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hang★/hæŋ/verb, noun
(hung, hung/hʌŋ/HELP In sense 4,hangedis used for the past tense and past participle.作第 4 义时过去时和过去分词用 hanged.)
~ (something)(up)[+adv./prep.]
to attach something, or to be attached, at the top so that the lower part is free or loose悬挂;吊
Hang your coat up on the hook. 把你的大衣挂在衣钩上.
Where are we supposed to hang our washing up to dry? 我们该把洗好的衣物晾在哪里?
There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe. 衣柜里挂着几套昂贵的衣服.
when somethinghangsin a particular way, it falls in that way垂下;垂落
Her hair hung down to her waist. 她的长发垂及腰际.
He had lost weight and the suit hung loosely on him. 他体重减轻了,这套衣服他穿在身上松松垮垮的.
to bend or let something bend downwards(使)低垂,下垂
The dog's tongue was hanging out. 狗的舌头耷拉在外面.
Children hung (= were leaning)over the gate.孩子们趴在门上.
A cigarette hung from her lips. 她嘴唇上叼着香烟.
She hung her headin shame.她羞愧得垂下了头.
▶KILL somebody杀人
(hanged, hanged)
to kill somebody, usually as a punishment, by tying a rope around their neck and allowing them to drop; to be killed in this way(被)绞死,施以绞刑
He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. 他是这个国家中最后一个被处以绞刑的谋杀犯.
She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam. 她悬梁自尽了.
At that time you could hang for stealing. 那时犯窃盗罪就可能会被绞死的.
to attach something, especially a picture, to a hook on a wall; to be attached in this way(使)挂在墙上
We hung her portrait above the fireplace. 我们把她的画像挂在壁炉上方.
Several of his paintings hang in the Tate Gallery. 他的几幅油画挂在塔特美术馆.
[VN][usually passive]~ something with something
to decorate a place by placing paintings, etc. on a wall挂图画等装饰(某处)
The rooms were hung with tapestries. 这些房间装饰着挂毯.
to stickWALLPAPERto a wall(在墙上)贴壁纸
to attach a door or gate to a post so that it moves freely把(门)装在门柱上;装(门)
to stay in the air悬浮(在空中)
Smoke hung in the air above the city. 城市上空烟雾弥漫.
IDM'hang something(BrE, informal)used to say that you are not going to worry about something不在乎;不管
Oh, let's get ten and hang the expense! 哎呀,我们买两份吧,管它多少钱!
hang a 'left/ 'right(NAmE)
to take a left/ right turn向左╱向右转
hang by a 'hair/ 'thread(of a person's life人的生命)
to be in great danger命悬一线;气若游丝;危在旦夕
hang (on) 'in there(informal)
to remain determined to succeed even when a situation is difficult保持信心;坚持下去;不气馁
hang on somebody's 'words/on somebody's every 'word
to listen with great attention to somebody you admire专心致志地听所崇拜的人讲话;洗耳恭听某人的话
hang 'tough(NAmE)
to be determined and refuse to change your attitude or ideas立场坚定;态度坚决
let it all hang 'out(informal)
to express your feelings freely宣泄情感
—more at BALANCEn., FIREn., GRIM, HEAVYadv., LOOSEadj., PEGn., WELLadv.PHR Vhang a'bout(BrE, informal)
to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much(在某处附近)等待,逗留,闲荡
kids hanging about in the streets 在街上东游西逛的孩子们
to be very slow doing something慢悠悠
I can't hang about—the boss wants to see me. 我可不能磨磨蹭蹭了 —— 老板要见我.
(informal)used to tell somebody to stop what they are doing or saying for a short time停一下;等一等
Hang about! There's something not quite right here. 且慢!这儿有点不对头.
hang a'bout with somebody(informal)
to spend a lot of time with somebody(和某人)长时间待在一起,泡在一块儿
hang a'round (...)(informal)
to wait or stay near a place, not doing very much(在某处附近)等待,逗留,闲荡
You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead. 你在这附近等着以防万一他来了;我继续往前走.
hang a'round with somebody(informal)
to spend a lot of time with somebody(和某人)长时间待在一起,泡在一块儿
hang 'back
to remain in a place after all the other people have left留下;继续留在原处
hang 'back (from something)
to hesitate because you are nervous about doing or saying something犹豫;畏缩;吞吞吐吐
I was sure she knew the answer but for some reason she hung back. 我敢保证她知道答案,但不知为什么她不敢说出来.
hang 'on
to hold something tightly抓紧
Hang on tight—we're off! 抓紧了 —— 我们出发了!
☞ note at HOLD
(informal)used to ask somebody to wait for a short time or to stop what they are doing等一下;停一下
Hang on—I'm not quite ready. 请稍候 —— 我还没准备好呢.
Now hang on a minute—you can't really believe what you just said! 等一下 —— 你不可能真的相信你刚才说的话吧!
to wait for something to happen等待某事发生;等候
I haven't heard if I've got the job yet—they've kept me hanging on for days. 我是否得到了那份工作的事还没消息 —— 他们让我等了好几天了.
(informal)used on the telephone to ask somebody who is calling to wait until they can talk to the person they want别挂电话,等一下
Hang on—I'll just see if he's here. 等一下 —— 我这就看看他在不在.
to continue doing something in difficult circumstances(在逆境中)坚持,不放弃
The team hung on for victory. 这个队为了胜利坚持不懈.
'hang on something
to depend on something有赖于,取决于(某事物)
A lot hangs on this decision. 很多事情都取决于这一决定.
hang 'on to something
to hold something tightly抓紧某物
Hang on to that rope and don't let go. 抓紧那根绳子,别松手.
to keep something, not sell it or give it away保留;不卖掉;不放弃
Let's hang on to those old photographs—they may be valuable. 咱们留着那些旧照片吧 —— 它们或许有价值.
hang 'out(informal)
to spend a lot of time in a place常去某处;泡在某处
The local kids hang out at the mall. 当地的孩子常在商场闲荡.
—related noun HANG-OUThang 'over somebody
if something bad or unpleasant ishanging overyou, you think about it and worry about it a lot because it is happening or might happen使忧心忡忡;担心可能发生
The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her. 可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头.
hang to'gether
to fit together well; to be the same as orCONSISTENTwith each other相符;一致;连贯
Their accounts of what happened don't hang together. 他们各人对事情的描述不吻合.
(of people人)
to support or help six another相互支持;互相帮助;同心协力
hang 'up
to end a telephone conversation by putting the telephoneRECEIVERdown or switching the telephone off挂断电话
After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say. 我挂断电话之后才想起来原本想说的话.
hang something↔'up(informal)
to finish using something for the last time终止使用某物
Ruth has hung up her dancing shoes. 鲁思已挂起舞鞋退出舞台了.
hang 'up on somebody(informal)
to end a telephone call by suddenly and unexpectedly putting the telephone down突然挂断某人的电话
Don't hang up on me—we must talk! 别挂断电话 —— 我们一定得谈谈!
—see also HUNG UP
the way in which a dress, piece of cloth, etc. falls or moves(衣服、织物等的)悬挂方式,下垂
get the 'hang of something(informal)
to learn how to do or to use something; to understand something掌握…的要领;了解…的用法;找到了诀窍
It's not difficult once you get the hang of it. 你掌握了要领就不难了.
