Michael Faraday or Georg Simon Ohm

Some people died and took someone else with them,such as Issac Newton and Faraday Ohm

some died with others' lives together, such as Newton and Faraday Ohm

Some people are dead with tolerance of others. Such as Newton, Faraday ohm.

Although some people have died, their words are so abstact that almost make others confused to death,such as Newton, Faraday, Ohm.

Some people are dead, also does not want to let others live. For example, Newton, Farad Om

Some dead people interrupt others from being alive, such as Newton, Faraday and Ohm.

Someone left no ways for others to live after they died, such as Newton and Faraday ohm.

英语翻译有的人死了,也不想让别人活了.比如牛顿,法拉第欧姆. 有些人活着,但他已经死了;有些人死了,但也不想让别人活. 什么成语形容别人自己得不到也不想让别人得到 英语翻译宁愿去骗别人,也不想被别人骗 翻译成英语~ 有的人活著,死了,有的人死了,活著.我既然感觉不到我活著,也感觉不到我死了.我在哪里? 我做一个小人物,我,死掉了‘烂’ 掉了也不想让人知晓 英语翻译“烦死了烦死了不想上课了 不想写论文了 导师还有讲师要骂就让他们骂好了 我还怕他们会咬我?也不想工作了 什么都不想做 天天宅(呆)在家里就好了我得了很可怕的病”文字翻 英语翻译:我不想输给别人. 请问在你们心中沉默的爱可以算是一种爱吗?只想默默的爱一个人,不想告诉别人,不想让人知道,不想迷失自己,什么都不想.默默的.默默的就可以了. 写在日记本前的话 不想让别人偷看的句子 打油诗也行 求形容自己得不到的东西,宁可毁了,也不想让别人得到的词语 自己不想做的事,也不要勉强让别人去做,这就是“ ”(填一句名言). 英语翻译图书馆用语loan info 是贷款信息借的是什么啊?还的又是什么啊?我不想再让别人这样问我了。这两个都要是名词。我看到过有的单词用‘-’连接起来,可以组成一个新词,(如:ou 英语翻译bxshlsdbzw 前面应该是不想说话了,后面不懂,急死了! 我不会说话,也不会表达自己的情感,感觉像活在自己的世界里,很无奈的我说话让别人听着不高兴,在宿舍里几乎没话说,别人笑我也不想笑 有的人活着 他已经死了有的人死了他还活着起了什么作用? 有的人活著,他已经死了;有的人死了,他还活著.包含了什麼道理?快 是懦弱还是善良今天同学说我老是被欺负...我很难受.因为我是个有实力的人..我只是不想伤害别人.我不想用武力解决问题.不过我更不能让别人瞧不起..怎么样才能让自己放下所有的顾及....