托福作文.打打分吧.点评一下吧~10. "When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.The de

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 23:56:43

托福作文.打打分吧.点评一下吧~10. "When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.The de
10. "When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.
The debate over whether hard work is the only reason for success has been raging for quite a few years in my country. Many hold the idea that luck also is an important reason for success claim that luck sometimes can help us to avoid troubles. Although this point of view embraces some valid point, I insist that it is because of the hard work that makes people become successful from the aspect of the improvement of the skills and the enrichment of the confidence.

The primary reason is that hard work is able to increase the ability of our own which is important for us to success. For instance, because of the hard work, Li Na, the famous Chinese tennis player, became the champions of a lot of games. Because of the hard work, she can largely increase the ability of playing tennis so that it is easier for her to beat others. Otherwise, if she just relied on the luck, she would not have enough ability to succeed for so many times.

It constitutes another reason for my point of view that hard work can help us to become more confident. Like for me, after playing ping-pong for about 6 years, it is easier for me to win the games in the school. It is 6year's hard work that makes me become so confident which can always help me to success. Hard- working can give us the energy to believe in ourselves, while luck can not.

Admittedly, luck can sometimes help us to get out of trouble. However, we can not get the luck every time. The success which gets because of the luck is not the real success. After working for months and trying for years, such success does belong to our own.

To sum up, from the evidence mentioned above results the natural summary that despite the chances of sometimes work, luck has nothing to do with the real success. Therefore, it is the hard work that is the key of the success.
Word Count: 337

托福作文.打打分吧.点评一下吧~10. "When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success." Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.The de
The debate over whether hard work is the only reason for success has been raging for quite a few years in my country.Many hold the idea that luck also is an important reason (老是用reason,老师会打瞌睡的,何妨试一试agent,element?词汇多变是取胜之有效手段)for success claim that luck sometimes can help us to avoid troubles.Although this point of view embraces some valid point(表达同一个意思用同一个词汇,显得很干瘪,嚼之无味啊,倒不如这样写,this viewpoint embraces some seemingly (加强这种观点站不住脚的嫌疑)valid element,或者segment),I insist that it is the hard work(这是一个强调句,如果用了because of hard work ,真正的主语hard work就被架空了,也就是这个j句子没有真正的主语,这是扣分的要害之处,想用高级语法,又用错了,很让那些老师痛恨的,画虎不成反类犬……) that makes people become successful from the aspect of the improvement of the skills (连续用of,很难看,换成skills ‘ improvement)and the enrichment of the confidence.
The primary reason is that hard work is able to (不妨把is able to换成enables,)increase the ability of our own (the ability of our own就是 our own ability了,简单明了)which is important(一直用important,且用很多次,显得你词汇不丰富,很吃亏的哦,crucial,imperative,momentous,principal) for us to success(success是名词,这里不定式应该接一个动词吧,succeed).For instance,because of (because of已经落伍了,用on account of)the hard work,Li Na,the famous Chinese tennis player,became the champions (champion只有一个,怎么能用s呢,引起歧义,)of(介词用错了,应该是in) a lot of(a lot of实在太平民化了,换个高级点的a multitude of) games.Because of the hard work(我看得出来,你连用两个because of是为了加强语气,但是阅卷老师未必能体会你对李娜的赞许,换成这样,And merely for this reason,不仅能让老师一眼看出来你想表达的意思,而且还能有效避免连用两个because of 所体现出来的词汇量不丰富的尴尬),she can largely increase(换成enhance,reinforce) the ability of playing tennis so that it is (加一个far,或者much,加强语气)easier for her to beat(defeat击败,beat击打) others.Otherwise,if she just relied on the luck,she would not have enough ability to succeed for so many times.(刚才用了ability,这里又来?不妙啊,换个说法吧,Otherwise,if she just relied more on the so-called (so-called,带有贬义,用在这里再合适不过了) luck,the moment when she won the France open will come fairly late )
It constitutes another reason for my point of view that hard work can help us to become more confident.Like for me(恕我孤弱寡闻,没有见过这个词汇,应该是as for me),after playing ping-pong for about 6 years,it is easier for me to win the games in the school.It is 6year's hard work that makes me become so confident which can always help me (help sb do sth )success(succeed).Hard- working can give us the energy to believe in ourselves,while luck can not.
Admittedly,luck can sometimes help us to get out of trouble.However,we can not get the luck every time.The success which gets because of the luck is not the real success.After working for months and trying for years,such success does belong to our own.
To sum up,from the evidence mentioned above ( evidence mentioned above 不就是aforementioned evidence的大众版么?换一个高级一点的就不同了)results the natural summary that despite the chances of sometimes work,luck has nothing to do with(换成has no bearing on也不错啊) the real success.Therefore,it is the hard work that is the key of the success.(你用了好几次强调句it is ……that……了,当一篇文章中,相同的词汇,相同的句式,相同的表达法出现之后,后果很严重………… the key of success reside in hard work indeed!)
点评:词汇不是很丰富,句式不是很灵活(通篇都是ability,capacity,capabilities表示意见很大啊……because of用了好几次,那个强调句也用了三次),估计能得到60%的分数(恕我直言啊) ,要想的高分,要用高级一点的词汇(a lot of ,many,expert ,be good at之类的就免了),还要懂得如何灵活变换句式,变换表达法,当你做到这些之后,你的分数不低(虽然我没有考过托福,但请你原谅,你这篇文章仅仅是一篇四六级中下游的文章……)

