
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:六六作业网 时间:2024/10/05 14:48:15


1 A healthy body is necessary for a healthy mind. As is known, to have a sound mind, we must first have a sound body. This is of vital importance. Only by keeping ourselves healthy and strong can we feel energetic and vigorous in studying and working and live a happy life. To keep ourselves fit, physical exercise is the best way. In taking part in out-door sports, we are closer to nature and can take in fresh air. The beauty of nature will keep us clear-headed, which is essential to our health. Besides, sports stimulate the circulation of blood and help to excrete the wastes in the body. Sports can also work up our appetite and activate our digestion. As a result, we can become strong-bodied. I always take an active part in physical exercise and enjoy good health. I seldom get sick but feel vigorous even if I work a whole daylong. I shall keep up doing physical exercise so as to live longer and do more for the country. 2 Movement and health relations In modern life, because the electrification, the mechanization, the automation entered people's working conditions and the family, compares with on several generation of people, we approximately may little consume 1/3 physical strength, added the leisure time and the entertainment way already by the electronic mechanical games, the computer, the television, VCD, the on-line life is occupied, the people lacked the movement which should have. Along with the modernized degree enhancement, lacks the physical labor and the sports phenomenon can be more serious. The life style and the work way change, causes people's health to receive the very big threat. First, lacks the movement to be possible to cause the human body metabolism function to drop, this kind of person contracts the obesity, the diabetes, the hypertension, the brain stroke, the heart disease possibility wants compared to persist reasonable movement the person outdoes five to eight times; The heart function wants 早衰 above for ten years; The arteriosclerosis, the nephrosis, the gallstones, osteoporosis sickness, the cancer, the mental depression disease incidence rate also obviously elevates. A medical research indicated that, year to year uses sits in meditation the body posture life and the work person, its mortality rate obviously is higher than the maintenance movement person; The body always maintains the relatively static condition to the health the harm, is equal to smokes package of cigarette every day. As unwise modern people, if realizes oneself lacks the corresponding physiological load of exercise, should give oneself adds a duty □□to extract 30 every day to 60 minutes, uses for to carry on suits to own sports. If a person wants the health, energetically the life and the work, wants to postpone senilly, lengthens the life, wants the person which follows the intimate to fall in love to walk the watch the long farther road, wants fully to enjoy the life, then must in own every day life, join movement this duty. The life lies in the truth which the movement is 亘古不变, certainly must remember yo! 运动与健康的关系 现代生活中,由于电气化、机械化、自动化已进入了人们的工作环境和家庭,与上几代人相比,我们大约可少消耗三分之一的体力,加之休闲时光和娱乐方式已经被电子游戏机、电脑、电视、VCD、网上生活所占据,人们就更缺乏应有的运动了.随着现代化程度的提高,缺乏体力劳动和体育运动的现象会更加严重. 生活方式和工作方式的改变,使人们的健康受到很大威胁. 首先,缺乏运动可使人体新陈代谢功能下降,此类人患肥胖症、糖尿病、高血压、脑中风、心脏病的可能性要比坚持合理运动的人高出五至八倍;心脏功能要早衰十年以上;动脉硬化、肾病、胆石症、骨质疏松症、癌症、精神抑郁症的发病率也明显升高. 一项医学研究表明,常年采用静坐体位生活和工作的人,其死亡率明显高于保持运动的人;身体总是保持相对静止状态对健康的危害,相当于每天吸一包烟. 作为明智的现代人,如果意识到自己缺乏相应的运动量,就应给自己加一项任务——每天抽出三十至六十分钟,用来进行适合于自身的体育运动. 如果一个人想要健康、精力充沛地生活和工作,想要推迟衰老、延长寿命,想要伴随相亲相爱的人走更长更远的路,想要充分享受生命,那么就要在自己的每日生活中,加入运动这一项任务. 生命在于运动是亘古不变的真理,一定要记住呦! 3 SKI WITH JUSTIN, CAMERON AND MAYBE CINDY I may have boasted to you before that I spent a ski season working in Aspen, Colorado, a few years ago, but I've only just got over the disappointment of being on the wrong run at the right time during a crisp, sunny day in January. "Did you see her?" asked my friend, when I came off the slope. "Eh, who?" I asked. "Cindy Crawford. You must have seen her. She was coming down Big Burn at the same time you were up there and stopped to help someone who had fallen over. Everyone's talking about it." Unfortunately, I'd taken a different route down the mountain and was left to imagine what she would have looked like helping a stricken fellow skier and, no doubt, several other men who had spotted her and suddenly decided they were in need of urgent medical attention. Perhaps she would have been wearing an all-in-one silver outfit with one of those big Californian headbands? Anyway, it never ceases to amaze me when the media feel the need to applaud celebrities for acting like any other responsible human being. Cindy was simply being a good citizen as were Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, when they recently went to the aid of a woman lying in a heap, screaming in agony on a slope in the resort of Telluride, Colorado. Good on the Hollywood duo but, to read some US newspapers, you'd think they'd saved the lives of millions of starving children. According to one report I read: "Justin and Cameron had been on the slopes and were going down a red run when they saw someone bang into a brunette. And she went flying. Everyone just looked on shocked as she landed in a heap on the ground screaming with pain and it looked as though she had broken her legs. No one had any idea the couple who dashed to help her were, until 20 minutes later when they took their hats and masks off to meet the paramedics who'd turned up. They were amazing and you'd never have thought they were so famous." P-lease. While quietly applauding their actions, it should be seen as the norm and ridiculous diva-like behaviour condemned, rather than the other way round.