
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/08 18:53:22


Is every thing going well?
You must have reached in America,I’m sorry that I haven’t great you yet.
We are all missing you,hoping that your wounded leg would be better .Are you busy recently?It must be very happy to stay with your families,right?
The weather here is becoming hotter,what about there?
Have you beaten the jet lag?What if you can’t sleep in night and get into sleep in day-time easily?The days and nights must be different because we are on opposite side of the earth,ha-ha!
There’s no need to be anxious about us for we are all right.
May you could be happy and healthy every day!
Yours truly,

How are you now ,have you been in The U.S ? im sorry for not connect you so long, i wonder if your legs ok now ? we all worry about you ,wonder whether you are busy this days .that should be a great p...


How are you now ,have you been in The U.S ? im sorry for not connect you so long, i wonder if your legs ok now ? we all worry about you ,wonder whether you are busy this days .that should be a great pleasure to get a runion with the families ,shouldn't that ?
we would pray for you ,for your healthy , for your happyness ,for your families' peace and pleasure.
The day is getting wormer here ,have you adapted the time different ?
will it happen that just can't sleep at night ,and feel tired in the daylight ? the time should be totally on the countrary ,shouldn't it ?
For we are standing at the different side of the world~~haha ,best wishes to you ,and know that ,we are missing you .we are all right here ,so don't worry about us ,take care of yourself please!


Hope you had a pleasant trip back to the US. Sorry for not contacting you for long.
How's your leg? Hope it will get well soon.
How's life? Busy? You must be enjoying yourself with f...


Hope you had a pleasant trip back to the US. Sorry for not contacting you for long.
How's your leg? Hope it will get well soon.
How's life? Busy? You must be enjoying yourself with family and friends there.
We pray for your health and happiness.
It's getting warmer and warmer here.
Have you got over the jet lag? Do you have problem with sleeing? Is there times that you cannot sleep in the night but very sleepy in the evening? It's completely the opposite to us...we are standing at the opposite side of the earch now! hehehe...
Hope everything goes on well for you. We all miss you very much.
Take care,


求一段中译英,感激~一封邮件大意是:您已经到美国了吧,不好意思,一直都没有问候您,不知道你的腿伤有没有痊愈,我们都很挂念您,不知道您最近忙不忙,和家人团聚,一定很开心吧,我们为您祷 我邮箱突然出现一封外国邮件 求翻译 邮件名是Notification of parcel’s delivery 求大神帮满回复一封邮件 麻烦高手们帮忙中译英一段话找代理预定了马尔代夫AV岛酒店5晚的套餐,现在全部款项已交,害怕被无良代理骗钱,所以想自己发邮件和酒店确认一下,麻烦高手帮忙翻译一封邮件,大致内 original colors是指什么呢?今早收到一封邮件,信中问我们的original colors是什么?我们是做服装面料的.请同行前辈指教?万分感激~[] 英语翻译帮人翻译一封邮件 帮忙翻译一封国外邮件! 收到一封邮件,开头是:Hope you're doing fine. 回复邮件的时候,如何回复呢? Enclosed the sample sheet.我收到一封邮件,内容是:Enclosed the sample sheet邮件里有附件,请问上面那句话是什么意思?这封邮件的主题是:junior CNY order sample sheet 一封邮件,翻译成英文写给汽车经销商的,大意是很感谢你的热情,但是我已经在朋友那里买了一辆车,因为他急需用钱,以后如果需要我会来你这买的,希望下次还能和你做生意 写英语邮件问题对方发了一封邮件让我填一个Excel表格,填完发给他.表格我已经填完了,这时候我要给他回一封邮件.大意就是简单的告诉他,这个Excel表我已经完成了,现在发给你之类的.请帮我 Any problem going online?Smooth?老板发了我一封邮件,是说上线工作一切顺利吗? 英语翻译这是我收到的一封英文邮件的上端,是说让我回复呢?还是不回复? sorry to be pest 意思?客人发来一封邮件称呼是sorry to be pest peter 同题,求翻译Sent via BlackBerry® from Vodafone这是在我们发了一封电子邀请卡给客户后他的回复的邮件,不明白~~ 英语翻译这封邮件谨提醒贵司及时支付货款,若仍未支付,请回复告知关于超期货款部分的支付计划,若已支付,请忽略该邮件.很抱歉多次打扰您,请谢谢您的合作. 一封中文邮件翻译成英文(翻译机勿扰)老板让翻译一封邮件.内容大概是: 非常抱歉的通知您,由于我们邮件设置的问题,直到上周我才收到您回复的邮件.但是我们提供的汇款明细说明还是 一封奇怪的来自联合国的邮件~跪求英文高手解释,高分!突然邮箱里多出一封主题为 U.N 的邮件,打开来看,全部是英文的.用歌谷在线翻译了下,乱七八糟的没看懂,才知道是貌似什么 联合国国际