
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/01 11:02:57


Our love will last forever
It was autumn I met him for the first time.I was a senior and prepared for the examination of graduate entrance,I had heard such warning that:“Don’t involve in sentiment during the preparation,otherwise you will fail in this battle.” I am just a special girl,and break this conventionality.
It was a happenstance that we met each other.I needed to borrow a card of graduate student to read some economical works,and he was the just guy who lent me.Be frank with you,I have no feeling with him at the first sight,afterwards it was his sincerity,profound knowledge let me gradually think he was my ideal boyfriend.I think god send him to love me ,to keep me safe form harm.
He was already a doctor candidate and I was trying my best to pursue a different specialty of another school in Guangzhou.Passing the across specialized tests was really an enormous challenge for me,even if I was self-confidence I knew he was just the guy for me in my deep heart.So I stuck to my goal and cherished him.We started the difficult and also joyful journey together.
I will never forget that period eternal of my life,without experience it by yourself,you can’t know its hardship.Everyday we sat in the classroom from 7:00 to23:00.Other lovers around live an easy cozy life.Finished learning or experiment in his laboratory,he companied with me in classroom every evening.When I was cold,he hugged me closely to keep me warm,When I was hungry,a cup of hot milk promptly delivered to my hand.My heart was filled with warm that cold winter.Although I was tired and my brain would blast after studied from morning to midnight,the smile on his face and his warm voice made me relaxed and sticked to my goal.It was already deep night after I finished my study,we walked on the playground ,discussed what I had learnt today,made plan for the later review,sung funny songs that we created ourselves.
He was my boyfriend,psychological consulter,teacher,nutritionist and undeserved target of anger.Whatever he said can speak right to my heart; he knew what I think about.He is my strength when I am weak .He gives me wings and makes me fly.It was not easy to achieve my goal,but we figured it out together.
Where there is a will,there is a way.Finally I was enrolled by my ideal university,I bursted into tears at that moment.Our goal was achieved finally after so many days.For all the joy he bring to my life,for every dream he make come true,for all the love I find in him,I will be forever thankful.
This semester I am studying in my ideal university,the chances we meet are lessening.But through text messages,phone calls,letters,I know he never go away in my life.I am not alone though he is far away.Though we are apart,he is always in my heart.I miss the time we spent together; I miss the special way he called my name.When I miss him at night,I see photos,listen to the music we used to listen,our love will never die.
We will create our future hand in hand,both of us except a watery love,see sun rising and setting together,grow old together.I am the princess in our small world .we have a dream,we can have a house with a garden,maybe we can plant some tomato.There is a big sanctum with kinds of books; a balcony where I read magazines.
We believe every dream will come true with our love.
第二篇 love story
Once upon a time,there was an island where all the feelings lived:Happiness,Sadness,Knowledge,and all of the others including Love.One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink,so all repaired their boats and left.
Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment.When the island was almost sinking,Love decided to ask for help.Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat.Love said,"Richness,can you take me with you?" Richness answered,"No,I can't.There is a lot of gold and silver in my boat.There is no place here for you."
Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel,"Vanity,please help me!" "I can't help you Love.You are all wet and might damage my boat." Vanity answered.
Sadness was close by so Love asked for help,"Sadness,let me go with you." "Oh.Love,I am so sad that I need to be by myself!"
Happiness passed by Love too,but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her!
Suddenly,there was a voice,"Come Love,I will take you." It was an elder.Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he even forgot to ask the elder his name.When they arrived at dry land,the elder went his own way.
Love realizing how much he owed the elder and asked Knowledge,another elder,"Who helped me?" "It was Time," Knowledge answered."Time?" asked Love."But why did Time help me?" Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered,"Because,only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is."

关于爱情或者友情的英文故事,急最好要感人的,不要翻译稿,英语美文,急.好的会加分.最好是故事,快撒。 很美很忧伤的句子 最好关于爱情或者友情 跪求超短英语小故事...关于亲情 ,友情,爱情的要英文的.要短,最好100词以内.高中生用的(要有哲理一点的.)关于 友情 亲情 爱情的好的话加悬赏啊...回答下吧. 感人的友情故事,要很感人很感人,很长很长的故事感动得要哭的那种、再不行视频也可以的 注意是友情不要爱情,亲情,是友情,友情!视频也可以的 求一篇诗意伤感的英文日志(要中英对照哦~)有意境一点的.关于爱情或者友情. 谁能介绍我一篇友情或者亲情的文章?要感人的是亲情或者友情的,要感人,不用太长,最好有点评 原创英语短诗四五句就可以了最好押韵急最好有关友情或者梦想,不要关于爱情。 求唯美的英语句子!关于女生、爱情、成长、亲情或者友情的!英文不要太难哈~ 生活中身边的感人的友情故事要生活中能发在高中生或初中生身上,关于友情的,要感人的,只要说故事的经过 求几个感人的小故事(关于亲情的,友情皆可).要简短! 急求《青春的故事》为题的作文~!~!~以青春的故事为题~求一篇关于高中生的爱情,或者是友情的故事,语言优美点的~~~字数文体都不限~~~谢谢啦!~ 求一篇英文文章,关于爱情,要很感人,最好有翻译 巨急!英语的(一定是英语的)最最最最感人最好是关于爱情的故事字数少一点的!注:一定要英语的,字数少一定要一点).因为我要背下来! 急求感人的英文小故事 关于爱情,友情的名言或者是诗歌有哪些? 有没有很感人的文章?关于亲情,友情,不是爱情的 急求关于感情(亲情、友情等)的100字的文字用于演讲,较感人,感情方面(除爱情),100字左右就行, 急求令人感动的故事!最近我做一个报告,急需要一些令人感动的故事,越多越好,假如您的故事很少,我也非常感谢您对我的支持.可以是关于友情的、亲情的、爱情的……只要是是特别感人的故