英语周报八年级2012-2013学年(下)英语周报综合复习答案 6.19之内回答30

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英语周报八年级2012-2013学年(下)英语周报综合复习答案 6.19之内回答30
英语周报八年级2012-2013学年(下)英语周报综合复习答案 6.19之内回答30

英语周报八年级2012-2013学年(下)英语周报综合复习答案 6.19之内回答30
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Unit1 词汇: 1.term 2.publish 3.free 4.consider 5.list 6.chief 7.speech 8.lonely 9.suggest 10.present 11.activities 12.return 短语: 一.1.had a high fever 2.take charge of 3.voted for 4.talk,over 5.keep fit ...


Unit1 词汇: 1.term 2.publish 3.free 4.consider 5.list 6.chief 7.speech 8.lonely 9.suggest 10.present 11.activities 12.return 短语: 一.1.had a high fever 2.take charge of 3.voted for 4.talk,over 5.keep fit 6.For this reason 7.not,at all 8.At break 二.1.be responsible for 2.be free for 3.getting on well with 4.try our best 5.once a week 6.are pleased with 7.a copy of 8.take notes 9.make a decision about 句型: 1.ought to 2.Should we;Yes,we should 3.ought not to;Ought,to 4,What ought we to do? 语法: 一.1-5 BCBDA 6-8 BCD 二.1.are free for 2.for free 三.1.should/ought to 2.shouldn't/ought not to 3.ought to 四.1.thinking about 2.think of 3.think,over 4.thought of 情景反映: 1-5 DAEBC 单元测试 一.1-5 BDACC 6-10 BCDBC 二.11-15 DCBAC 16-20 CCABD 三.21-25 BCDCA 26-30 BABCD 四.31-35CBDCA 36-40BCDBA 五.41.free 42.includes 43.lonely 44.return 45.band 六.46.gets on well with 47.takes charge of 48.in a week's time 49.are pleased with 50.believe in Unit2 专项练习 词汇:1.guilty 2.spell 3.case 4.admitted 5.recent 6.centre 7.rather 8.invite 9.empty 10.enenmies 短语:一.1.the same,as 2.no longer 3.at the back of 4.got away 5.by underground 6.was angry with 7.took away 8.kill herself 二.1.broke into 2.refused to go 3.instead of 4.from a distance 5.in addition to 6.says good
night to 7.lose money 句型:1.as well as 2.it is,to 3.so,that 4.forgets to da 5.practise playing 语法: 一.1-5 BACDA 6-10BDBCA 11-12CB 二.1.taking 2.to win 3.crying 4.to write 5.to have 6.going 情景反应:1-5BEADF 单元测试: 一.1-5BBCAD 6-10CCDAD 二.11-15CABBA 16-20DBACD 三.21-25BDABD 26-30ACABA 四.31-35DBBAC 36-40ADCBC 五.41.crime 42.check 43.empty 44.tickets 45.mean 六.46.say goodnight to 47.refuse to da 48.got away 49.the same,as 50.was angry with unit3 单元测试 一。1-5 CBCAD 6-10 BDACB 二。11-15 ACDBD 16-20 ABCBC 三。1-25ACDCB 26-30 ABCDA 四。31-35 BABDA 36-40 BCDBB 41.fly 42.video 43.raise 44.else 45.research 46.are unaware of 47.links,together 48.more popular than 49.to make mistakes 50.has great understanding of
