英语翻译我小时有有一次花了一元钱在小店买了一包糖.毫无疑问,那是我吃过的最难吃的糖.不仅苦而且涩.可是我还是不停的吃,因为我花钱了.我妈妈看到后给我讲了一个故事:There once was a ma

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/09/09 05:07:54

英语翻译我小时有有一次花了一元钱在小店买了一包糖.毫无疑问,那是我吃过的最难吃的糖.不仅苦而且涩.可是我还是不停的吃,因为我花钱了.我妈妈看到后给我讲了一个故事:There once was a ma
There once was a master who had never been to India before.And when he got there,he saw plenty of fruit,but much of it was expensive.He saw a big basket of some red and long fruit.And it was the cheapest in the shop,not expensive at all.So he went up and asked,"How much per kilo?"And the shopkeeper said,"Two rupees."Twp rupees in India is nothing.So he bought a whole kilogram of the fruit and started eating it.But after he ate some of it:His eyes watered,his head was burning and his face became red.But he cotinued to eat the fruit!Some people told him,"Creazy man,those are chilies not fruit!You can't eat them like that!"But the master said,"No,i can't stop I paid money for them.You think that master was stupid,right?"

英语翻译我小时有有一次花了一元钱在小店买了一包糖.毫无疑问,那是我吃过的最难吃的糖.不仅苦而且涩.可是我还是不停的吃,因为我花钱了.我妈妈看到后给我讲了一个故事:There once was a ma

I have once spent a dollar in the store to buy a bag of sugar. There is no doubt, that I had the worst sugar. Not only the bitter and astringent. But I still don't stop eating, because I spend. I after seeing his mother told me a story:

I think I like the man.

Once a master has never been to India. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but most expensive.(suddenly) he found a big basket filled with red and long fruit, almost is the cheapest kind of stor...


Once a master has never been to India. When he got there, he saw a lot of fruit, but most expensive.(suddenly) he found a big basket filled with red and long fruit, almost is the cheapest kind of stores, not expensive at all. So he went to him and asked: "how much money aJin?" The clerk said: "two rupees," two rupees in India is nothing. So he bought the fruit for a kilo, then eat. Whenhe ate some, eyes moist, his head like a fire to heat up,the face began to turn red. But he had to eat. Some people told him: "you have the disease, the red pepper is not a fruit! You can not eat fruit that eat!" But the master said: "no, I can't stop! I have to give the money. You think me and the people as stupid, right?"


I have one hour time spent one yuan in shop bought a packet of sugar. There is no doubt that it was the worst I've ever tasted, sugar. Not only the bitter and astringent. But I still eat, because I sp...


I have one hour time spent one yuan in shop bought a packet of sugar. There is no doubt that it was the worst I've ever tasted, sugar. Not only the bitter and astringent. But I still eat, because I spend some money. My mother told me a story: after see

I think me and that person as stupid.


从前有一个大师,他从来没有去过印度。当他到那里的时候,他看到了许多的水果,但是大部分都非常的昂贵。他忽然看见一个装着又长又红的水果的篮子,并且它是整个商店中最便宜的一件东西,一点也不贵。于是,他径直走到售货台并且问道“多少钱一公斤?” 售货员回答说;l"两卢比" 两卢比 在印度不算什么。所以他就整整买了一公斤,然后开始吃。但在他吃了一些之后,他的眼睛开始流泪,他的头开始灼热,脸也很快变...


从前有一个大师,他从来没有去过印度。当他到那里的时候,他看到了许多的水果,但是大部分都非常的昂贵。他忽然看见一个装着又长又红的水果的篮子,并且它是整个商店中最便宜的一件东西,一点也不贵。于是,他径直走到售货台并且问道“多少钱一公斤?” 售货员回答说;l"两卢比" 两卢比 在印度不算什么。所以他就整整买了一公斤,然后开始吃。但在他吃了一些之后,他的眼睛开始流泪,他的头开始灼热,脸也很快变成了红色。但是他仍然继续吃着!一些人告诉他,“这些是辣椒,不是水果。你不能就这样吃它!”但是这个大师说道,“不,我不能停下来!我为他们付过钱了”你认为那位大师是愚蠢的,是一个傻瓜,对吗?


英语翻译我小时有有一次花了一元钱在小店买了一包糖.毫无疑问,那是我吃过的最难吃的糖.不仅苦而且涩.可是我还是不停的吃,因为我花钱了.我妈妈看到后给我讲了一个故事:There once was a ma 求一元一次不等式的习题 我在这里谢谢了啊 英语翻译班里有个派对,我负责讲个英语小笑话,下面的小笑话:一次,我在超市里买了一些零食,当我在排队付钱的时候,发现我身后有一个外国人.我心想:我应该和他交流,这对我英语有好处. 我表妹的 (拜托用方程 并写出解题过程)一元一次的啊!有大、中、小三个正方形水池,它们的内池长分别为6m、3m、2m,把两堆碎石分别沉浸在中、小水池的水里,两个水池的水面分别升高了6cm和 英语翻译有这样一个人,他在一次地震中幸存下来了.下边我要说的就是他的经历. 英语翻译:去年在小山村居住数月是我的一次激动人心的经历(staying) 你们在公交车上有被男人插过吗?女人回答...谈谈真实感受.我一闺蜜,穿超短裙在车上很挤,居然被那男人插进去了,还射了.真恶心.事后很久有一次喝醉了给我说,我真的不敢相信,她说当时有兴 一元一次不等式谢谢了 一元一次不等式谢谢了 二元一次,一元二次,一元三次有何区别求懂我的回答 小明在做题时发现了矛盾,他在解一元一次不等式时遇到不等式-Y>Y,小明在不等式两边同除以Y,则得到-1>1,这显小明在做题时发现了矛盾,他在解一元一次不等式时遇到不等式-Y>Y,小明在不等式两 求七年级上的一元一次应用题求求各位大哥哥大姐姐们,叔叔阿姨们帮我出几道一元一次应用题有多少出多少越多越好了,最好是有答案的 我先谢谢你们了 求一元一次不等式组的题目要110道,不要应用题,就要一元一次不等式组,最好有答案,没有我就自己算算了,有急用悬赏20分我要不等式组,不要选择填空应用题! 初中数学各种方程的解法什么一元一次一元二次二元一次还有什么什么的我要用哈谢谢了 有一元一次不等式解, 英语翻译有你在,我永远都不怕,小妹妹. x分之2大于零为什么不是一元一次不等式?老师说是因为x分之2不是整式.一元一次不等式有这个定义?究竟咋思考,难道我漏了什么知识点? 飞机里会失重?我有一次看CCTV10的科技之光,主持人做了个实验,包下了一架飞机,飞机在起飞时有22秒的失重状态,主持人竟然飞了起来,飞机里的人都飞了起来,主持人带的实验金鱼竟然也开始晕,