英语翻译原文摘 要中国是一个农业大国,但是我国的农业发展水平却相对落后.随着改革开放的进程在我国不断加深,家庭联产承包责任制已经不能适应农村经济的发展.为了带动农业和农村经

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/02 14:26:38

英语翻译原文摘 要中国是一个农业大国,但是我国的农业发展水平却相对落后.随着改革开放的进程在我国不断加深,家庭联产承包责任制已经不能适应农村经济的发展.为了带动农业和农村经
摘 要

英语翻译原文摘 要中国是一个农业大国,但是我国的农业发展水平却相对落后.随着改革开放的进程在我国不断加深,家庭联产承包责任制已经不能适应农村经济的发展.为了带动农业和农村经
China is a large agricultural country, but the level of agricultural development in China is relatively backward. With the deepening of reform and opening up process in China, the household contract responsibility system has been unable to meet rural economic development. In order to promote the development of agriculture and rural economy, in 1993 China began to implement this new concept of the "industrialization of agriculture". Subsequently, the industrialization of agriculture in Xinjiang continue to grow and develop. The implementation of the industrialization of agriculture to promote rural areas in Xinjiang's rapid economic development, improving the living standards of farmers, while the industrialization of agriculture is an inevitable choice for building a new countryside in China. In the development process of the industrialization of agriculture in Xinjiang has built China's largest wine and long-staple cotton production base, driven by the pace of development of rural areas. However, the industrialization of agriculture in the development of Xinjiang, there are some problems, such as postal savings resulted in a large number of agricultural capital outflows, the Agricultural Bank to change the operating direction, the high cost of private lending, unsound agricultural insurance development, these issues seriously hindered the development of agricultural industrialization in Xinjiang.
This paper analyzes the financial support for the development status of the industrialization of agriculture in Xinjiang, as well as problems, and analyze the reasons leading to these problems. In order to solve these issues related to a series of research and analysis, put forward a reasonable proposal, in order to promote the healthy and rapid development of agricultural industrialization in Xinjiang.
Keywords: Xinjiang; agricultural industrialization; rural finance; perfect

英语翻译原文摘 要中国是一个农业大国,但是我国的农业发展水平却相对落后.随着改革开放的进程在我国不断加深,家庭联产承包责任制已经不能适应农村经济的发展.为了带动农业和农村经 汉译英中国是一个农业大国 中国是一个农业大国,自古各代帝王为发展经济始终坚持的基本国策是什么? 为什么美国是农业大国? 我国是农业大国对吗 中国是一个传统大国.汉译英 中国是第几大国 俄罗斯和美国是世界大国,但农业发展差异大,试从气候分析原因. 英语翻译农业是国民经济的基础,尤其在我国,农业的重要性更加突出。这是因为我国是一个农业大国,1997年我国农业人口占全国总人口的比重在百分之七十以上,农村总产值占社会总产值 美国是一个农业大国吗只需回答是或不是及原因 美国是世界农业大国,其农业特点是什么 中国是一个农业大国,但是中国农村人口占全国人口的百分比是多少?换句话说城市人口占全国人口的百分比是多少?希望是最新统计.三块肉 “民以食为天”,中国是一个传统农业大国,创造了灿烂的农耕文明.请列举两项最早产自中国的农作物 “名以食为天”,中国是一个传统农业大国,创造理灿烂的农耕文明.请举例三项最早产中国的农作物,并用史实 中国是农业大国,官方消息每年都有增长,为什么到了现在还是“农业基础薄弱”,请高手指教. 中国是一个拥有悠久历史的大国的英文翻译 翻译:中国是一个有十三亿人口的大国. “中国是一个历史悠久的大国”翻译成英文