
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/06 20:51:05

本设计主要包括自行车轮脉冲采集、键盘输入和数据显示等部分,主程序用C语言编写,完成各项功能及数据的处理,通过Keil C和Proteus来完成程序的编写和仿真工作,通过设计实物实现自行车码表各项功能.

This design has taken the single chip Microcomputer of STC89C52 as main controlled chip,LCD1602 serves as display terminal indicating /showing such information /message of the bicycles,such as speed and mileage and systematic settings,The settings of parameters can manually set the installation information of equipments so as to improve the measure accuracy /precision,offering such messages as the speed/velocity,mileage,average speed,time ,.
This design mainly consists of impulse collection /gathering / wheels of bicycles and keyboard input and data indication/ display .Main programmes are complied in C language to complete the every function and handling of data ,The compilation and simulations of the programme is completed through the Keil C and Proteus and thestopwatch / speed meter and every function of bicycles can be completed

STC89C52 is used as the master control chip for this design. LCD1602 serves as a dispaly terminal to show the speed per hour of bicycle, mileage, system settings and so on. Parameter settings allow ch...


STC89C52 is used as the master control chip for this design. LCD1602 serves as a dispaly terminal to show the speed per hour of bicycle, mileage, system settings and so on. Parameter settings allow changing equipment installation information manually to improve measurement accuracy and provide information like speed per hour, mileage, average speed, time.


This design uses STC89C52 MCUas main control chip,LCD1602as display terminaldisplaybicyclespeed,mileage and other informationandsystem setting,parameter settingcan beset manuallyins...


This design uses STC89C52 MCUas main control chip,LCD1602as display terminaldisplaybicyclespeed,mileage and other informationandsystem setting,parameter settingcan beset manuallyinstallinformationequipmentto improve the measurement accuracy,speed,mileage,withaverage speed,timeand other information.The design mainly includes thebicyclewheelpulse acquisition,keyboard inputand datadisplay parts,the main programwith C language,complete the processing ofvarious functions anddata,to complete theprogram and thesimulationby KeilCand Proteus,through the design ofphysicalrealization ofbikecode tablefunctions.


This design uses STC89C52 single-chip as microcomputer control
chip, LCD1602 as display terminal to...


This design uses STC89C52 single-chip as microcomputer control
chip, LCD1602 as display terminal to show bike speed, mileage and other informations and
system settings. parameter settings can improve the measurement precision, speed, mileage, average speed, time and other informations by set manually installation informations.
This design mainly includes the bicycle wheel pulse
acquisition, data display and keyboard input,the main program written in C
language, processing completing all functions and data.through Proteus and Keil C completed the writing of the program and simulation work, and through entity design achieved all kinds of functions of bicycle timers.


This design displays bicycle’s speed per hour, mileage and system setting based on STC89C52 Main Control Clip and LCD1602 Video Terminal. Parameter setting could manually set equipment installation in...


This design displays bicycle’s speed per hour, mileage and system setting based on STC89C52 Main Control Clip and LCD1602 Video Terminal. Parameter setting could manually set equipment installation information to improve measurement accuracy and to provide informations, such as speed per hour, mileage, average speed, time, etc.
The design consists of pulse collection of bicycle wheels, keyboard input, data display, etc. The main program based on C Language completes all functions and deals with data. It accomplishes task of programming and simulating with Keil C&Proteus, and realizes various functions of bicycle code table through designing the entity. 英语专八,自己翻的。希望对你有帮助,仅供参考哦!^_^


英语翻译本设计以STC89C52单片机为主控制芯片,LCD1602为显示终端显示自行车时速、里程等信息及系统设置等,参数设置能够人工设置设备安装信息以提高测量精度,提供时速、里程、平均速度、 英语翻译近年来随着计算机和互联网的迅速普及,宽带放大器成为音响、有线电视、无线通信等系统中必不可少的部分.本系统采用STC89c52单片机作为微控制器,以可编程增益放大器AD603为放大电 英语翻译本设计的数字电子秒表系统采用STC89C52单片机为中心器件,利用其定时器/计数器定时和记数的原理,结合显示电路、LED数码管以及独立键盘来设计秒表,将软、硬件有机地结合起来.我们 英语翻译温度在我们生活中是极其重要的一个物理量,随着工业、农业技术的发展和人们对于生活水平要求的提高,对温度进行测量与控制就有着很重要的意义.本系统以STC89C52 单片机为核心,利 STC89C52单片机看门狗是什么意思?、 英语翻译为了让单片机初学者更好地掌握单片机的工作原理,学会单片机应用系统的设计、开发方法,本文以全自动洗衣机控制器为应用对象,采用模块化设计方法,设计一个全自动洗衣机控制器 Protel99怎样画STC89C52单片机引脚图 英语翻译配料控制器是自动配料控制系统的核心设备.设计了以AT89C52单片机为核心的配料控制系统,介绍了单片机控制的皮带配料秤的工作原理、性能指标、系统硬件设计、控制算法和抗干扰 英语翻译摘要:本设计以 89S51 单片机为中心、附加 A44E 霍尔传感器测距,实现对出租车计价统计,采用 AT24C02 实现在系统掉电的时候保存单价和系统时间等信息,输出采用 8 段数码显示管.本电 英语翻译基于C8051F020单片机的双积分A/D转换器设计(山东省电子产品监督检验所 山东省 济南市 摘要:本文给出了以C8051F020单片机为核心,采用普通元器件所构成的双积分式A/D转换器电路.具 英语翻译超声波测距法迅速,方便,易于做到实时控制,提过基于单片机的超声测距系统的设计能更加深入地了解单片机的实际应用.本设计采用以单片机为核心的低成本、高精度、微型化数字显 基于单片机的模拟出租车计价器系统设计本课程设计利用电动机及LCD显示器模块结合单片机,来设计一个简易的模拟出租车计价系统.课程设计主要以直流电动机模拟出租车的运动速度及方向, 英语翻译此次设计为灭火机器人设计,控制核心为单片机.单片机采用AVR系列单片机中的ATmega16单片机.用单片机产生的PWM波信号操控机器人运动电机旋转的快慢,从而控制机器人的运动方向,利用 stc89c51单片机与stc89c52单片机有什么区别初学单片机,好些东西都不知道,希望高手可以举手之劳帮帮忙 英语翻译本文设计了一种实用数字万年历,该系统的设计是以AT89S52单片机为核心控制器,外围连接时钟模块,温度检测模块,显示模块等.单片机就是微控制器,是面向应用对象设计、突出控制功能 英语翻译单片机可控分频的频率合成器设计 英语翻译摘 要本文针对现代家居的各种电器,介绍了一种以单片机为核心的无线电器遥控系统.该无线遥控系统采用8051单片机作为硬件与软件的设计器件,该系统工作频率稳定,发射器及接收器 STC89C52单片机的P1口如果没用到也需要接上拉电阻么