已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n 求证不等式n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n求证不等式 n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)等号当且仅当x1=x2=…=xn时取得这个题是好像是可以通

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/28 06:02:30

已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n 求证不等式n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n求证不等式 n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)等号当且仅当x1=x2=…=xn时取得这个题是好像是可以通
已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n 求证不等式n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)
求证不等式 n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)

已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n 求证不等式n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n求证不等式 n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)等号当且仅当x1=x2=…=xn时取得这个题是好像是可以通
设$a_1=\frac{x_2}{x_1},a_2=\frac{x_3}{x_2},\cdots,a_2=\frac{x_1}{x_n}$,则我们有$a_1a_2\cdots a_n=1$,我们要证明的是:$\frac{1}{n+a_1}+\frac{1}{n+a_2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n+a_n}\le \frac{n}{n+1}$  (1)
\[(n+a_1)(\frac{1}{n-1+a_1}+\frac{1}{n^2}) = (n-1+a_1+1)(\frac{1}{n-1+a_1}+\frac{1}{n^2}) \ge \left(\frac{n+1}{n}\right)^2\]
\[\frac{1}{n+a_1} \le \left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^2 (\frac{1}{n-1+a_1}+\frac{1}{n^2}) \]
\[\frac{1}{n+a_2} \le \left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^2 (\frac{1}{n-1+a_2}+\frac{1}{n^2}) \]
\[\frac{1}{n+a_n} \le \left(\frac{n}{n+1}\right)^2 (\frac{1}{n-1+a_n}+\frac{1}{n^2}) \]
因此为证明不等式(1)成立我们只需证明:$\frac{1}{n-1+a_1}+\frac{1}{n-1+a_2}+\cdots+\frac{1}{n-1+a_n}\le 1$(2)
而(2)等价于$\frac{a_1}{n-1+a_1}+\frac{a_2}{n-1+a_2}+\cdots+\frac{a_n}{n-1+a_n}\ge 1$(3)
$\frac{a_1}{n-1+a_1} \ge \frac{a_1^k}{a_1^k+a_2^k+\cdots+a_n^k}$(4)
其中$k=\frac{n-1}{n}$,(4)式的证明是由于$(4) \iff a_1(a_2^k+\cdots+a_n^k) \ge (n-1)a_1^k$而最后一式有平均值不等式可得到.
$\frac{a_1}{n-1+a_1} \ge \frac{a_2^k}{a_1^k+a_2^k+\cdots+a_n^k}$
$\frac{a_n}{n-1+a_1} \ge \frac{a_n^k}{a_1^k+a_2^k+\cdots+a_n^k}$

-a: The first set of each root zone, the second document location (70% of the root line with this principle, so look first know in which area among the five keys to see The second document on the posi...


-a: The first set of each root zone, the second document location (70% of the root line with this principle, so look first know in which area among the five keys to see The second document on the positioning in the 5 key in which! do not believe? root distribution can be above all the root try again by this principle,cheap yves saint laurent shoes, the special ring out to see, not much right, only the following 25% +5%, and then removed with a special memory methods,manolo blahnik shoes sale, only a few, just remember it!) -

2: \The vertical position (No. 2 key, F key) -

- not the back I decided, as long as we removed several times, soon learned the legendary difficult to learn the five strokes of the! And do not start learning English key! -
- now part of streamlining the learning into: 5 minutes theory -> practice Separation of Chinese -> removed the root -> the first set area -> second tranche of positioning -> OK! (No need rote lifetime, fast and accurate!) -
2: to know the five strokes of the keyboard on the distribution of characteristics: recognized root of the first and second stroke on the set location -
formulas added back this difficult period, it is the most failure of an inventor! The abstract image of what was so complicated and difficult to remember! Alas! Unfortunately,) -
original ideas sum up:
Just remember the following 3 points: -
I must learn to play five strokes back pain: theory -> back I decided -> Training Separation of Chinese -> removed the root -> back I decided -> NOT true I must -> corresponds to Which English button -> OK! (Interrupted at any time due to pain) -
- (invented the five-stroke, great! really is re-code at least,christian louboutin boots, the fastest input method! -
1: \The horizontal position (No. 1 key, G key) -
b: the root of a special memory method (25% of the root): If \
c: can only memorize the root (only 5%): such as \
3: \write bit (No. 3 keys, D keys, but also pronounced \
...... -
found that 70% of the root principles do not need to remember it, and the rest is very easy to think up ways to remember! -
good! actual look: -
- they simply do not have back pain that I must, skip it and go directly to the Separation of Chinese stage right,christian louboutin flats uk, if a mouth mutter prayers, may wish to \for the words must come with it! -
1: know what Wubi is: 1 丨 Pie Dian B (if they had written strokes off) -
(red strokes shown in Figure District: Bank on the left 5 keys of \
up on the left 5 keys of \
down the left five health is \
(blue strokes shown in Figure bit: to the middle yellow line as the boundary, from the middle to both sides of the walk, are \
3: Distribution of root principles: (inventors by the idea that to accommodate the root of so much of) -

