
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/03 10:13:01


名词性从句是由if,whether,that 和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功同名词一样.
1.It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较
It 作形式主语代替主语从句,主要是为了平衡句子结构,主语从句的连接词没有变化.而it引导的强调句则是对句子某一部分进行强调,无论强调的是什么成分,都可用连词that.被强调部分指人是也可用who/whom.例如:
It is a pity that you didn’t go to see the film.
It doesn’t interest me whether you succeed or not.
It is in the morning that the murder took place.
It is John that broke the window.
2.用it 作形式主语的结构
(1) It is +名词+从句
It is a fact that … 事实是…
It is an honor that …非常荣幸
It is common knowledge that …是常识
(2) it is +形容词+从句
It is natural that… 很自然…
It is strange that… 奇怪的是…
(3) it is +不及物动词+从句
It seems that… 似乎…
It happened that… 碰巧…
(4) it +过去分词+从句
It is reported that… 据报道…
It has been proved that… 已证实…
(1) if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首.
(2) It is said ,(reported) …结构中的主语从句不可提前.例如:
It is said that President Jingo will visit our school next week.(right)
That President Jiang will visit our school next week is said.(wrong)
(3) It happens…,It occurs… 结构中的主语从句不可提前.例如:
It occurred to him that he failed in the examination.(right)
That he failed in the examination occurred to him.(wrong)
(4) It doesn’t matter how/whether …结构中的主语从句不可提前.例如:
It doesn’t matter whether he is wrong or not.(right)
Whether he is wrong or not doesn’t matter.(wrong)
(5) 含主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不可提前.例如:
Is it likely that it will rain in the evening?(right)
Is that will rain in the evening likely?(wrong)
4.What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别
What 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不然.例如:
1) What you said yesterday is right.
2) That she is still alive is a consolation.

领导的主语从句不缺少成分 是个完整的句子是用that引导

什么情况下用That领导主语从句? 主语从句不可由it代替主语从句中什么情况下it不能代替主语做形式主语 宾语从句中什么情况下引导词用that 什么情况下宾语从句疑问词作主语 be sure加从句that可省略吗 (从句主语是物的情况下) 名词性从句的区别同位语从句 表语从句 宾语从句 主语从句 每个的用法 ,要有造句whether 和if的区别 that什么情况下省略 限制性定语从句that、which的区别,什么情况下用that,什么情况下用which? 什么情况下从句不能用that 或者什么情况下只能用that? Whether引导主语从句Whether引导的主语从句,在什么情况下可以与If互换,什么情况下可以? 名词性从句中缺少主语或宾语时时一定用what吗?那么,什么情况下用what呢? 名词性从句中什么情况下that可以省略 什么情况下只能用that引导从句 从句中缺成分时用什么先行词?从句缺主语或者宾语,先行词是用that,which还是what?还是要分情况讨论? 英语主语从句的一个疑问我在语法书里看到主语从句上面说:“相当于名词,在复合句中做主句的主语.在多数情况下用it作形式主语,而把主语从句放在主句之后.“然后有一个例句:”That the e 定语从句中什么情况下不用that而用which 在什么情况下主语从句中要用陈述句语序,什么时候不用? 定语从句在什么情况下只用that 在什么情况下只用which? 定语从句中什么情况下只能用that什么情况下只能用which?