求一段话的专业翻译【汉译英】非英语专业勿翻,翻译很好的追加100分!弄清了这一阶段的介词演变状况,可以为我们上溯上古汉语介词、下推近代汉语介词,提供重要线索. 本文共分四章.第一

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/20 07:19:30

求一段话的专业翻译【汉译英】非英语专业勿翻,翻译很好的追加100分!弄清了这一阶段的介词演变状况,可以为我们上溯上古汉语介词、下推近代汉语介词,提供重要线索. 本文共分四章.第一
关键词:六部文献 对象介词 中佛比较 南北比较

求一段话的专业翻译【汉译英】非英语专业勿翻,翻译很好的追加100分!弄清了这一阶段的介词演变状况,可以为我们上溯上古汉语介词、下推近代汉语介词,提供重要线索. 本文共分四章.第一
It provides significant clues of Chinese prepositions from Antiquity to the 19th century all through understanding the development of preposition in this period.
This essay is divided into four sections. In the first section, which is also the preface, study of preposition in six documents and from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, studying method and content, standard of evaluation and classification for certain preposition will be stated. Section two will focus on the contrast and comparison of certain preposition in the six documents. The prepositions studied in this section will be classified into four types -- the Agent, the Object, the *Cofactor*/“与事“我真不知道怎么翻译,英文语法好像没有这个名词,co有共同、一起的意思,用在这里不知合适不/, and the *Comparison*. The *Cofactor* will be subdivided into nine types, such as *接受者、指向者、针对者*, etc.. Cofactors of the nine types will be detailed and statistically compiled. Hence, comparisons of *中佛、南北* will be made, which will mainly cover the term, the frequency, the syllable, the age, the order of phrases, and situations where an object is involved. The fact is that prepositions from the documents of *佛典和南朝* are more colloquial than those from the documents of *中土和北朝*. Their subdivisions, however, are otherwise different. In section three, prepositions of the Agent and of the Object as well as the passive tense from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century will be discussed. The section mainly discusses the related tenses of the six documents focusing on certain prepositions. Section four will focus on the study of certain prepositions in the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, including a study comparing *指向者介词*, a study on specific new certain prepositions, a brief analysis on the modern quotation of certain prepositions from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century, and additional certain prepositions which are not found in the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century. In the final section, conclusions about the certain prepositions from the six documents will be made and studies on the certain prepositions from the Chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century will be summarised for further discussion.
Keyword: *六部文献 对象介词 中佛比较 南北比较*
1.我不知道中古汉语具体指什么时期的汉语,文中翻译成了chinese language from the 3rd to 9th century,如果有专属名词最好请教系里高人.
2.对象介词我都给翻译成了certain prepositions 您最好也给谨慎一点,确保没有专业名词.

求一段话的专业翻译【汉译英】非英语专业勿翻,翻译很好的追加100分!弄清了这一阶段的介词演变状况,可以为我们上溯上古汉语介词、下推近代汉语介词,提供重要线索. 本文共分四章.第一 大学英语要学几年非英语专业的 大学英语竞赛a卷b卷有什么区别不是英语专业和非英语专业的区别么 大学英语六级对非英语专业找工作有多大的用?这个证用处大不?我是学软件的,3年制专科,虽然老师说英语很重要,我感觉英语就是认识几个单词,能看懂一段话或一篇文章,真正用来交流的很少, 功放机待机功率的英文翻译?要专业翻译 知识分子形象用地道的英语怎么说【知识分子形象】不单是知识分子。形象用image总觉得不对!求专业翻译. 英语翻译在线跪求英语强人帮忙翻译一篇900字左右的文章,汉译英,不要在线翻译软件,那个语法有问题.跪求强人专业翻译!明天中午前就要, 英语翻译第一次翻译歌词有几句话总觉得怎么都整不顺呢.本人非专业翻译,翻译过程不求章法.所以呢,其中翻译的语法错误、句法错误、词法错误等大家就可以忽略了,我只求感觉意境.下面四 求专业翻译, 不要用翻译器,写论文用,谢谢请翻译一下这一段: 十字军东征,间接的促进了欧洲文艺复兴的出现.欧洲人入侵东方后,发现了在欧洲已经消失了却仍在当地存在的古希腊文化的 本人乃大一新生一只,非英语专业,想买一本英文字典,求大神指导.自己看上的有牛津高阶7版,麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典,只需一本词典,那种比较好?实用型 北京大学非英语专业使用什么英语教材?北京大学本科公共英语使用的是什么教材?教材名称和出版社. 如何提高英语汉译英能力刚大一,英语其他方面还行但是汉译英的能力很差,总会陷入逐字逐句翻译,中文思维方式.如何提高汉译英的能力,非英语专业的,有那些较具体详细的方法, 用英语翻译一段话,谢谢.请专业翻译,不需要网页翻译之类的.柘林湖国家森林公园2004年12月经国家林业局批准建设.公园总面积164.5平方千米,其中包括永修县境内柘林湖区面积72平方千米和其四 英语翻译专业翻译 英语翻译急求序列名称Homo sapiens retinoic acid receptor,beta (RARB),transcript variant 1的中文翻译要生物学的专业翻译! 求大神专业翻译机械类外文翻译一段IntroductionDuplex stainless steels are a combination of austenite and fer-rite, and some grades employ nitrogen as an alloying ingredientwhich promotes austenite formation in welds and improves tough-n 实验结果表明,甜菜碱能够缓解盐胁迫下植物所表现的萎蔫、细胞膜遭到破坏等现象.求翻译,专业翻译 tem4和tem8有必要考吗只有英语专业的学生才能考专业英语吗 在大学非英语专业的比如我是审计专业的 能考哪些英语方面的有用的证书呢