求一篇英文演讲稿(有关校庆50周年的 时间为5分钟)最好是歌颂青春的本人为此事正陷入苦恼中 能给出满意答复者本人必会重谢!主要 是英文演讲啊

来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 10:14:49

求一篇英文演讲稿(有关校庆50周年的 时间为5分钟)最好是歌颂青春的本人为此事正陷入苦恼中 能给出满意答复者本人必会重谢!主要 是英文演讲啊
求一篇英文演讲稿(有关校庆50周年的 时间为5分钟)最好是歌颂青春的
本人为此事正陷入苦恼中 能给出满意答复者本人必会重谢!
主要 是英文演讲啊

求一篇英文演讲稿(有关校庆50周年的 时间为5分钟)最好是歌颂青春的本人为此事正陷入苦恼中 能给出满意答复者本人必会重谢!主要 是英文演讲啊
  星移斗转,沧桑巨变,五十年时光弹指一挥间.在我和所有校友心目中的母校,永远是科学知识的神圣殿堂和奋发向上的精神家园——她是那样致力于文化的传播,学业的精进,人格的塑造,灵魂的升华;她是那样崇尚奋斗,拒绝平庸,激励学子们以不断探索的精神去无所畏惧地进行拼搏;她是那样以清纯的校风、严谨的教风和求真的学风,去熏陶和培育一代又一代渴求知识、渴望成才的莘莘学子们!母校较高的教育质量、出色的办学水平令全校师生骄傲,令家长自豪,令社会景仰!I am very pleased to be able to stand on this rostrum, participate in the celebration speech contests. To tell the truth I do not have any outstanding speech talent, only to see the surrounding students in a positive response to the 90 celebration. I can not help but to join them, I hope to contribute to a force of its own.
  90 contained Chlamys wind and weather the storm, 90 Chunhua Qiushi. 2008, Jimei University ushered in the 90 birthday. In this 90 years, Jimei University through ups and downs, but it also created a brilliant one. After continuous development keep pace with the times, it now has become a marine and aquatic disciplines characteristics, undergraduate education, actively training of personnel multidisciplinary university.
  Jimei University as a student, from the first step freshman entering school, we started to take root here, germination and continuous growth. Jimei University in these days has brought me great significance university life. A stunning range of seminars, competitions, big and small, extra-curricular activities…… in this colorful campus life, a good learning environment and academic atmosphere, we see a broad, an increase of exposure. From here, we begin the pursuit of their own warm ideal artificial their own youth, flying their own passion. Here, the wrong okay, where the subject had no setbacks, to dare to try, to dare to contact new things, and the courage to use our passion to describe our own university life. There is a saying by the good "would not have tried to regret." / / / Just remember that the incoming freshman, until now, I had to actively participate in their own meaningful activities, today I stand at this stage are a good illustration of these. In the hope that all of this big family of Jimei University open mind, and the Jimei University of forging ahead!
  Jimei University when the 90th anniversary celebration, I would like to sit are lucky. Good for a long time now, I often see the Internet throughout the establishment of the Alumni Association, the Chinese must feel like boiling up. The fellow students who have already graduated from school sister are with their own actions, their own ways to celebrate the 90th anniversary of his alma mater, as students, can do something about it? In fact, we do not need any donations, do not need to create what we need is the passion involved. We are now in the arms of his alma mater, do not take action, but also wait until when?
  In a grand celebration of the soon to come, and I hope to use my speech to encourage more people to participate in the celebration activities, jointly celebrate this grand day. Finally, I would like to conclude my remarks today sentence to the speech: "The World, Jimei University is a university, but for us, Jimei University is the whole world!"
  Xingchidouzhuai, tremendous changes, a short span of 50 years time. I am in the eyes of the alumni and all his alma mater, scientific knowledge is always the sacred shrines and progressive spiritual home - she is so committed to the dissemination of culture, academic elaborate personality, the shape and soul of the distillation; as she is advocating struggle, refused to mediocrity, and to encourage students to continue the spirit of fearless exploration carried out struggle; she is purified as to the ethos of the school, the wind and rigorous style of being, to nurture and foster the desire for knowledge generation after generation, students eager to succeed! His alma mater, the higher the quality of education, excellent teachers and students make the school proud, proud parents, the community looks!