
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 23:57:08


1. 现在完成时不与单纯表过去的时间状语连用.它默认的时间就是now. 它强调现在的状态.说明一件事情是否已经完成这种状态.而过去时态强调过去的动作.着重强调一个动作发生的时间、地点、方式、程度等.
2. 因此当有一个表示过去某时的状语(包括when)时, 不能用现在完成时,而多用一般过去时.
I saw her a minute ago. Just now Xiao Lin cam to see you. When did you get to know it?
3. 当有一个表示到现在为止的这段时间的状语时,多用现在完成时:
Up still now we have planted over 24,000 fruit trees. He has learnt a lot since he came here.
4. 在用already, yet, just, as yet, ever, never, before, up still now, so far, in the past …years这类副词作状语时,常可用现在完成时.
This is the 2nd game. They’ve already won a game.
Have you got it ready yet? ---Not, yet.
I’ve just received a money order. Have you ever seen each other before?
He has never been abroad. I have never seen such an interesting film before.
He has planted 500 trees so far. China has changed a lot in the past 20 years.
(但ever, never也可用于一般过去时.
Did you ever hear such a thing? I never met such a boy.)
5. 在单纯谈一个过去的动作,不涉及它对现在的影响时,通常用一般过去时,如果谈一件已经发生的事,不考虑它是什么时候发生的,而主要考虑对现在的影响,则多用现在完成时.
区别: Did you get up early? (着眼动作本身) Has he got up ? (着眼现在的情况)
What did you have for lunch? Have you had lunch?
I got the news from Xiao Liu. I’ve got the news from him.
I learned a lot there. I’ve learned a lot from you.
What did you say about it? What have I said to make you so angry?
6. 由since引导的时间状语从句中的谓语动词一般用过去时,而主句的谓语动词一般用现在完成时. It has rained a great deal since you left.
We haven’t seen each other again since we parted in 1959.
但在表时间长度时可用一般现在时: 如: It’s (= It has been) over forty years since I left the city.
How long is it (= has it been) since you arrived? The TV set is OK since I fixed it.
It seems a long time since I was here.(自从我上次来过之后,好象有很长时间了.)
8. 某些动词的现在完成时可表示一直继续到现在的状态:
How have you been ? (你近来怎样?)
The meeting has lasted five days. We’ve know each other since we were children.
特别是动词be是常这样用的: He’s been back for three days. We’ve been up for two hours. She has been a teacher for ten years. He has been in college for a year.
9. 现在完成时中的非延续性动词问题.
come, go, arrive, leave, lose, begin, die, join等所表示的动作是瞬间性即失的,不能持续的.因此不能与for, since, how long, until等表示一段时间的时间状语连用.如:“我起来两个小时了.”的两种译文:I have got up for two hours. (误) I have been up for two hours. (正)
She has become a teacher for ten years. (误) She has been a teacher for ten years. (正)
He has bought the pen for 2 years. (误) He has had the pen for 2 years. (正)
His grandfather has died for ten years (误) His grandfather has been dead for ten years. (正)
(但:千万不能误认为非延续性动词不能用在完成时里,把“He has sold that machine out.”判为错句.非延续性动词在现在完成时里表示“过去的动作对现在的影响”是完全可以的,如前句.但非延续性动词的否定形式是可以同表示一段时间的时间状语连用的.如:I haven’t seen Mike for two years.) 因此在这类句子中,多以下列方式把非延续动词改变为延续性动词.
have comehave been in/here have left have been away have opened  have been open
have begun  have been on/ have lasted have closed have been closed
have died  have been dead have got up  have been up have become  have been
have bought  have had have borrowed  have kept have turned on have been on
have turned of have been off …
10. 现在完成时还可以用在表示时间或条件的状语从句中,表示将来某时已完成的动作.(也就
We’ll start at five o’clock if it has stopped raining by then. (现在完成时)
You’ll get to like the subject after you have studied it for some time. (现在完成时)
She will let you know as soon as I hear from her. (一般现在时)
I will let you know as soon as I have finished it.
