英文怎么说 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一求庄子这句话的官方翻译,要求注明出处.

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英文怎么说 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一求庄子这句话的官方翻译,要求注明出处.
英文怎么说 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一

英文怎么说 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一求庄子这句话的官方翻译,要求注明出处.
The nature lives with me in symbiosis,and everything is with me as a whole."

Heaven, Earth, and I were produced together, and all things and I are one.
Source: "The Writings of Chuang Tzu", James Legge, 1891

翻译为:co-existence of man and nature

World lives with me, and all living things are with me and turn into one.

交通工具类: bus, car, boat, ship, taxi, plane, train, streamer, jeep, motorcar, bicycle, run car, airplane
国家类:China, America, Egypt, Brazil, South Korea, North Korea, Poland, New Z...


交通工具类: bus, car, boat, ship, taxi, plane, train, streamer, jeep, motorcar, bicycle, run car, airplane
国家类:China, America, Egypt, Brazil, South Korea, North Korea, Poland, New Zealand, Japan, France, England, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Holland, Vietnam, India, Italy, Greece, Mexico, Russia, Sweden, Norway, Spain, German, Switzerland, Thailand, Greece, South Africa
身体部位:head, foot, leg, tooth, hand, ear, eye, nose, mouth, face, arm, back, neck, stomach, throat, heart, knee, finger, toe, body, hair, beard, elbow,
服饰类:scarf, belt, sneakers, wallet, earring, hat, jeans, watch, straw hat, ring, skate shoes, backpack, tie, bag, pants, socks, dress, coat, shirt, T-shirt, skirt, shorts, sweater, shoes, uniform, jacket, earring, hair clip,
场所类:club, restaurant, store, supermarket, museum, school, library, hotel, auditorium, pool, post office, bank, park, zoo, market, garden, hospital, TV Station, Police station, beach, cinema, church, factory, farm, shop, theater,
aquarium, college, dining room, barber shop, gymnasium, gallery, drugstore, laboratory, mall, plaza, store, video arcade,
颜色类: red, black, green, white, yellow, orange, brown, gray, pink, blond, blue, purple,
学习用品类:pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, paper, pencil-box, ink, notebook, dictionary, sharpener, schoolbag, backpack, textbook, flashcard
动物类:sheep, horse, monkey, dolphin, panda, tiger, fox, snake, rabbit, lion, shark, goat, dog, cock, hen, chicken, duck, elephant, camel, bird, wolf, polar bear, giraffe, koala, penguin, camel, seal, rabbit, octopus, kangaroo, parrot, turtle, ant, mouse, spider, hamster, manatee, goldfish, chimpanzee, cheetah,
时 间 : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December,
spring, summer, autumn, winter
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday , Morning, afternoon, noon, evening, night, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year, Century
职 业:doctor, nurse, vet, policeman, policewoman, engineer, worker, farmer, reporter, teacher, inventor, scientist, driver, headmaster, player, singer, dancer, actor, actress, guide, waiter, waitress, assistant, boss, businessman, psychologist,
author, writer, photographer, musician, guide, violinist, pianist, coach, clerk, sales assistant, cook, dentist, director, optometrist, translator, vegetarian, sportspeople, head teacher, master, pilot, chef, fisherman, lawyer, sailor, tutor
球 类: basketball, volleyball, football, soccer, ping-pong, tennis, baseball, badminton, ice hockey, golf,
蔬菜类:carrot, tomato, cabbage, onion, potato, green pepper, mushroom, broccoli, pumpkin, lettuce,
水果类:apple, orange, banana, pear, peach, pumpkin, melon, grape, lemon, watermelon, .strawberry, lychee, papaya, mango, olive, plum, peach, loquat, apricot, cherry,
食物类:beef, noodle, dumpling, rice, chip, bread, sandwich, wheat, egg, Salad, hamburger, French fries, , porridge, cheese, hot dog, biscuit, green pepper, pancake, chip, fish, chicken, meat, tofu, pizza, candy, gum, barbecued meat, popcorn, brown bread, chocolate, shrimp, dessert,
乐 器: guitar, piano, drum, trumpet, violin, accordion, erhu,
电 器: telephone, phone, computer, television, radio, fridge, refrigerator oven, microwave oven, blender, air conditioner, typewriter, recorder, lamp,
天 气: fine, rainy, cloudy, windy, stormy, foggy, sunny, snowy, cold, cool, hot, warm, humid,
学 科:Chinese, math, English, P.E, music, history, Physics, biology, geography, chemistry, politics, computer, science, art, algebra,
家族谱:grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, uncle, aunt, sister, brother, son, daughter, cousin, husband, wife, parent,
厨具:bowl, plate, table, dish, spoon, chopsticks, cupboard, fork, knife,
人物性格:funny, smart, cute, intelligent, friendly, shy, lazy, serious, unfriendly, quiet, easygoing, outgoing, generous, moody, lovely, lively, talented, upset, nervous, loving, unusual, creative, hard-working, warm-hearted, gentle, polite, confident, energetic, realistic, anxious, brave,
饮料: soda, coffee, milk, water, pop, beer, lemonade, juice, orange, iced tea, beverage, cola,
音乐:jazz, dance music, country music, classical music, national music, pop music


英文怎么说 天地与我并生,而万物与我为一求庄子这句话的官方翻译,要求注明出处. 请用一个字形容“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一” 天地与我并生,万物与我为一的英文翻译是?. 天地与我并生”、“万物与我为一出自于《老子》《庄子》《周易》《论语》 天人合一的英语怎么写的?天地与我并生,万物与我为一的英语怎么说?文质彬彬然后君子的英语怎么说?谢 庄子的“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一”是什么意思,是唯心主义吗?现在为什么不倡导,唯心主义而倡导唯物主义了? 天地与我并生”、“万物与我为一出自于《老子》《庄子》《周易》《论语》 中的哪个 庄子是道家学派的代表人物,他追求“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一,也就是万物平生共等,与外界契合无间.据此,你来谈谈他认为“鱼之乐”的原因. 董仲舒提出加强中央集权的儒家思想A:“仁者爱人”“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”B:“通常无为而无不为”“诸侯若能守之,万物将自化”C:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一”D:“大一统者, 董仲舒提出加强中央集权的儒家思想是A:“仁者爱人”“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”B:“通常无为而无不为”“诸侯若能守之,万物将自化”C:“天地与我并生,而万物与我为一”D:“大一统 天地合而万物生 天地合而万物生 是什么主义? 独与天地精神往来,而不敖倪于万物 什么意思 天地合而万物生,阴阳接而变化起为什么是唯物主义 我为你而死英文怎么说 “天道酬勤”与“天地不仁,以万物为刍狗”有什么关系? 山无棱,天地合,才敢与君绝.英文怎么说? 天地合而万物生,阴阳接而变化起 我想要通俗简洁点不简洁也可以但是希望明确点