看过来,这个ing是动名词还是分词The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.这个句子里keeping是动名词还分词,什么成分,

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/12/20 01:36:23

看过来,这个ing是动名词还是分词The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.这个句子里keeping是动名词还分词,什么成分,
The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.这个句子里keeping是动名词还分词,什么成分,

看过来,这个ing是动名词还是分词The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.这个句子里keeping是动名词还分词,什么成分,
keeping 是分词,keeping the balloon up 是后置定语,修饰 the air
也可以写成:the air that keeps the balloon up was...


分词 作定语

看过来,这个ing是动名词还是分词The air keeping the balloon up was escaping quickly and the balloon was coming down.这个句子里keeping是动名词还分词,什么成分, 这些ing形式是动名词还是现在分词,为什么?怎样区分动名词和现在分词 怎样区分英语ING是动名词还是分词 这个ing形式是分词还是动名词?They suggested building a garden.这里的building是分词还是名词?另外,no stopping的stopping的是分词还是动名词? I would like weeping with the smile rather than repenting with the cry.为什么would like 后面可以跟V-ing,不是说不可以的吗?这个V-ing是动名词还是现在分词.你看清楚那个提问额。 worth doing 这个doing是现在分词还是动名词啊? 怎样理解短语中出现ing是动名词还是现在分词举例子, 怎样判断一个 ing结尾的词是现在分词还是动名词? 怎样判断一个短语是分词短语还是动名词短语?Turing off the road是分词短语还是动名词短语?怎样判断什么是动名词短语?什么是分词短语? 英语词组中说的什么什么doing的doing是动词ing形式吗还是现在分词,动名词?现在分词和动词ing形式有什么区别 interesting是现在分词还是动名词?为什么? 突破模版下面的stand加ing 是因为动名词还是现代分词啊.在句中是什么成分. V-ing中的动名词做定语的时候的例子有什么?怎样可以直接看出是动名词还是现在分词做定语? 关于英语句子成分的问题,ing形式the burden of weak recoveries should not be brone by the unemployed ,including the yong.其中including the young在句子中作什么成分,including是分词还是动名词? he job is washing clothes 为什么要加ing?宾语一定要名词吗 还有分词+ing 和动名词+ing 怎么看呀My job is to drive them to the company every day 这句为什么 drive不加Ing? 动词加上动词ing构成的一个句子,怎么区分动词ing是做动名词还是现在分词高手求教具体方法! 请问英语介宾是介词加的动名词还是现在分词?还有suggest doing 这个DOING是动名词还是现在分词?两个问题! -ing,如何看它是动名词还是分词,别更我说看名词性还形容词性,我就着分不出,当它作定语时