11. 另外,只有少数动词(如:work, study, teach, live等)可用于现在完成时表示一直延续到现在的一个动作外,大多数动词不宜这样用,而需要用现在完成进行时)
How long have you worked here? She has taught English for many years.
We’ve live here for quite a few days. How long has it been raining?
Where have you been? What have you been doing?
We’ve just been talking about you. What book have you been reading these days?
I’ve been sitting here all the afternoon. She has always been working like that.
区别: I’ve been writing a composition for two hours. (还在写)
I’ve written a composition. (已完成)
12. 过去完成时由had+过去分词构成,主要表示过去某时前已发生的动作或情况. 或者说是一个过去某时的状态.常与by+时间点连用.
By the end of June they had planted 10000 trees. With their help, I found I had been wrong.
The play had already started when we got to the theatre.
He suddenly remembered that he hadn’t locked the door.
When I woke up it had already stopped raining. I hadn’t had any English before I came here.
She didn’t go to bed until she had finished her work.
13. 将来完成时由shall(will) + have +过去分词构成,主要表示将来某时会已经处于的一个状态.
I shall have finished this one before lunch. When we get there they will have left.
How many words shall we learned by the end of this term?
By this time next year we’ll have turned all the land into rice fields.
I hope we’ll have got everything ready before you come here tomorrow.
14. 试比较: He has arrived in Beijing. (现在的状态)
He had arrived in Beijing at this time yesterday. (过去某一时刻点的状态)
He will have arrived in Beijing at this time tomorrow. (将来某一时刻点的状态)
1. I came here two years ago. = I _________ _________ here ________ two years.
2. I have been ____________(surf) every day.
3. He _______ Honolulu ever since. A. has come B. has been in C. has come D. came to
4. Half of my homework _________ by 5 o’clock.
A. has finished B. has been finished C. had been finished D. have been finished
5. Bruce has been in Sydney since last Wednesday. _________________________________?
6. I’ve been here for two weeks already. = It ________ two weeks since I ________ here.
7. Mrs Smith went to Beijing three weeks ago, and she is still there.
= Mrs. Smith _______ _______ _______ Beijing ________ three days.
8. How many ______ you ______ so far?
A. song have, learned B. songs did, learn C. song did, learn D. songs have, learned
9. Kate has been here ___________.
A. since two years B. two years ago C. two years D .since two years ago
10. --______ to the United States? ---No, never.
A. Have you gone B. Have you been C. Did you go D. Will you go
11. He has _______ finished his homework. But he hasn’t cleaned his room _________.
A. already, already B. never, already C. already, yet D. already, ever
12. Miss Wang went to London five years ago. She is there now.
=Miss Wang _______ ______ ______ London for five years.
13. Mr. Green and Mr. Black have been friends for ten years.
__________ ___________ ___________ Mr. Green and Mr. Black ________ friends?
14. We have __ many cities in Europe. A. traveled to B. traveled in C. gone to D. been in
15. We have been good friends since we _______ each other five years ago.
A. knowed B. have known C. got to know D. know
16. How many books _______ from the library?
A. do you have borrowed B. will you lend C. you have borrowed D. have you borrowed
17. I visited him three days _______, but he had gone to Shanghai a week ________.
A. ago, ago B. before, before C. ago, before D. before, ago
18. My brother has ________ to Beijing. He will stay there for a month. He’s _____ there many times. A. been, been B. gone, gone C. been, gone D. gone, been
19. (改错) He has not been out for two weeks.
20. 填空:She has __ finished her maths homework, but she hasn’t finished her physics homework __.
21. Headmaster ________ __________ to Beijing to have a meeting.
22. ---I _____ a bike. ---When _____ you ______ it?