文章结构不错,不过建议第一段那里分开写一下,先大致写一下The debate over whether hard work is the only reason for success has been raging for quite a few years in my country. 然后的语句另起一段,开始写luck的作用
Many hold the idea that luck ...


文章结构不错,不过建议第一段那里分开写一下,先大致写一下The debate over whether hard work is the only reason for success has been raging for quite a few years in my country. 然后的语句另起一段,开始写luck的作用
Many hold the idea that luck also is an important reason for success claim that luck sometimes can help us to avoid troubles。这一句中claim改成claiming。
第二段中的For instance, because of the hard work 把the hard work 改为her hard work.
第三段中Like for me 把for去掉。
第四段中get这个词用的太多了 可以考虑换成obtain等等
最后一段中,real success前面不要the。hard work前面也不要the
然后,例子可以再多一点,李娜的例子非常好啊!赞一个!我不是考官 也无法给你打分了,你有什么问题可以来问我,我的托福作文还是烤的不错滴~~希望能帮到你





第二段中also应该用在is后,笔误吧? bucuo

托福作文.打打分吧.点评一下吧~10. When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success. Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.The de 雅思大作文 打分以及点评.谢谢.1 请大神点评一下托福作文 TPO16 请帮忙给我的托福作文打分~请懂托福作文打分的或者作文达人打个分(我指30分满分的那种),因为想知道自己的水平如何,这是我头一次写的两篇(另一篇打不下我重发一个提问),虽然只有 求托福高分作文(或范文)(要有点评) 请老师给短文打分,并点评, 托福作文,那里可以修改托福作文啊,我写了托福作文,那里可以找老师点评一下啊 请给这篇初二600字的作文打分,如果满分40分,可以打多少分,请给出中肯的点评,被风吹起夏天今天,星期五,最后一节课我们的语文老师给我们布置一篇作文,题目立“被风吹起的夏天”每次写作 托福写作和雅思写作大小作文各个部分是怎么打分的,评分的标准怎么换算? 请为这篇初二作文打分,满分40分,该打多少分.请中肯点评黑板上的记忆暑期至,车行山角拐弯处,就快接近外婆家时,忽然见到一拨人男男女女在路边把一棵棵小树苗插在已经挖好的土坑里,有人 批改作文要不要打分 这篇托福作文可以打几分?谢谢有考试经验的大虾指教和点评.这是我写的第一篇托福作文,When it comes to the question whether subjects such as art,music,and drama should be a part of every child’s basic education,opinio 求强人给我的托福作文打打分,提提建议With the development of socity jumps a problem of interest which concentrate on whether the only way for energy conservation is increasing the price of gasoling and electricty by government.As for m 打分, 打分 求作文《我给爸爸打分》我给爸爸打分 这人给打打分!满分100! 给我儿子打打分,满分100.