关于历史的英文论文范例哪里有?我需要写篇essay 100左右 关于sino-western cultural interchange

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/02/06 11:34:46

关于历史的英文论文范例哪里有?我需要写篇essay 100左右 关于sino-western cultural interchange
我需要写篇essay 100左右 关于sino-western cultural interchange

关于历史的英文论文范例哪里有?我需要写篇essay 100左右 关于sino-western cultural interchange
Ever since the very ancient time,China has been a ritual country.But in different countries and different regions,there are different forms of etiquettes.This thesis mainly talks about the differences between Chinese and western cultures reflected by etiquettes.The purpose here is to eliminate the barriers of cultural exchange between different countries from the angle of etiquettes.
From the study of the etiquette between both Chinese and western countries,the thesis tries to figure out the cultures between both sides.Firstly,we analyze forms of etiquettes between them,their connections as well as influences.Secondly,we discuss the distinctions between the Chinese and western cultures as well as the impact of value.Finally,we provide some solutions to the different etiquettes between Chinese and western countries.
By thorough analysis of the different etiquettes and cultures in both China and western countries,it is revealed that there does exist connections and effects between them.Therefore,they should be treated with right attitude in proper ways.
Key Words:etiquette; culture; impact; distinction; exchange

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