
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/07/08 08:07:40

∴ -1=tλ-λ →t=1/2
1=tλ →λ=2

∴ 1/2=tλ →λ=3/2
-1=tλ-λ →t=1/3




When shopping for basketball shoes, you should really try to find those that are comfortable, that offer durability and that help you play at your best. These things are much more important than what ...


When shopping for basketball shoes, you should really try to find those that are comfortable, that offer durability and that help you play at your best. These things are much more important than what the shoe looks like. Basketball shoes are crucial when it comes to making sure you're safe from injury on the basketball court,Air Jordan Basketball, and so you need to take them extremely seriously. To find the shoes that will help you play at your best, use the tips below.Basketball shoes are something that must be handled on a personal basis, but you can look at reviews of the brands that are on the market today. This is how you will want to go if you are clueless as to where to start and you want to see what other people have to say about the shoes on the market. You should not, however,Air Jordan True Flight, choose your basketball shoes strictly on the basis of what others say, as you have to try them on for yourself. On the other hand,Nike Air Jordan Shoes, if more people rate a certain shoe highly, it means it's probably worth checking out to see if you agree with the consensus. On the other hand, if you hear that a lot of people are having problems with a certain type of shoe, you may not want to buy that particular shoe. Today's basketball shoes are made from a variety of materials,Air Jordan 4 Shoes, many of them synthetic. It used to be that basketball shoes were made from leather but today's shoes are a combination of synthetic materials and mesh that make the shoe more durable, and stable. The very first basketball shoe was a canvas one and those shoes are still out there on the courts. Canvas isn't what you would call a modern basketball shoe material, but it does offer comfort and it has a long life. You should make it a habit of trying your basketball shoes on rather than choosing them just because they are made out of a certain material that you like.If possible,Sale Air Jordan Shoes, try any sneakers on before purchasing them. Until recently, this would have been unnecessary to say, but today it's easy to shop online based on photos and descriptions from websites. When you are familiar with a particular brand of shoe and you know what size fits you, then buying it online is not an issue. The time when it's best to go somewhere to try on the shoe is when it's a brand and style that's new to you. You could always do your first round of shopping at an athletic shoe store and then when you've narrowed down your search, go online and look for better prices on shoes you've already tried on. Then you can be confident that the shoe will fit. In general, you won't become a pro by choosing a certain shoe, but you will be more protected on the court. Basketball makes it necessary to get the right shoe to keep your feet and ankles safe. When you're looking for a basketball shoe, keep these tips in mind. When you have the correct shoe, you can play at your best and you won't even think about your feet.


设向量 a,b 是两个不共线的非零向量若 若两个非零向量a与b不共线, 已知a,b是平面上两个不共线的非零向量,若a、1/2b、t(a+b)(t∈R)三向量的起点相同,则t为何值时,这三个向量的终点在同一直线上?我想知道为什么我这样做不对:∵这三个向量终点在同一直线上 已知三个非零向量abc中的任意两个都不共线,若a+b与c共线,且b+c与a共线,试问:向量a+向量c与向量b是否共线?证明你的结论. 已知两个非零向量a和b不共线可以用向量OB=μ向量BC证明么 已知a、b是两个不共线的非零向量,试确定实数k的值,使ka+4b与a+kb共线共线时他们是同向还是反向 1.已知a向量、b向量是两个不共线的非零向量,若AB向量=a向量+b向量,BC向量=2a向量+8b向量,CD向量=3a向量-3b向量,(1)求证:A、B、D三点共线(2).确定是书K的值,使Ka向量+b向量与a向量+Kb向量共线 向量证明三点共线若a、b是两个不共线的非零向量(t属于R),a、tb、1/3(a+b)三向量的起点相同,则t为何值时,三向量终点共线? 已知向量a,b是两个不共线的非零向量,他们的起点相同,且向量a ,tb,1/3(a+b)三个向量量的中点在同一直线上,求实数t的值 设a,b是不共线的两个非零向量,若8a+kb与ka+2b共线,求k值 设向量a,向量b是两个不共线的非零向量,t∈R设向量a、向量b是两个不共线的非零向量(t∈R)(1)记向量OA=向量a,向量OB=t向量b,向量OC=1/3(向量a+向量b),那么当实数t为何值时,A、B、C三点共线 设a、b、c是任意的非零平面向量,且互相不共线,则1.(ab)c-(ca)b=02.|a|-|b| ·请教·想要问几道关于高一数学平面向量的问题·设e1,e2为两个不共线的向量,若a=e1+λe2与b=-(2e1-3e2)共线,则λ=?·已知a,b是两个非零向量,且∣a∣= ∣b∣=∣a-b∣求a与a+b的夹角.·在四边形ABCD中,向 已知向量e1,向量e2是平面内两个不共线的非零向量,向量AB=2向量e1+向量e2,向量BE=向量-e1+入向量e2,向量EC=-2向量e1+向量e2,且A,E,C三点共线①求实数入的值②若向量e1=(2,1),向量e2=(2,-2)求向量BC 1.已知向量a、b,且向量AB=a+2b,向量BC= -5a+6b,向量CD=7a-2b,则一定共线的三点是?(A).A.B.D (B).A.B.C (C).B.C.D (D).A.C.D.2.已知a与b是两个不共线向量,且向量a+λb与-(b-3a)共线,则λ=?3.已知平面上不共线的四点 已知向量a,b是两个非零向量,当a+tb的模取得最小值时:(1)求t的值;(2)已知a,b共线同...已知向量a,b是两个非零向量,当a+tb的模取得最小值时:(1)求t的值;(2)已知a,b共线同向,求证:b垂直于(a+tb) 已知向量a,b是两个非零向量,当a+tb的模取得最小值时:(1)求t的值;(2)已知a,b共线同...已知向量a,b是两个非零向量,当a+tb的模取得最小值时:(1)求t的值;(2)已知a,b共线同向,求证:b垂直于(a+tb) 设a,b,c是任意的非零平面向量,且互不共线,则①|a|-|b|