
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/04 06:36:24

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参考词汇:免费free of charge 文化遗产:cultural heritages
开头:Receently our class has had a debate about whether museums should open to the public free of charge.
正方观点“1每个人都有权利分享文化遗产 2.有助于提高人们的文化遗产保护意识
反方观点”1.游客过多影响参观 2.保护展品难度加大.

Receently our class has had a debate about whether museums should open to the public free of charge. The affirmative argued that everybody has a right to appreciate cultural heritages, and that by opening museums to the public, the public may be educated so that they understand the importance of protecting cultural heritage sites. However, other students argued that if museums were opened free of charge, there would be too many tourists which would interfere with the protection of artifacts and make management harder. In my opinion, the benefits of giving the public access to cultural heritages outweigh the problems, so I think museums should be opened free of charge to the public.