请给我讲一下There are over two t_____ students in our school.(并给我出3道类似的题.谢谢thousand是正确的,请你再给我出3道类似的题

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/19 23:41:16

请给我讲一下There are over two t_____ students in our school.(并给我出3道类似的题.谢谢thousand是正确的,请你再给我出3道类似的题
请给我讲一下There are over two t_____ students in our school.(

请给我讲一下There are over two t_____ students in our school.(并给我出3道类似的题.谢谢thousand是正确的,请你再给我出3道类似的题
There are more than two million people in this city.
There are more than three hundred deers in the forest.
There are more than four billion dollars deposit in the bank.

请给我讲一下There are over two t_____ students in our school.(并给我出3道类似的题.谢谢thousand是正确的,请你再给我出3道类似的题 They are all like music 这句话对么如果不对 请指出并给我讲一下ALL的用法 物理题!我不会做,请给我讲一下,. 请帮我翻译一句话.There are grounds for confusion over the lack of uniformity over appeals. 请给我讲一下美国黑奴的历史 There are over 20 songs by her.(同义句转换)There are _____ _____ 20 songs written by her.请顺便翻译一下好吗?谢谢!! love sex magic 歌词英文解释 imagine if there was a millon me’s talking sexy to you like that .会不会是什么口语?请给我讲一下, so what are they supposed to be the building over there?能帮我分析一下这个句子吗 请给讲一下3题、 Who are the girls over there?中文翻译.谁能交我? 英语翻译我是这样写的 请老师来看一下 that writer who books are seldom read is poor 如果我写的不对或需要改正的 请老师给我讲一下 有谁能帮我用英语模拟一下对讲机互动的情景对话比如说:黄河:长江、长江,黄河呼叫.over长江:收到,请讲.over.长江:明白.over黄河:Thanks.over and out.等等.最主要的是按照国际无线电语言规 请哪位给我讲一下rather than的用法请给我讲一下它的后面接什么和它在句中的用法 where is the toilet ,please it is ----there,在横杠处填词A.over B.at C.in我知道答案选A 麻烦讲一下为啥选A over what those are there What are ___ over there what are t___ over there Boys are over there sudu