急求一道三角函数的应用题!A man can row at 16 km/h,and run at 12 km/h.He needs to get from a point A,on the south bank of a stretch of still water,to point B on the north bank of the water.The direct distance from A to B is 20 km,and the w

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 09:34:36

急求一道三角函数的应用题!A man can row at 16 km/h,and run at 12 km/h.He needs to get from a point A,on the south bank of a stretch of still water,to point B on the north bank of the water.The direct distance from A to B is 20 km,and the w
A man can row at 16 km/h,and run at 12 km/h.He needs to get from a point A,on the south bank of a stretch of still water,to point B on the north bank of the water.The direct distance from A to B is 20 km,and the water is 16 km wide.He starts rowing with an angle between North and the direction in which he rows.Find an expression for the time T he will take to get from A to B,in terms of .

急求一道三角函数的应用题!A man can row at 16 km/h,and run at 12 km/h.He needs to get from a point A,on the south bank of a stretch of still water,to point B on the north bank of the water.The direct distance from A to B is 20 km,and the w
好像没有北向南θ度这种说法,“between North and the direction in which he rows”我理解是他划船的角度是从北向B点方向偏θ度

则他到达的时间T=16/(16cosa)+[12-16(tan a)]/12




一道三角函数的应用题在三角形ABC中,已知(a+b):(b+c):(c+a)=6:4:5,求角A. 急求一道三角函数的应用题!A man can row at 16 km/h,and run at 12 km/h.He needs to get from a point A,on the south bank of a stretch of still water,to point B on the north bank of the water.The direct distance from A to B is 20 km,and the w 一道三角函数,求步骤,急, 一道高中三角函数题.应该不难.急三角形ABC中,a+b=(a/tanA)+(b/tanB)求角C 一道简单的三角函数数学题求解答如图,急 一道三角函数题:200分 急在三角形ABC中,设a、b、c成等差数列,A-C=60度,求sinB的大小其中A、B为角,a、b为其所对边啊啊啊 解一道简单的三角函数应用题一直在直角三角形ABC中,∠C是90°,直角边AC是直角边BC的2倍.求∠B的三个三角函数的值这道题没有图 求高手解答关于三角函数的应用题 三角函数应用题求解析 一道高一数学三角函数应用题(请详细说明)用我看得懂的方式写!已知三角形ABC的三边长a`b`c和面积S=a^2-(b-c)^2,且b+c=8,求S的最大值? 编一道a×b÷c形式的应用题 求一道三角函数题解答:三角形ABC三边不等,角A.B.C的对边分别为a.b.c,且acosA=bcosB求(a+b)除以c的...求一道三角函数题解答:三角形ABC三边不等,角A.B.C的对边分别为a.b.c,且acosA=bcosB求(a+b)除 一道三角函数的题,在三角形ABC中,设a+c=2b,A-C=π/3,求sinB的值. 一道三角函数题,急求(30分钟内解决)!已知 a ,b ,c 为三角形ABC的三边,且 a^2 -a-2b-2c=0 ,a+2b-2c+3=0 .求这个三角形的最大内角. 一道高中三角函数题!急!在线等!已知△ABC中,内角A,B,C的对边的边长分别为a、b、c,且bcosC=(2a-c)cosB.问题:①求角B的大小.②若y=cos2A+cos2C,求y的取值范围.(要过程最好带上解题思路…速 三角函数的一道题求解答 三角函数题一道,急一道中档题.已知▲ABC中,角A、B、C所对的边分别为a、b、c,若A、B、C成等差数列,b=1,记角A=x,a+c=f(x)【1】当x∈[(π/6),(π/3)],求f(x)的取值范围.【2】若f(x-π/6)=6/5,求sin2x的值.我算 求问一道三角函数,