
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 15:17:16


1.I would like to know if we can confirm with company A before March 6 on the date and place of this year's conference?I am hoping to get the reply before March 6.
2.Will the date of next year's MR conference be confirmed in this month?
3.On the arrangement of Feb.and March tour for next year,we came across some places of interest in Beijing conference,such as A,B,...Shall we add those places to the travel plan?
4.Please send me the contact information of the head of Comany A who we mentioned in Beijing conference.I'd like to meet with her.

1. I wonder if we could confirm with Company A before March 6 when and where the conference is to be held this year. We hope to get your reply by March 6.
2. Regarding the schedule of MR meeting ...


1. I wonder if we could confirm with Company A before March 6 when and where the conference is to be held this year. We hope to get your reply by March 6.
2. Regarding the schedule of MR meeting next year, would you please confirm it by the end of this month?
3. As for the travel plan for Feb. or Mar. next year, some famous attractions in Beijing such as A, B... were suggested at our meeting in Beijing. Should we add those spots into the travel plan?
4. The head of Company A was mentioned at our meeting in Beijing, and I would like to make an appointment with her, so please let me know her name and contact info.


1.i would like to know that if we are able to confirm the schedule and place of this year's conference with companyA before March.6th and also if there is any chance that we could get the reply before...


1.i would like to know that if we are able to confirm the schedule and place of this year's conference with companyA before March.6th and also if there is any chance that we could get the reply before the day of march 6.
2. Can we have the confirmation of next year's conference schedule within this month?
3.Reagrding to the travel arrangement in next Feb.and March, is there any chance that we could add the famous attractions which are mentioned during the conference into the travel arrangement?
4.Can i have the name and contact info. of person in charge with the top position in company A that is mentioned during the meeting. i would like to talk with her face to face.


1 March 6th I would like to know before we can and A confirmed that this year the time and place of the meeting? Hope can be in March 6th before ...


1 March 6th I would like to know before we can and A confirmed that this year the time and place of the meeting? Hope can be in March 6th before the reply.
2 on the next MR meeting time can be confirmed in this month?
3 February and March travel arrangements at a meeting in Beijing, we mentioned a few famous attractions, A, B.. , can put this several places to join the tourism plan?
4 we met in Beijing when referring to A company in Beijing, the highest position person in charge, please tell me her name and contact way, I want to talk with her.


英语翻译1.我想知道3月6日之前我们能不能和A公司确认今年会议的时间和地点?希望可以在3月6日之前得到答复.2.关于明年MR的会议时间可以在本月得到确认吗?3.明年2月和3月的旅游安排,我们在 我们班(小学五年级)有一块墙名唤“班级公约”,但不知道怎么布置,我要在下星期二(3月27日)之前搞完啊! 2008年初一会考作文题型是什么?在6月30日之前告诉我!我想可能没人知道. 如受孕15天做B超能看出孕囊吗?在6月11日发生的性生活,6月26日做了B超孕囊7*8*8mm.还是之前就已经怀孕了我想知道如果受孕的那天就是6月11日,在26号阴超是否能做出,总共相隔15天,月经末次是5月 英语翻译ASOS客服你好我想知道昨天我说的关于退款的问题.你们查询的进度怎么样了.我已经不能在等了我在2月28日下的订单,今天是4月7日,你们承诺的时间是3月28日之前收到货.目前为止依旧 英语翻译2月19日之前 英语翻译请在8月31日之前把以下报告发给我们 英语翻译在6月26日和7月1日邮件中所提到的几个产品的价格,略有不同,如下图:不知道您是否可以帮我们确认下,(语气要那种非常客气地,) 英语翻译在6月26日和7月1日邮件中所提到的几个产品的价格,略有不同,如下图:不知道您是否可以帮我们确认下,(语气要那种非常客气地,) 老师问他们知道他的生日是哪一天吗?3月4日,3月5日,3月8日,6月4日,6月7日,9月1日,9月5日,12月1日,12月2日,12月8日.甲说:如果我不知道的话,乙肯定也不知道,乙说:本来我也不知道,但是现在我知道 急:gre更改11年6G则么样才能更改啊(3月15日之前作文就考完了)我想改的就是机考(作文)啊,那个写不出来。笔考也想顺便推迟了。 老师的生日是a月b日,两个学生都不知道老师的生日,老师把a值告诉了甲,把b值告诉了乙,老师问他们知道他的生日是哪一天吗?3月4日,3月5日,3月8日,6月4日,6月7日,9月1日,9月5日,12月1日,12月2日,12月 英语翻译10月1日 10月2日 10月3日 10月4日 10月5日 10月6日翻译成英文 同上!6月25日之前~ 交货期6月10日之前 怎么说? 5月6日之前要 我想知道世界各国建国日的详细时间?例如:中华人民共和国 1949年10月1日具我所知日本比我们中国建国日早很多很多年```但是那一年就不知道拉(只知道是2月11日)那其它国家呢?我要准确的详细 英语翻译因为我们将参展110届秋季广交会第三期,日期在2011年10月31日到2011年11月4日,需要提前3天去广州,所以希望贵司能否在2011年10月21日之前支付我们第二集装箱的余款.我们收到货款,就将