
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/10 09:44:00


The prosperity of Vancouver results from the diligence and wisdom of Vancouver people which is from many different nations all over the world.Canada has a larger area than China,but has a population of less than 30 million.Absorbing immigrants has been a Long-term national policy in Canada.It is never too exaggerated to say that besides Indian,there are all immigrants who came to Canada at different times in Canada.Vancouver is one of multi-national cities which is very scarce in the world.Vancouver has a population of
1.8 million and half of it is not native.In every four Vancouver people,there is a Asian.250,000 Chiese play a vital part in
the economic transformation of Vancouver.And half of them came here in the past five years ,thus making Vancouver the largest habitation of chinese besides Asia.

Vancouver is the crystallization of Vancouver person's wisdom and diligent , including the multinational contributions. Canada is scarcely populated,its land is larger than China, but the population i...


Vancouver is the crystallization of Vancouver person's wisdom and diligent , including the multinational contributions. Canada is scarcely populated,its land is larger than China, but the population is inadequate 30 million.Absorbing foreign immigrants has become a long pursed state policy in Cnada.It can be said that besides indian, canadian there are immigrants,the difference is depend on the lenth of time. Vancouver is more of an unrivalled multi-national city in the world.Now, in 1.8 million population of Vancouver,half of them is
not born there and every four residents,there in an Asian.Therefore,250,000 Chiese people play an important role in
Vancouver's economic transformation. Half of them come to Vancouver in past five years , which made Vancouver the largest habitation of chinese people besides Asia.


Vancouver (Vancouver) Vancouver brilliant wisdom and diligence, including multi-national contributions. Canada is a large land area than that of China, population of less than 30 million. Absorption o...


Vancouver (Vancouver) Vancouver brilliant wisdom and diligence, including multi-national contributions. Canada is a large land area than that of China, population of less than 30 million. Absorption of immigrants, Canada has long adopted a national policy. It can be said, except for Indians in Canada, both are immigrants, the length of time it is different. Vancouver is the world's few multi-ethnic city. Vancouver, now 1.8 million residents, half of them are not native born, and every four residents is from Asia. The 250,000 Chinese in the economic transformation of the Vancouver played a decisive role. Half of them have come the past five years the Vancouver area to Vancouver to become the largest outside Asia where the Chinese concentrate.