A. bought have, bought B. have, bought, have, bought
C. have bought, did, buy D. bought, did, buy
23. I ______ her for a week. Where ______ she _______ ? A. didn’t see, did, go B. didn’t see, are, in C. haven’t seen, has, gone D. hasn’t seen, has, been
24. The river _____ very dirty since 1990. A. has became B. has been C. was D. became
25. Where did you go just now? = Where ______ you ______?
26. She joined the Party five years ago. = She _______ _____ ______ the Party _____ five years ago.
27. The film began half an hour ago. = The film _______ ______ _____ ______ half an hour.
28. ---______ you _______ (see) my teacher? ---Yes, I _______(see) her at the office.
29. My friend is in Shanghai now. He ____________(not be) back. I suppose he _______ (come) back in 4 days.
30. ---She ___________(not find) her schoolbag at the moment.
---When ________ she __________ (lose) it?
31. She _________________ (teach) in this school since she _________(leave) college.
32. Jack joined the League five years ago. = Jack _____ _____ a League member ______ five years.
33. He left Chongqing two years ago. = He ___ ____ ____ ______ Chongqing ______ two years ago.
34. It _____ ten years since she moved to this city. A. had been B. will be C. is D. was
35. I am very tired now because I ________. A. have done a lot of work B. did much work
C. was doing lots of work D. do many works
36. ---Have you ever been to Canada? ---Yes, I _____ there with my family in 1990.
A. have gone B. went C. have been D. go
37. I have lived with them for three months. = I’ve lived with them _______ three months _____.
38. He has taught us computer science since 2000.  ___________________________________
39. 改错:How long have you borrowed this book?
40. 改错:She has been ill from Monday.
41. 改错:The train has left for five minutes.
42. 改错:He has gone in England for half a year.
43. 改错:The fish has died since two hours ago.
44. The worker started to work in the factory twenty years ago.
= The worker ________ _________ in the factory ________ twenty years ago.
45. They came to Chongqing last year. = They _____ ______ _______ Chongqing ____ last year.
46. I borrowed the book the day before yesterday. = I’ve _____ the book _____ ______ days.
47. He left Chongqing two years ago. = He ____ _____ ____ ____ Chongqing _____ two years.
48. I have had a computer for three months. = It is three months ____ I ______ a computer.
49. It’s a long time since we met last.
= We ______ ______ each other for a long time since we met last.
50. Miss Li has taught in this school since 1995. (对划线部分提问)
= _______ _______ ______ Miss Li ________ in this school?
51. How many times ________ your parents _________ (be) to the Great Wall?
52. ---Why ________ they _______ (not go) to see the play last night?
---Because they __________ (see) it before.
---When _________ they ________ see it? --- Last month.
53. They _________ (not come) back since they _______(leave) in 1990.
54. ---Tome isn’t here today. He has _____ a bad cold for several days.
---Really? When did he _____ it? ---About a week ago.
A. got, have B. had, had C. caught, catch D. had, catch
55. Miss Wei _____ be in the computer room. I’ve just ______ there and found _____ in it.
A. can’t, been, nobody B. can’t, gone, anybody
C. must, been, nobody D. may, gone, somebody
56. The film began 30 minutes ago. = The film has ________ ________ for 30 minutes.
57. It’s our first time for us to read such an interesting story.
= We have _______ ______ such an interesting story before.
[Keys: 1. have been, for 2. surfing 3. B 4. C 5. How long has Bruce been in Sydney? 6. is, came 7. has been in, for 8. D 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. has been in 13. How long have, been 14. A 15. C 16. D 17. C 18. C 19. beengone 20. already, yet 21. has gone 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. have, been 26. has been in, since 27. has been on for 28. Have, seen, saw 29. hasn’t been, will come 30. hasn’t found, did, lose 31. has taught/ has been teaching, left 32. has been, for 33. has been away from, since 34. C 35. A 36. B 37. since, ago 38. How long has he taught us computer? 39. borrowedkept 40. from since 41. has left has been away 42. gonebeen 43. died been dead 44. has worked, since 45. have been in, since 46. kept, for two 47. has been away from, for 48. since, bought 49. haven’t met/seen 50. How long has… taught 51. have, been 52. didn’t, go, had seen, did, see 53. haven’t come, left 54. C 55. A 56. been on 57. never, read ]
