
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/23 22:35:04


Content abstract:divorce compensation for damage regulation is a regulation for its fault spouse other unlawful infringement behavior,spouse enjoys a spouse identity based on the lawful rights and interests of the breakdown of their marriage,spouses caused such may request compensation losses on the property and the property losses of civil law system.
Our 2001 modified "marriage law",for the first time in matrimonial and family law established during the divorce compensation for damage regulation,but the system's own existence many imperfect.
In actual life by a party concerned because of family violence,bigamy,cohabitation,on account of the maltreatment or desertion of the divorce act caused suffered physical and mental suffering has far exceeded the property damage can be calculated.
This paper mainly through the "pack two milks" and bigamy phenomenon and lead to divorce introduced four legal situation about divorce compensation for damage of the mental damage compensation behavior,and the corresponding legal remedy to defend the innocent party,the legitimate rights and interests.
The mental damage compensation;

Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage break...


Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage breakdown, the spouse the other party may claim compensation for their property losses and losses on non-property the civil legal system. Amended in 2001 in China the "Marriage Law", the first time in marriage and family law, divorce damage compensation system established, but there are many imperfections in the system itself. Parties in real life due to domestic violence, bigamy, cohabitation, abuse, abandonment and divorce caused by acts of physical and mental pain suffered far more than financial losses can be calculated. In this paper, through the "second wives" and bigamy phenomenon and led to a divorce case focuses on the four statutory damages on divorce damages in the spirit of the act, and the corresponding legal remedies to defend the legal rights of the innocent party.


Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage break...


Summary: Divorce Damage to require one spouse because of the fault behavior, criminal violations based on the spouse as the spouse of the other parties have the legal rights, leading to marriage breakdown, the spouse the other party may claim compensation for their property losses and losses on non-property the civil legal system. Amended in 2001 in China the "Marriage Law", the first time in marriage and family law, divorce damage compensation system established, but there are many imperfections in the system itself. Parties in real life due to domestic violence, bigamy, cohabitation, abuse, abandonment and divorce caused by acts of physical and mental pain suffered far more than financial losses can be calculated. In this paper, through the "second wives" and bigamy phenomenon and led to a divorce case focuses on the four statutory damages on divorce damages in the spirit of the act, and the corresponding legal remedies to defend the legal rights of the innocent party.
Key words: bias; mental damages; abuse


英语翻译内容摘要:离婚损害赔偿制度是规定配偶一方因其过错行为,不法侵害配偶他方基于配偶身份所享有的合法权益,导致婚姻关系破裂,配偶他方得请求赔偿其财产上的损失和非财产上的 英语翻译离婚精神损害赔偿,是指婚姻关系的一方当事人实施了诸如通奸、姘居、重婚、遗弃、虐待或谋杀等侵害行为,导致婚姻关系破裂并造成无过错方精神痛苦和内心创伤,过错方给予无过 离婚损害赔偿 英文参考文献谁知道?我要 英文的 英语翻译养老金制度丹麦福利政策的核心是养老金制度.丹麦的养老金制度包括:政府养老金制度、劳动力市场补充养老金制度和综合养老金制度三类.丹麦政府养老金制度规定,年满67岁的丹 英语翻译原文如下:浅谈会计集中核算与单位财务管理(市会计核算中心) 内容摘要:实行会计集中核算制度是政府加强财政管理,规范会计行为,提高财政资金使用效益,从源头上治理腐败的 英语翻译[内容摘要]:情事变更原则是一直被视为对“契约严守”的相对突破,在德国表现为“法律行为基础制度”,法国表现为“不预见理论”,英美法系国家通过“合同落空理论”加以规制.作 英语翻译各位英语牛人,给翻译翻译“离婚潮”这个词把,是指一大堆离婚的人扎堆离婚,不是离婚的潮流,怎样翻比较贴切, 英语翻译不要对话!只要内容摘要! 英语翻译自首制度是我国刑法中一项重要的量刑制度,它有利于分化瓦解犯罪分子,有利于预防犯罪.自首制度在我国源远流长,一向被认识是中华法系的特色制度,它至今仍规定在我国现行刑法 英语翻译标题:违约精神损害赔偿的案例分析对于那些主要以精神利益为目的的特殊服务合同,是否能够基于违约之诉而诉请精神损害赔偿在学理上一直存有争议。由于缺少相关法律的规定 英语翻译【内容摘要】反诉是民事诉讼中一项重要的制度,它是被告所享有的民事诉权,也是一项基本诉讼权利.由于反诉制度在立法方面不够完善,以及法学理论界对其认识有较大分歧,在实体 英语翻译【摘要】:我国新修订的《婚姻法》中增加的离婚损害赔偿,不但保障了受害者的利益,而且还对破坏家庭关系的一方给予了惩罚.它是一项重要的法律救助措施,对社会和家庭的和谐起 英语翻译(差不多意思就行):别把离婚挂在嘴边,或者是别动不动就说离婚 我国现行宪法对土地制度是如何规定的 宪法为什么规定社会主义制度是我国的根本制度 明朝官僚丁忧制度是怎样规定的 最早规定实行民族区域自治制度的文件是_________ 英语翻译内容摘要:公益诉讼作为我国新兴的诉讼制度,在我国的发展历程可谓是一路艰辛、历尽磨难.这么多年,公益诉讼都只是停留在理论探讨层面,虽然社会公益诉讼事件日益增多,但多处