Romance is for others to read, being happy is to give his recollection of the

Her husband's confession

《和我同居的女人》第三章 再遇(转载)



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已知xi∈R,x1+x2+……+xi=0, |x1|+|x2|+...+|xi|=1,求证x1/1+x2/2+…+xi/i 已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n 求证不等式n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)已知xi∈R+,i=1,2,…,n求证不等式 n/(n+1)≥x1/(nx1+x2)+x2/(nx2+x3)+…+xn/(nxn+x1)等号当且仅当x1=x2=…=xn时取得这个题是好像是可以通 设xi∈R+(i=1,2,n),求证:x1^x1x2^x2,xn^xn≥(x1x2,xn)^1/n(x1+x2+,+xn) 已知 ∑|xi |=1 ∑xi=0 (均是从1到N)求|∑xi/i |≤1/2-1/2n 已知X~N(1,4),Xi(i=1,2,3……n),则X拔属于什么分布 数学归纳法证明不等式问题设xi∈[1,+∞)(i=1,2,…,n).求证:1/(1+x1)+1/(1+x2)+…+1/(1+xn)≥n/((开n次方)√(x1x2…xn)+1) ·若xi∈R+(i=1,2,……,n),且x1·x2·……·xn=1,试用数学归纳法证明:x1+x2+……+xn>n 已知等比数列{an},求证:对任意n属于N*,方程x的平方+(a的平方 n+1 +1)x+anan+2=0都有一个相同的根,且另一个根xi(i=1,2……,n)任组成一个等比数列{xn}.注 (a的平方 n+1 +1)也就是a的右上方写2 右下 excel ∑求和 ∑(n-i)(xi-yi) i=1到n xi和yi位已知变量,请问怎么求和? 求助一道线性代数题,关于空间线性封闭、仿射封闭和凸封闭性的题目简化后是这样子的:xi属于集合A,ai属于实数R (1)若已知“A中任取2个元素xi和xj,ai*xi+aj*xj属于A”,求证“A中任取N个元素,S 一道关于抽样分布的概率论题目已知方差为S^2,期望为E,先取出样本X1,X2……Xn,他们的均值为X跋,求证(Xj-X跋)与(Xi-X跋)的相关系数为p=-1/(n-1),其中i,j不相等,均在[1,n]的范围内 设X1,X2……Xn相互独立,且Xi~N(μ,θ^2),i=1,2,3……n.T=1/n∑i=1 到n Xi^2,则E设X1、X2……Xn相互独立,且Xi~N(μ,θ^2),i=1,2,3……n.T=1/n∑i=1 到n Xi^2,则E(T)~拜托高手解答,在线等 求证一大学数理统计的证明题试证:∑(xi - x_)^2 = ∑(xi - a)^2 - n(x_ - a)^2,对任意实数成立.说明:∑是从i=1到n的累加,xi的i是下标,x_的_表示均值符号.这些符号不太懂该怎么表示,所以了自己想了一 设f在开区间(a,b)上连续,∨xi∈(a,b)(i=1,2,````n).证明存在x0∈(a,b),使得f(x)=1/n∑(n,i=1)f(xi). 导数题.已知函数fx=e^x-ax-1(a∈R),其中e为自然对数底数.求证当n≥2,n∈N时,恒有1^n+4^n+7^n+…已知函数fx=e^x-ax-1(a∈R),其中e为自然对数底数.求证当n≥2,n∈N时,恒有1^n+4^n+7^n+…+(3n-2)^n<(e^(1/3)/(e-1))* 已知X~N(1,4),Xi(i=1,2,3﹉n)为来自总体的X样本,则X拔服从的分布为, 已知正实数xi:x1*x2*x3*x4*...*xn=1.求证:[1/(n-1+x1)]+[1/(n-1+x2)]+...+[1/(n-1+xn)]= 我有几道高二文科数学题不会 拜托 告诉一下啊1)已知 x y属于R 若 xi+2=y-i,则x-y=多少2)若复数1+z分之1-z=i,则z= 多少3)三角形的三边a, b, c,的倒数成等差数列 求证角B小于90度 谢谢啊