英语翻译论建筑业开展工程总承包存在的问题及对策摘 要本文首先对工程总承包的定义、意义、研究重点、研究状况进行了介绍;并结合对部分大型国有公司的考察,然后通过简要介绍工程

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/19 13:06:43

英语翻译论建筑业开展工程总承包存在的问题及对策摘 要本文首先对工程总承包的定义、意义、研究重点、研究状况进行了介绍;并结合对部分大型国有公司的考察,然后通过简要介绍工程
摘 要
关键词:总承包管理 解决对策

英语翻译论建筑业开展工程总承包存在的问题及对策摘 要本文首先对工程总承包的定义、意义、研究重点、研究状况进行了介绍;并结合对部分大型国有公司的考察,然后通过简要介绍工程
By architecture industry development project primary contractor existence question and countermeasure
This article first to the project primary contractor's definition,the significance,the research key,the research condition has carried on the introduction;
and unifies to the part large-scale state-owned company's inspection,then knows
related through brief introduction project primary contractor's some knowledge,at present,the question which existed in the project primary contractor management has carried on system's analysis to our country,and proposed
solved the question countermeasure,the development primary contractor engineering project management proposes the mentality.

正解来了 Theory of construction to carry out the existing problems and countermeasures of the general contractor Pick to This article first to the engineering general contracting the definition, signif...


正解来了 Theory of construction to carry out the existing problems and countermeasures of the general contractor Pick to This article first to the engineering general contracting the definition, significance, research emphasis, introduces the research status; Combined with the investigation of some large state-owned company, and then through the brief introduction of the project general contracting of some relevant knowledge , at present, the knowledge of the engineering general contracting management problems that exist in the system is analyzed, and put forward The countermeasures to solve the problem, the development of general contracting project management put forward train of thought.


On the construction industry to carry out general contracting Problems and countermeasures Abstract The paper first introduces the definition of general contracting, significance, research focus, ...


On the construction industry to carry out general contracting Problems and countermeasures Abstract The paper first introduces the definition of general contracting, significance, research focus, research status; combined with visits to the part of the large state-owned companies, then by brief introduction general contracting some knowledge, currently, our engineering general contracting management system analysis, and proposed solutions to this problem, the development of a general contracting project management ideas. Keywords: general contracting management problems Solutions


On the construction industry to carry out general contracting Problems and countermeasures Abstract Firstly, the definition of general contracting, significance, research fo...


On the construction industry to carry out general contracting Problems and countermeasures Abstract Firstly, the definition of general contracting, significance, research focus, research conditions were introduced; Combined with the investigation on the part of large state-owned companies, and then through a brief introduction to general contracting Knowledge Knowledge, the problems of our country in general contracting management system analysis, and proposed Solutions to this problem, the development of the general contracting project management ideas. Keywords: general contracting management problems Solutions



By architecture industry development project primary contractor existence question and countermeasure Abstract This article first to the project primary contractor's defin...


By architecture industry development project primary contractor existence question and countermeasure Abstract This article first to the project primary contractor's definition, the significance, the research key, the research condition has carried on the introduction; and unifies to the part large-scale state-owned company's inspection, then knows related through brief introduction project primary contractor's some knowledge, at present, the question which existed in the project primary contractor management has carried on system's analysis to our country, and proposed solved the question countermeasure, the development primary contractor engineering project management proposes the mentality.


英语翻译论建筑业开展工程总承包存在的问题及对策摘 要本文首先对工程总承包的定义、意义、研究重点、研究状况进行了介绍;并结合对部分大型国有公司的考察,然后通过简要介绍工程 英语翻译我公司以EPC总承包交钥匙方式,保证以高质量、高要求、高标准的建设理念向业主提交一个优质工程. 英语翻译民营施工企业内部管理问题的研究摘要:近年来,随着西气东输、南水北调、青藏铁路、奥运场馆等一批特大型工程相继落成或正在建设,标志着我国建筑业的建造能力达到了一个新 建筑业企业资质等级标准中 具有化工石油工程施工总承包企业资质是否代表具有消防施工资质? 英语翻译人类为了生活和生产的需要,自古迄今无时不在进行各种工程建设。建筑业固有的特点决定了其管理难度较大,且具有危险性。据统计,建筑业的生产事故频率、灾害率要高于全国 设备成套的英文简写是什么?国内工程的承包模式。比如,EPC是总承包,EP是设计+采购等等。设备成套的英文缩写是什么呢? 工程总承包 EPC 英文全称是什么EPC 作 工程总承包译时,其全称是什么 英语翻译在建筑工程翻译中,翻译工程项目的名称,用把Project翻译出来吗?例如:中国国际贸易中心第二期总承包工程 China International Trade Center Ⅱ 后面用加一个Project吗? 英语翻译国家建筑工程施工总承包一级资质企业这句话的英文翻译是什么 幼儿园,科学活动开展存在哪些问题 甲公司主要从事建筑工程,2010开展了一下业务(求答案3Q)甲公司主要从事建筑工程,2010开展了一下业务(1)承包某建筑工程项目,并与建设方签订施工总包合同,合同明确工程总造价3000万元其 建筑业总产值是否等于工程结算收入 8项不同的工程由3个工程队承包,每队至少承包2项,不同的承包方案? 甲乙丙三人承包五项工程,每人至少承包一项,有多少种不同的承包方法 排列组合 (7 17:57:14)五项不同的工程,由三个工程队全部承包下来,每队至少承包一项工程,那么不同工程承包方案有几种? 工程总承包和施工总承包,平行发包,肢解发包之间有什么区别啊!搞的我好混乱,我先写以下几个问题吧1,什么叫总承包,什么叫分包?2,甲方如果把土建和幕墙发包给不同的公司是否合法?这算肢 求文档:问题搜索基本案情】甲电讯公司因建办公楼与乙建筑承包公司签订了工程总承包合同.基本案情】甲电讯公司因建办公楼与乙建筑承包公司签订了工程总承包合同.其后,经甲同意,乙分 重庆 变压器维修 发电机组维修 旧变压器回收 旧发电机回收?本公司专业承接重庆各地电力设施工程总承包,电力变电工程总承包,电力变压器安装总承包,电力变压器维修,电力设施改造,高低压