英语翻译新形势下电视广告营销模式探讨摘 要现代电视广告整体泛滥、低级、庸俗,广告已经失去了“广而告之”的初衷,各种电视广告信息硬性传递所造成的嘈杂感给消费者造成疲倦甚至极
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2025/01/24 06:24:43
英语翻译新形势下电视广告营销模式探讨摘 要现代电视广告整体泛滥、低级、庸俗,广告已经失去了“广而告之”的初衷,各种电视广告信息硬性传递所造成的嘈杂感给消费者造成疲倦甚至极
摘 要
现代电视广告整体泛滥、低级、庸俗,广告已经失去了“广而告之”的初衷,各种电视广告信息硬性传递所造成的嘈杂感给消费者造成疲倦甚至极度反感.为了保障公民合法权益,广电总局出台了自2010年1月1日开始实行的《广播电视广告播出管理办法》 (简称“新17号令”).“新17号令”强化了对电视广告的监管,同时也会进一步加强对电视购物节目的管理.此令一出,彷佛是给各地方电视台戴上了“紧箍咒”.迫使各地方电视台寻求创新广告营销模式.本文主要通过对“新17号令”一系列改革的分析,提出了在实行“新17号令”的新形势下,各地方电视台应该实行怎样的新型广告营销模式,才能使自己在这场改革中立于不败之地.其中,重点介绍了植入式广告,点明了植入式广告会是未来广告的趋势.
英语翻译新形势下电视广告营销模式探讨摘 要现代电视广告整体泛滥、低级、庸俗,广告已经失去了“广而告之”的初衷,各种电视广告信息硬性传递所造成的嘈杂感给消费者造成疲倦甚至极
The overall spread of modern television advertising,low,vulgar,advertising has lost its "advertised" in mind,all kinds of TV advertising messages noise caused by passing a rigid sense of fatigue caused to consumers or even revulsion.In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of citizens,SARFT issued since January 1,2010 introduction of the "radio and television advertisements broadcast management approach" (the "17 New Order")."New Order 17" to strengthen the monitoring of TV advertising,but also further strengthen the management of TV shopping programs.This made one,like a local television station to put on a "magic spell." Forcing local stations to find innovative advertising marketing.This article on the "New Order 17," Analysis of a series of reforms put forward in the implementation of the "New Order 17",the new situation,how the local TV stations should implement a new advertising sales model in order to make their stand in this reform invincible position.which focuses on placement,point to understand the future of product placement advertising is advertising trends